Intuition as Design Dialogue: Discovering a Language beyond Words
Published 2008-05-01“…Henri Bergson considered the truest form of knowing to be attainable only through acts of intuition, as he believed the intuitive state created a direct connection to reality itself.For architecture, a field that is grounded in experience, it is important to balance the drive of the intellect with intuitive strategies, which help move toward the unification of data under an experiential aegis. …”
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Poesia e transferência nos Quatro Quartetos, de T. S. Eliot
Published 2012-10-01“…Eliot’s poetic production, the Four Quartets carry out a poetical reflection on time under the direct influence of Henri Bergson’s philosophy. What we would like to show in this article is how Eliot’s poetical use of Bergson’s concept of durée makes it possible for the poet to articulate poetry and thought in a unique combination which is peculiar to Eliot’s poetry. …”
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Umělecká tvořivost v úvahách A. N. Whiteheada a H. Bergsona
Published 2017-03-01“…The article is a discussion of Alfred North Whitehead’s and Henri Bergson’s considerations of the difference between creativity and stagnation in art. …”
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Sonos e sonhos proustianos
Published 2012-10-01“…Os rascunhos de Albertine retomam, no entanto, essa reflexão sobre o sono e a lembrança (discussão com Henri Bérgson). O passeio onírico com Albertine até o Bois de Boulogne e a Saint-Cloud deixam a questão em aberto, antes de O Tempo redescoberto.…”
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Erico Verissimo: um Proust guasca?
Published 2019-06-01“…Para isso, serão utilizados os pressupostos teóricos de Henri Bergson, Harald Weinrich e Pierre Nora. …”
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L’expérience de Persona et la création du concept d’image-affection par Gilles Deleuze
Published 2013-12-01“…On the one hand, the article emphasizes that experiencing this film allowed Deleuze to construct the concept of « image-affection, » thereby helping him to reconnect with a problematic specific to Henri Bergson, in spite of the latter’s virulent condemnation of cinema. …”
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“Telling stories has always been the art of telling them again”
Published 2012-11-01“…This article discusses a few points of the improvisational process during the creation of the play Cinco tempos para a morte relating them to experiences of presence found during the process, based on the writings of Richard Schechner, Henri Bergson and Walter Benjamin. In order to do so, we chose two scenes performed by the authors of the play themselves in which they talk about two events from their own lives, putting them in the position to offer the audience real testimonies without the intermediation of a character.…”
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Published 2013-11-01“…Henri Bergson sinemayı felsefik söyleme taşıyan düşünürlerin başında gelir. …”
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Impersonalità ed empatia in Katherine Mansfield: un percorso tra letteratura, cinema, filosofia e psicoanalisi
Published 2022-11-01“…Mansfield's private writings and stories will be compared with specific aspects of the works of Henri Bergson (sympathy), Edith Stein (empathy), Martin Buber (relationship), C.G. …”
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Novas formas do documentário: o documentário interativo
Published 2016-07-01“…A partir de conceitos elaborados principalmente por Gilles Deleuze e Henri Bergson e do estudo de casos de documentários interativos, serão abordados em particular os problemas da imagem, da definição e de uma taxonomia no campo do documentário interativo.…”
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Activating Temporalities: The Political Power of Artistic Time
Published 2018-07-01“…In addition to Marx, especially his view of temporality, and to Henri Bergson as a major philosopher of time, the article also establishes connections with the ideas of contemporary cultural analyst Kaja Silverman. …”
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The moment and the future: Kierkegaard's Oieblikket and Soloveitchik's view of repentance
Published 2016“…In the past, thinkers such as Max Scheler, Hermann Cohen, and Henri Bergson have been suggested as sources of influence on Soloveitchik on this account. …”
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Escape from Evil? Notes on Capacity, Tragedy, Coding and Non-Destructive Immortality Projects
Published 2015-09-01“…Focussing on the point where Becker left the discussion when he died in 1974 we make an attempt here, still with an eye on the aforementioned question, to explore the work of a number of philosophers whose work we know Becker was familiar with: Benedictus de Spinoza, Henri Bergson, and Albert Camus. In their work, it is argued here, one could find elements towards thinking through the question of evil, and the (im)possibility of escaping it.…”
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Investigar para transformar desde el lenguaje
Published 2023-01-01“… Hace más de cien años, el filósofo francés Henri Bergson (1963) nos enseñó que “existir consiste en cambiar, cambiar madurando, madurar creándose indefinidamente a sí mismo, [lo que significa que] somos artesanos de la vida, de sus momentos” (p. 444), por lo que cada momento sería una especie de acto creativo. …”
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"Contar histórias sempre foi a arte de contá-las de novo"
Published 2012-09-01“… O presente artigo discute alguns aspectos do processo improvisacional da criação do espetáculo "Cinco tempos para a morte" e os relaciona à experiência de presença descoberta nesse trabalho, a partir do pensamento de Richard Schechner, Henri Bergson e Walter Benjamin. Para tanto são pinçadas duas cenas performadas pelas próprias autoras na montagem mencionada, que consistem na narração de dois acontecimentos vividos pelas atrizes, colocando-as na situação de realizar um depoimento diante da platéia, sem a intermediação de um personagem. …”
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Bergson e la filosofia della mente contemporanea. un confronto con l’esternalismo
Published 2019-12-01“…The aim of this paper is to compare this contemporary developments in Philosophy of Mind and the body-mind theory of Henri Bergson (1859-1941) in order to show how the work of the French philosopher has anticipated the main theoretical concepts of Externalism.…”
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Habent sua fata libelli: psicología, de H. Delgado y M.Iberico. esencia y destino de un clásico
Published 1989-06-01“…Se aprecia la influencia de las ideas de psicólogos y filósofos franceses y alemanes (especialmente Henri Bergson y Max Scheler) en los autores de este libro. …”
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Constructing a Space Time Experience of a Moving Loss
Published 2018-07-01“…The analysis touches on the philosophical ideas of Michel Foucault, Jean Baudrilliard, and Jean-Pierre Vernant and engages the philosophies of Henri Bergson and Gilles Deleuze where the ideas of the embodied memory and the cinematic perception of time are developed. …”
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Time, Moment, Eternity: Hieroglyphs and Meditations in Yakov Druskin’s Philosophy
Published 2021-07-01“…This focus on temporality as an existential problem engendered some major philosophical projects, which aimed at complete revision of how philosophy should be done, including Henri Bergson, Edmund Husserl, Franz Rosenzweig. The main part outlines a philosophical project of Yakov Druskin who addressed the problem of temporality in a highly original manner. …”
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H. Bergson on the Problem of Origin of Life
Published 2024-04-01“… Henri Bergson’s conjectures about the origin of life avoid providing a solution to the problem, and yet he did make some suggestions. …”
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