Interpretación Whig de la Historia
Published 2012-06-01“…Esta selección de capítulos ofrece al lector dos argumentos centrales en la crítica de Herbert Butterfield a la denominada “historia whig”. El autor presenta la historia whig como una interpretación del pasado como una sucesión de eventos que necesariamente han conducido al presente. …”
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La reconstruction du passé anglo-écossais par les premiers historiens whigs de l’Union (1707)
Published 2017-12-01“…While they sometimes fall into the methodological traps warned against by Herbert Butterfield, they achieve a truly Whig interpretation of the Anglo-Scottish past, which assigns a central role to the concept of liberty, although it differs from the Victorian Whig-Liberal interpretation of that past on account of the importance it attributes to Providence.…”
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Analogies in the social construction of the US-North Korean security dilemma
Published 2010“…In most of the academic literature since the introduction of the security dilemma by John Herz and Herbert Butterfield in 1950-51, the concept has been dominated by neorealist scholars such as Robert Jervis, Ken Waltz, Charles Glaser and John Mearsheimer. …”
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