Economic integration in the face of new challenges for the European economy
Published 2023-03-01“…It is justified to increase the role of the political spill-over effect and the assumptions of heterodox economics. Historical experience leads to the conclusion that failure to take appropriate initiatives may trigger the disintegration mechanism and, consequently, the collapse of the European integration project. …”
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A multidisciplinary-economic framework of analysis
Published 2017-11-01“…Neoclassical economists use this world as a theoretical foundation for their empirical research. Heterodox economics rejects this strategy of isolating one motivation, a strategy that ignores the psychic and the social problem. …”
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Las ciencias de la complejidad y sus aportes la la disciplina económica: Una visión General
Published 2008-12-01“…The writing a description of the most important characteristics of the so-called sciences of complexity or complex systems and its relation to the critique of orthodox economics and the progress of heterodox economics in the formulation of a holistic understanding and, therefore closer to reality. …”
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Households Behaviour towards Sustainable Energy Management in Poland—The Homo Energeticus Concept as a New Behaviour Pattern in Sustainable Economics
Published 2021-05-01“…The presented article belongs to the research school of sustainable development economics as a relatively new science discipline within the broader area of heterodox economics. This paper is based on literature studies of homo concepts in economics, sociology and psychology. …”
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American utopias in the 19th century: Religious versus ideological farms in the west of the United States
Published 2023-01-01“…This review is based on a heterodox economic approach, used in the disciplines of Religion and Economics. …”
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Coup d`etat in the biosphere: the ecosystem at the capital service
Published 2012-03-01“…Synergies between two heterodox economic approaches, ecological economics and feminist economics, contribute to the constitution of a paradigm focused on universal wellbeing and on the maintenance of human and natural life.…”
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From Orthodoxy to Heterodoxy: Financial Crisis Literature Compared
Published 2016-12-01“…In this paper we’ll attempt to explain the connection between interventionism in financial markets, financial crises and economic downturns, as the main cause of the financial crisis mainstream models; As well as the connection between the theories of Austrian and Minsky’s economic cycle as branches of heterodox economic theory. In order to achieve this target, we’ll begin with a brief introduction of mainstream financial crises models in the orthodox economic literature, then we’ll examine the statements of the Austrian Business Cycle Theory and the Financial Instability Hypothesis, and evaluate whether a connection between the two. …”
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La teoría marxista del valor: Balance crítico de los debates recientes
Published 1988-07-01“…The value theory, as Marx's analytical construction basis, is used in this article to present a panoramic view of the different current versions with an emphasis on the idea of abstract labor, where value takes a monetary form, in relationship to political economy and general equilibrium, or the neoricardian theory.The last part of the article, states that Marx theoretical ambiguity can only be overcome once the failure of some parts of its analysis recognized and it accepts certain clues stated in modern heterodox economic though, such as the idea of "separation" and its obliged symmetry monetary economics.…”
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Published 2012-04-01“… Recently, a series of heterodox economic trends (bioeconomics, ecological economics, behavioral economics, neuroeconomics, etc ) have become more and more present in economics (even more, due to the coming and the development of the unprecedented economic crisis). …”
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Banking concentration and financial reorganization: Greece, Portugal, and Spain in the post-crisis period
Published 2019-12-01“…The methodological approach combines the review of the heterodox economic literature with the analysis of the financial statistics of the main banks in the three countries in the interpretation of the crisis. …”
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Published 2012-01-01“…This article aims at giving an account of the most characteristic features of this renewal, the way it has permeated the economic thinking in the last three decades as well as its main implications on the characteristics of the scientific production, both in conventional economics and heterodox economic thought.…”
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The housing market-bank credit relationship: Some thoughts on its causality
Published 2014-01-01“…However, this alternative direction of the causality of demand for money-credit and economic activity has been present in the heterodox economic thought since the 1930s and should be reconsidered in the current situation. …”
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Nature, economics, property and commons. Subversive notes inspired by Elinor Ostrom
Published 2014-03-01“…Nature-economy relations also are the result of economics’ concepts, ideas and paradigms. Heterodox economic views and paradigms are urgently needed to foster shifts towards the planet’s future sustainability paths. …”
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Les origines statisticiennes de l’économie des conventions : réflexivité et expertise
Published 2011-03-01“…The line of heterodox economic thinking named “the economics of conventions” (l’économie des conventions) emerged in the 1980s in France. …”
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Théorie de la régulation et histoire du droit :un croisement fertile
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Modern Democratic Left and Economic Crisis
Published 2011-01-01“…Macroeconomic policy decision-makers in Croatia should reject orthodox policies, and it is necessary to implement heterodox economic policies. There is an urgent need to achieve a new (post)Keynesian consensus, a new combination of post-Keynesian economics and social democracy…”
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The surprising reduction of inequality during a commodity boom: what do we learn from Latin America?
Published 2019“…Past experience and both orthodox and heterodox economic theories lead us to expect a positive relationship between income inequality and commodity booms. …”
Journal article -
Another look at economic approaches to environmental management and policy with reference to developments in South Africa
Published 2016-12-01“…A broad outline of the trends in both orthodox and heterodox economic approaches is also presented. The traditional split between environmental and ecological economics is not doing justice to recent developments in the field. …”
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Affording mobility: attending to the socio-material affordances of transport un/affordability
Published 2023“…However, despite the growing influence of relational and heterodox economic thinking in a range of geographic sub-disciplines, the cost of transport is still largely conceptualised in universalising, binary, and purely quantitative terms, as either affordable or unaffordable. …”
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Le renouvellement de la pensée économique durant la crise des années 1930. Le découplage théorie économique / politique économique
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