Published 2014-06-01“…The current Sunda Wiwitan belief has been heavily influenced by Hinduism and Islam. Hindu influence gave rise to the concept of gods in their belief, while the influence of Islam gave rise to the terms Allah as God, Adam Tunggal, Adam and Eve, the Shahada (Profession) of Prophet Muhammad, Circumcision, Shahada in marriages. …”
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Secularity as a tool for religious indoctrination and identity formation: a case of semi-urban community in Nepal
Published 2018-06-01“…This article presents the complexity of a secularization process that goes on in a state where Hinduism is culturally embedded and dominant. The term 'secular' is meant to indicate the state's 'dis-involvemet' in religious issues. …”
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Alternative Spirituality in W.B. Yeats’s Writings
Published 2015-06-01“…Drawing on and challenging at the same time the Christian tradition of his country, but also Neo-Platonism, Hinduism and the occult (Theosophy, The Order of the Golden Dawn, spiritualism and folklore), Yeats placed spirituality at the center of his life and writings. …”
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Managing the attitudes of breast cancer patients towards physical activity in a multicultural environment
Published 2022-12-01“… Based on a review of literature, the article presents the main problems and barriers in the diagnostics, treatment and prevention of breast cancer among women representing various cultures, mainly those following Islam and Hinduism. Hospitals and oncology centers that serve diverse populations should consider the religious needs of female breast cancer patients which have been described in this paper. …”
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Published 2020-04-01“…There are Islam, Christian, and Hinduism. The tolerance between religious communities in Anggrasmanis village was maintained even though it was often tinged with tension and suspicion. …”
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Islamic banking patronizing behavior in Mauritius: does religion matter?
Published 2014“…Mauritius is a secular country with mostly people from Hinduism faith and only around twenty percent are Muslims. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A systematic assessment of 'Axial Age' proposals using global comparative historical evidence
Published 2018“…This period is said to have witnessed an ‘axial’ or ‘pivotal’ transformation in the relationship between rulers and ruled and laws and customs together with the emergence of a new form of moralising religion and ideology, as manifested in Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Judaism, Platonism, and Zoroastrianism. Much Axial Age scholarship attempts to characterize these changes, starting with the argument that numerous major religious figures promoting similar moralizing and equity-promoting ideologies emerged at roughly the same time in a handful of arguably disconnected societies, ultimately morphing into some of the world's most widespread ideologies. …”
Journal article -
The origin of heresy in Hindu mythology
Published 1973“…<p>Hinduism has always been noted for its ability to absorb potentially schismatic developments. …”
Thesis -
Toward the impacts of Indian drama serials on Bangladeshi family system: an overview of people’s perception
Published 2013“…Study also disclosed that these daily soaps impose Hinduism culture in every sphere of life of Bangladeshi people. …”
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An evaluation of literature related to the phenomenon of building Shrines within the residence compound among Malaysian Indians
Published 2014“…As yet no research is found on the subject and it is recommended that a study must be carried out in order to ascertain whether the building of shrines within the residence compound is permitted in theAgmnic rules of Hinduism. This article aims at looking at the literatures related to the phenomenon of establishing shrines within the residence compound which would help one to conduct a research on the above-mentioned subject…”
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Alam sekitar dan peranan manusia:kajian dari perspektif pelbagai agama.
Monograph -
Bukit Kasih Kanonang as a Religious Tourism Site Based on Local Wisdom of North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Published 2023-03-01“…As a site that blends Christian elements, local traditional elements and values of tolerance among the world’s major religions namely Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism, this beautiful piece of land includes a number of sites such as a monument to tolerance, a house of worship for each religion, a giant crucifix, statues, and the faces of Minahasan ancestors carved into cliff faces. …”
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East and West in Kim and Gora
Published 2009-09-01“…Tagore’s novel is a scathing exposure of the narrowness, bigotry and stupidity of Hinduism. Where it differs artistically from Kim is that the racial problems in it are treated on a purely human level. …”
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Mestring og balanse. Trekk ved ung hindureligiøsitet
Published 2017-05-01“…Deltakerne i undersøkelsen er mellom 16 og 25 år. Nøkkelord: Hinduisme, tamil, ungdom, distrikts-Norge, gudsoppfatning, hverdagsreligion…”
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Upaya Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Agama Hindu Melalui Penerapan Model Reading Guide Berbasis PAIKEM di Kelas VI di SD Negeri 3 Cakranegara
Published 2017-09-01“…This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the application of PAIKEM Based Reading Model Guide in an effort to increase the students learning activity of Hinduism Class VI of SD Negeri 3 Cakranegara. The benefit of this research is as references in the implementation of the learning process in the real class. …”
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Offline eller online bhakti: Fra mediering til medialisering?
Published 2020-05-01“… English abstract: In this article, I will give a short outline of the Hindu bhakti-worship and introduce various mediation techniques and forms throughout the history of Hinduism until modern times. With this as the point of departure, I will discuss whether a current medialization of bhakti through cyberspace – bhakti online – can be equivalent to bhakti offline, where the worshipper is understood as having a more direct contact with a divine presence. …”
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Muslim Apocalyptic Consciousness: Representation of Imam al-Mahdi (a.s) in Literature
Published 2020-09-01“…The concept of apocalypse is well established in all the major religions of the world, be they Semitic religions (which include, Judaism, Christianity and Islam) or Hinduism. The underlying idea behind the concept in all the religions remains the same, that is, the world will come to an end. …”
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Peningkatan Kompetensi Profesional Dosen Menuju Kualitas Pendidikan Tingi Agama Hindu Dan Sumber Daya Manusia Hindu
Published 2018-02-01“…Especially in relation to the higher education of Hinduism is also a thing that is still rare to be observed by practitioners of Hindu religious education in particular and education globally in general. …”
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Published 2012-11-01“…One of India influence was its religion i.e. Hinduism and Buddhism. Both religion then resemblance in material culture such as sacred building (temple), rites utensils (statue, bell, monk stick finial, etc.), or inscription. …”
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Remarques sur les stratifications sociales et les solidarités chez les Musulmans du Sindh colonial
Published 2005-01-01“…As elsewhere in the Indian empire, British officers soon became interested in the local populations of this out-of-the-way province that acted as a border between the Hindu dominated territories and the Muslim continuum.They wrote descriptive accounts and compared the populations of Sindh and their occupations with the social and economic organisation of other populations in the empire, and tried to place them within the ideological scheme of Hinduism. These often meticulous reports testified to a thorough knowledge of the populations and provide, even today, most of the data relating to the topic.Our study examines the link between the hierarchization of Muslim populations and the renewed solidarities during the colonial period which extended for about one century. …”
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