Discovery of drugs to combat covid-19 inspired by traditional Chinese medicine
Published 2023Get full text
Journal Article -
Innovations of history education in the High Schools, ICSS, Malaysia
Published 2010Get full text
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Understanding the Islam Hadhari and ethnic relations: a non-Muslim perspective
Published 2009Get full text
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Piety, change and display in the New Kingdom.
Published 2011“…Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental 15: 75–106.…”
Book section -
John Bellenden's Chronicles of Scotland
Published 2010“…<p>John Bellenden's <em>Chronicles of Scotland</em> (1531-r. 1537) is a humanist Scots translation of Hector Boece's <em>Scotorum Historia</em> (1527). As the first full-scale printed national history in the vernacular, the <em>Chronicles</em> assumed a pivotal role in sixteenth-century Scottish literary culture. …”
Thesis -
The natural history of iguanura geonomaeformis martius: a Malayan undergrowth palmlet
Published 1972“…The specific epithet is apposite, as Martius notes in Historia Naturalis Palmarum (1823-50) that these are "Palmae arundinaceae habitu geonomae." …”
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Masculinidad, identidad guerrera y la imagen del regular marroquí en la propaganda del bando sublevado en la Guerra Civil española
Published 2017“…It draws on a range of textual and visual sources, including Falangist publications and Joaquín Arrarás’ Historia de la cruzada española, along with Carlos Sáenz de Tejada’s illustrations of the text.…”
Journal article -
Oltre la storia nazionale? Tre risposte alle sfide della global history
Published 2019“…Similar in ambition, object and structure, these works are: Histoire mondial de la France, Storia mondiale dell’Italia and Historia mundial de España. All three share a sense of urgency as to the need to update historiographical tools and practices, in particular by critically reviewing the predominance of the national analytical framework in favour of a plurality of focal points capable of visualizing different spatialities, encompassing local, national and global. …”
Journal article -
Ivory in West Africa, c. 100 to 1900 CE: archaeological evidence and future research priorities
Published 2021Book section -
Constantine's donation to the 'bishop and pope of the city of Rome'
Published 2005“…The closest parallel to <em>urbis Romae episcopo et pape</em> occurs in [Nennius], <em>Historia Brittonum 50</em>, with a change in syntactic order that entails the translation 'bishop and pope of Rome'.…”
Journal article -
To produce “a pleasing effect”: Taíno shell and stone cibas and Spanish cuentas in the early colonial Caribbean
Published 2018“…Pigorini,” a belt from the Weltmuseum Wien, and a cache of beads in a wooden vessel from the collections of the Museo de Historia, Antropología y Arte, Universidad de Puerto Rico. …”
Journal article -
Interstitial Intelligence: Human-Rodent Sensing, Cognition, and Work in Morogoro, Tanzania
Published 2022“…Katika sehemu ya kwanza, ninawasilisha historia ya maendeleo ya utafiti wa panya nchini Tanzania kuanzia kipindi cha ukoloni wa Uingereza. …”
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Thesis -
Reassessing the career of Óláfr Tryggvason in the Insular world
Published 2019“…It focuses on his career in the Insular world (that is, Britain, Ireland and the associated islands), as presented in the twelfth-century synoptic histories (Historia Norwegiae, Theodoricus monachus, and Ágrip af Nóregskonungasǫgum) and in the late twelfth- and thirteenth-century sagas, particularly Oddr Snorrason’s saga and Snorri Sturluson’s Heimskringla. …”
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'Æðele geferes’: northern saints in a Durham manuscript
Published 2017“…De abbatibus and its associated miscellanea precede a section containing Symeon of Durham’s Libellus de exordio atque procursu istius, hoc est dunhelmensis, ecclesie and the Anonymous Historia de sancto Cuthberto; the section concludes with the Old English poem Durham. …”
Book section -
Homero nos poetas líricos: recepção e transmissão
Published 2016“…‘Não há Virgílios’ na Grécia arcaica, e a concepção não tem lugar na história da literatura grega mais antiga. </p> …”
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Vernacular literature in eighth- and ninth-century Mercia
Published 2017“…I also propose that the style of illumination of the earliest extant copies of the Old English <em>Historia ecclesiastica</em> may be influenced by Mercian, Tiberius style.…”