Finger Rings with the Image of Archangel Michael of the Late 6th – 7th Centuries from Crimea
Published 2019-12-01“…The presented finger rings depicting Archangel Michael are an important source for studying the early stage of the history of Christianity in the South-Western Crimea and the Bosporus. …”
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The Role and Significance of Karl Barth`s Works for the Protestant Theology of the Twentieth Century.
Published 2020-03-01“…The article reveals not only the attitude towards Barth`s theological heritage that was showed by his protestant colleagues, but also reveals the sincere admiration for his theology from some Orthodox researchers, in particular, the honored professor of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, John Karavidopulos, and the world famous specialist in the history of Christianity and medieval intellectual history, Jaroslav Jan Pelikan Jr., who converted to Orthodoxy in 1998. …”
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Modern Historicism: the Universal History of E. Toffler
Published 2022-02-01“…The model of universal history, which has its origin in the Sacred History of Christianity, has the following basic essential characteristics: 1) the presence of the figure of the so-called transcendental signified, i.e. the mental topos that controls the historical process (in Christian history, God is such, in Hegel's system – the dialectical unfolding of the concept, in Marxist philosophy – the struggle of productive forces and production relations; 2) the understanding of the historical process as totality; 3) the presence of a common telos of historical development; 4) a special status of a real actor of a historical event (disenfranchised, “puppet”); 5) a universal homogeneous environment for the unfolding of the historical process; 6) the stages of the historical process.The comparative analysis of the reconstruction of Alvin Toffler's views and the main characteristics of universal history, as well as the use of critical sources on the subject of the article, shows that for all the essential points listed above, history, as it is built by the American futurist, is undoubtedly a universal history.Conclusion. …”
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Prenomes cristãos: constituição, etimologia, motivação para a escolha antroponímica e conhecimento onomástico / Christian first names: constitution, etymology, motivation for anthr...
Published 2021-01-01“…Abstract: The exploratory study presented throughout this article focuses on Christian anthroponomy, that is, the set of proper names of people who have Christian etymological significance and/or are related to the history of Christianity and Christian religions. The objective is to present a preliminary investigation into the existence, the constitution and etymological characterization of repertoire of Christian names and the onomastic knowledge about them by speakers from western Paraná, specifically, of students and teachers from a undergraduate course offered by a public university in the region. …”
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Um outro mundo já começou: questões para a escatologia cristã (Another World has already started: issues for the Christian eschatology)
Published 2012-07-01“…The clash of these two tendencies expresses the continuous tension between dualism and integrality in the History of Christianity. In the New Testament, the images of the tent (John 1.14, Acts 18.1-3) and of the curtain (Mathews 27.45-52) are useful to understand the logic of “live-between” in opposition with the closeness of the sacred in the <em>haram</em>. …”
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Sobór chalcedoński. Kontekst historyczny, teologiczny, następstwa
Published 2012-12-01“…This is one of great paradoxes in the history of Christianity. …”
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Human Rights and Justice Issues in the 16th Century Philippines
Published 2017-12-01“…The Initial Encounter: a History of Christianity in the Philippines, Vol. 1. Quezon City: New Day Publishers, 1985. …”
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Ekologia w programach nauczania religii dla I klasy gimnazjum
Published 2007-12-01“…The article includes characteritc of additional materials for catechists and teachers, especially ecological examination of conscience and analysis of the following issues: revealed law and natural law, ecological balance, rule of general destiny of goods, celebration in connection with ecology, ecological intuitions in saints’ opinions and attitiudes, histories of Christian ecological intuitions.…”
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Synkretisme: En analyse af illegitime blandinger og tredje-identiteter
Published 2002-03-01“…On the basis of the notion of syncretism this article discusses the issues of constructing new religious identities in the history of Christian mission. ‘Syncretism’ represents one of the more controversial categories in the study of religion that have been exposed to solid scholarly critic, partly because of the notion’s problematic situation in the history of Christian mission. …”
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Ewangelizacja w kontekście kultury górskich rejonów Papui–Nowej Gwinei. Część 1
Published 2021-12-01“…The starting point is the history of Christianization of these areas and the rooting of Churches of various denominations there. …”
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Ewangelizacja w kontekście kultury górskich rejonów Papui-Nowej Gwinei. Część 2
Published 2023-03-01“…The starting point is the history of Christianization of these areas and the rooting of Churches of various denominations there. …”
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Zarys historii ewangelizacji Meksyku od XVI do XVII wieku
Published 2019-12-01“… The evangelization of Mexico in the 16th and 17th centuries is a fascinating period in the history of Christianization of the New World. The creative confrontation of the then missionaries (Franciscans, Dominicans, Augustinians, and Jesuits) with local cultures and beliefs and the Spanish conquest system resulted in the development of innovative methods of working with indigenous peoples (catechisms, education, art, hospitality, scientifi c research) and the creation of stable church structures in Mexico. …”
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Contemplative in Action: Fundamental Aspect of Spirituality of St. Augustine of Hippo
Published 2023-04-01“…The history of Christian spirituality emphasizes the difference between the active and contemplative life. …”
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Serviciul militar și Războiul Drept – o abordare diacronică
Published 2013-12-01“… The current paper deals with the intellectual history and the history of Christian practice with regard to military service and Just War. …”
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Serviciul militar și Războiul Drept – o abordare diacronică
Published 2013-12-01“… The current paper deals with the intellectual history and the history of Christian practice with regard to military service and Just War. …”
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Paul and interreligious dialogue: insights for mission in Africa
Published 2015-08-01“…The history of Christian mission in Africa has been associated with colonialism. …”
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Rozmowa o historii misji średniowiecznych
Published 2014-01-01“…Strzelczyk was one of the main organizers of this conference and the discussion reported below touches the subjects related to his professional career as a historian, focusing on the study of the history of Christian missions in Middle Ages.…”
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Narrative inquiry and historical skills. A study in teacher training
Published 2017-10-01“…It uses the study of a historical synthesis of one of the main narratives in Spanish history: the Christian expansion through Muslim territories in the Iberian Peninsula in the Middle Ages. …”
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