0231 The Great Ball Game Hall of Prague Castle: Its Appearance and Function in the Context of Habsburg Renaissance Ballcourts
Published 2019-12-01Subjects: Get full text
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Published 2015-01-01“…</p><p><strong>KEY WORDS:</strong> House of Wasa, Poland, House of Habsburg, Ceremonial, royalty, dynastic relations.…”
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The Immaculata, Emperor Leopold I, and a Roman Thesis Print by the Franciscans from Ljubljana
Published 2019-03-01“…The graphic combines different themes: the veneration of the Immaculata by the House of Habsburg, the triumph over the Ottomans, the rivalry between the Franciscans, and Jesuits and their influence on the development of thesis prints. …”
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El Imperio y las Cortes de Santiago de Compostela de 1520, la base ideológica del Absolutismo español
Published 2017-02-01“…Because of the dinastic change of the House of Habsburg, Castille suffered an upheaval because of the new style of government, which is reflected in this paper. …”
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La noblesse de la monarchie habsbourgeoise et le modèle culturel louis-quatorzien : étapes d’une confrontation, entre rejet, contre-modèle et participation
Published 2022-04-01“…After 1648, the Habsburg nobility was, on the one hand, Catholic and loyal to the House of Habsburg, and enjoyed links to the Viennese court; and on the other, it was transterritorial and a fully-fledged member of the nobility of the Holy Roman Empire and European aristocratic culture. …”
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Europa Regina. 16th century maps of Europe in the form of a queen
Published 2008-12-01“…The map is a glorification of the House of Habsburg, with the expression of a general hope for peace. …”
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Published 2018-12-01“…All the kings of the house of Habsburg renewed their protection, as well as King Philip V did. …”
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“El emperador le tiene por más españolado de lo que querría”. Adam von Dietrichstein y la influencia española en la corte del emperador Maximiliano II
Published 2021-03-01“…Dietrichstein stayed for all his life in the service of the house of Habsburg. As a prototype of a career-oriented aristocrat of Early Modern age, he served to the governing dynasty in diplomatic and court offices. …”
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The Grand (Ducal) Finale
Published 2024-03-01“…Her efforts to maintain the cultural heritage of her ancestors were heavily shaped by the imminent end of the Medici bloodline and the difficult transition of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany to the House of Habsburg-Lorraine. This article explores Anna Maria's motivations for her elaborate renovation projects in the basilica, with a particular focus on two of her most notable commissions: Vincenzo Meucci's cupola fresco in the nave of the basilica and the new bell tower designed by architect Ferdinando Ruggieri. …”
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Habsburg Bukovina at the Beginning of the Great War. Loyalism or Irredentism?
Published 2017-07-01“…Many researchers have noted that, due to the policies promoted by the House of Habsburg, this province of the empire did not record religious and ethnic conflicts between national communities. …”
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The social dimension of the Krakow Camaldolese convent
Published 2011-12-01“…Mikołaj Wolski, a thoroughly educated man, an art expert and enthusiast, an apt diplomat and a Polish lobbyist for the House of Habsburg, trusted by Sigismund III Vasa, came to the conclusion that the magnificence of the temple he had built did not go against the hermits' asceticism, thereby breaking the Camaldolese rules. …”
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The Tragic End of Bona Sforza and Roxelana
Published 2020-06-01“…The main portion of the story is preceded by a section relating Bona’s journey from Poland to Italy and outlines the context of political connections to the House of Habsburg. Accordingly, reasons for the grant of the loan by Bona Sforza to Philip II King of Spain are discussed. …”
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Fostering Kaisertreue in the Austrian Empire: Literature on the Occasion of the Marriage of Emperor Francis Josef (1854)
Published 2023-04-01“…This article explores poems devoted to the dynastic festivities of the ruling House of Habsburg as one of the multiple instruments of fostering loyalty and dynastic patriotism, primarily in in-school youth who were regarded as future citizens of the Austrian Empire. …”
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Broadsheets with Engravings in a Manuscript Chronicle from Ulm: Visual Representations of the Hungarian Kingdom on German Political Leaflets during the War of Reconquest (1683–1699...
Published 2019-01-01“…As a citizen of Ulm, he respected the interests of the House of Habsburg, but he mainly focused on the role of the imperial and troops from the region of Swabia. …”
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The Ladins and their history of legal resilience
Published 2021-12-01“…Afterward, Ladins became part of the Holy Roman Empire, and later, part of the House of Habsburg. During the aftermath of World War I, Italy obtained the region from the Austrian-Hungarian Empire in the peace treaty of Saint Germain-en-Laye of 1919. …”
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“Ardebo igneo amore Tui”: De Coelestino Leuthnero O.S.B., Matris Dei amatore
Published 2014-11-01“…Finally, in the examination of Leuthner’s poetry considerable importance should be ascribed to the Prince and Archbishop of Salzburg, who after all kept Leuthner on his payroll, and even more to the Royal House of Habsburg itself, with its efforts to keep reformed Christians away from its territories.…”
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Reginald Pole and the legations of 1537 and 1539 : diplomatic and polemical responses to the break with Rome
Published 1989“…Pole's two legations of 1537 and 1539 both failed, it is argued, because of the ongoing hostilities between the houses of Habsburg and Valois: neither the emperor nor the French king could afford to alienate the powerful English ruler, nor were they interested in taking up a costly and risky enterprise on behalf of religion. …”