Published 2017-08-01Get full text
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Questioning the purpose and success of occasionalisms as a source of humour in How I Met your Mother
Published 2021-08-01Subjects: “…How I Met Your Mother…”
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How I Met Your Fans: A Comparative Textual Analysis of How I Met Your Mother and Its Reboots
Published 2023-03-01“…Since How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM) ended in 2014 with its ninth season, there have been multiple attempts to create a new series based on a similar premise – one parent telling their kid(s) how they met their other parent. …”
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ANALISIS WACANA HUMOR VERBAL BAHASA INGGRIS (Studi Kasus pada Serial Komedi Situasi How I Met Your Mother)
Published 2012“…One of the successful situation comedies is How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM). How I Met Your Mother has many linguistics aspects as humorous device. …”
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Il racconto seriale come discorso. Rappresentazioni dell'identità di genere in How I met your mother e New Girl
Published 2021-06-01“…The following analysis aims to investigate the representation of male and female characters in two successful TV Series, How I met your mother and New Girl, highlighting the potential impact on the spectator experience.…”
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A comparison of euphemistic strategies applied by MBC4 and Netflix to two Arabic subtitled versions of the US sitcom How I Met Your Mother
Published 2021-02-01“…To achieve this goal, the study compares two different Arabic subtitles of the taboo terms used in the American sitcom How I Met Your Mother. The first translation was produced by the Arabic TV channel MBC4 and the second by the subscription-based video streaming service Netflix. …”
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Humour, création lexicale et créativité linguistique comme stratégies de caractérisation des personnages de fiction : le cas de Barney Stinson dans How I Met Your Mother
Published 2021-08-01“…This paper aims to show how the authors and scriptwriters of the popular American TV series How I Met Your Mother managed to create humor by resorting to lexical creation and linguistic creativity strategies. …”
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Published 2021-06-01“…Предметом исследования выступают единицы юмора из сериала How I Met Your Mother. Авторы ставят целью изучить вербальные средства и способы передачи юмора при переводе комедийного сериала на русский язык в рамках ситуативной модели перевода. …”
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The representativeness of the metaphors of death, disease, and sex in a TV series corpus
Published 2019-06-01“…The aim of this article is to study the metaphors for the taboo topics of death, disease, and sex in a corpus constituted of the first two seasons of five American award-winning TV series (Six Feet Under, House, M.D, Grey’s Anatomy, Sex and the City, How I Met your Mother). The main research question is the following: are the metaphors in TV series representative of those that can be found in naturally occurring conversation? …”
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Informal english through sitcoms: a didactic proposal = Inglês informal através de séries: uma proposta didática
Published 2020-01-01“…O primeiro episódio da série How I met your mother forma a base para o desenvolvimento dos exercícios, que abrangem tendências contemporâneas no ensino de línguas. …”
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Língua, sujeito e identidade: algumas problematizações sobre a (des)constituição dos sujeitos-aprendentes no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira
Published 2013-06-01“…Este trabalho tem por objetivo, a partir da discursividade instaurada no episódio “Cidadania dupla” (Duel Citizenship) do seriado americano “Como eu conheci sua mãe” (How I met your mother) da grande rede de televisão estadunidense Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), exibido no dia 19 de outubro de 2009, apresentar uma discussão de cunho mais teórico sobre os conflitos e embates nos espaços de ensino-aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira. …”
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Keberkesanan sarikata sebagai fasilitator untuk pembelajaran bahasa dalam penguatkuasaan perbendaharaan kata dan pemahaman dalam kalangan penutur bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa ked...
Published 2018“…Peserta diminta menonton empat video dari sebuah sitkom Amerika bertajuk "How I Met Your Mother" dengan setiap video diberi sari kata yang berlainan (L2 = sarikata Bahasa Inggeris, L1 = Bahasa Malaysia, dua subtitle = L1 + L2 dan tiada sarikata). …”
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La nueva masculinidad en los personajes homosexuales de la ficción seriada española: de ‘Cuéntame’ a ‘Sexo en Chueca'
Published 2015-03-01“…Para ello se ha tomado como referencia la construcción de personajes y la influencia de series norteamericanas como Queer as Folk o How I Met your Mother. La metodología empleada responde a la plantilla de análisis elaborada por el Grupo de Investigación en Análisis de Medios, Imágenes y Relatos Audiovisuales (ADMIRA) de la Universidad de Sevilla para estudiar a los personajes como persona y como rol según los planteamientos de Francesco Casetti y Federico Di Chio. …”
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