以“目的论”和“三美”论分析可唱的英译中儿歌翻译如何保留“童趣” = A study of singable nursery rhyme translations from the perspective of Skopos Theory and Three Beauties Theory...
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
老年同志在当代港台影片的再现:以《叔·叔》和《日常对话》为例 = The representation of older Tongzhi in Hong Kong and Taiwan films: a study of Twilight’s Kiss and Small Talk...
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
新加坡舞狮界的时空局限:论析资本协商扮演的角色 = A study of Lion Dance's existence in Singapore through examining the forms of capital
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
历史创伤叙事:在新加坡被审查的政治创伤记忆 = The narrative of historical trauma: censored political traumatic memories in Singapore
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
探讨香港有形和无形的文化符号如何深化港人的身份认同——以茶餐厅为例 = Exploring how Hong Kong's tangible and intangible cultural symbols deepen Hongkonger's identity: focusing on Cha Chaan Teng...
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
新加坡华语里副词“才”和“再”的使用 = The usage of adverb “cai” and adverb “zai” in Singapore Chinese
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
殖民主义对新加坡的影响:以新加坡独立后的教育体制为例 = The impact of colonialism in Singapore: s Study of Singapore's education system in the period of post-independence...
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
以文图学视角研究《魔道祖师》IP ——对比小说、网络广播剧、动画片 = A study of "Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation" IP from the perspective of text and image studies: a comparison of fiction, web audio drama and...
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
新加坡福建话马来语及英借词使用情况调查 = Usage of English and Malay loanwords amongst Singapore Hokkien speakers
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
从赵德胤的作品中看缅甸华人的边缘状态 = Midi Z: an analysis on the marginalised Burmese Chinese
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
新加坡公共巴士与大选的关系 = General elections and public buses of Singapore
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
《台湾电影中的男同:以〈刻在你心底的名字〉为例》= The gays in Taiwanese movies: a case study of your name engraved herein
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
以文图学视角对比狐妖形象在中日文化中的演变 = A comparison of the changes in the image of the fox spirit in Chinese and Japanese cultures from the perspective of text and image studies...
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
论胡适哲学史大纲中的儒墨道精神 = An exploration of Daoist Confucianist and Mohist theme in an outline history of Chinese philosophy
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
新加坡电影中的生态异托邦 = Eco-heterotopias in Singapore films
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Thesis-Master by Research -
An English translation of Kian Kok through the perspective of cultural turn
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Thesis-Master by Coursework -
各阶段口译员在医疗口译中的 "错误" 实证研究—以中医医疗口译为例 = An empirical study of interpreters' 'errors' in healthcare settings: the case of traditional Chinese medicine interpreting...
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
从海外华商的经商策略看海外华人网络 ——以黄仲涵与林秉祥为例 = Examining the overseas Chinese network through the business strategies of overseas Chinese merchants: a case study of Oei Tiong Ham and Lim Peng Si...
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
幽默的多维解析 :《非诚勿扰》主持人孟非言语研究 = Exploring humor: a perspective on Meng Fei's language in "If You Are the One"
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
南洋与没有历史的人民 : 苗秀小说中的底层华人= Nanyang and the people without history: a study of the lower-class Chinese people in Miao Xiu's novels
Cyhoeddwyd 2023Pynciau: “...Humanities::Language::Chinese...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP)