Chaotic Bouncing of a Droplet on a Soap Film
Published 2010“…The system is simply and accurately modeled by a single ordinary differential equation, the numerical solution of which captures all the essential features of the observed behavior. Iterative maps and bifurcation diagrams indicate that the system exhibits all the features of a classic low-dimensional chaotic oscillator.…”
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An integer linear programming approach for a class of bilinear integer programs
Published 2014“…Numerical experiments suggest that the proposed approach outperforms a latest iterative ILP approach, with notable reductions in the average solution time.…”
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Journal Article -
Practical reverse engineering of secret Sboxes by side-channel analysis
Published 2021“…By detecting side-channel collision, one can determine the Sbox mapping in an iterative manner. The Sbox recovery is demonstrated with practical measurements from a commercial microcontroller. …”
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Journal Article -
Finite volume method for steady state 2D heat conduction in solids
Published 2023“…Next, the equations are solved using the iterative algorithm developed in MATLAB and the finite volume solution is validated using the analytical solution. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Stochastic structural dynamic model updating and reliability prediction of a building using vibration data
Published 2013“…The objective is to clarify the effectiveness of using Laplace’s approximation and Gibbs sampling method in each particular case with different number of given data and iterative time. The process is also illustrated by applying it to the example of single degree of undamped dynamic structural model. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Anisotropic centroidal voronoi tessellations and their applications
Published 2009“…We provide algorithms to approximate the ACVT using the Lloyd iteration and the construction of anisotropic Delaunay triangulation under the given Riemannian metric. …”
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Journal Article -
Hand pose estimation by combining fingertip tracking and articulated ICP
Published 2013“…The proposed framework adopts a divide-and-conquer scheme, and combines fingertip tracking and articulated iterative closest point approach to restore the hand motion. …”
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Conference Paper -
Monthly Probabilities For Acquiring Remote Sensed Data Of Indonesia With Cloud Cover Less Than 10 , 20 And 30 Percent
Published 1988“…ABSTRACT The Indonesian spatiotemporal cloud cover distribution was quantified with the aid of GMS, Landsat and SPOT data. Iterative interactive factorial analyses grouped pixels with similar profiles into 18 classes for all land areas. …”
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Comparing numerical methods for the solution of Cauchy reaction-diffusion problems
Published 2009“…Comparison between the solutions of HPM and the Adomian decomposition solutions, variational iteration solutions, homotopy analysis solutions and the exact solutions are made. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Event-triggered control and interactive LQR tuning for improved control efficiency
Published 2025“…A methodology is presented that uses an iterative approach to tune the LQR controller and reduces control effort by replacing periodic control with ETC. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Interval symmetric single-step procedure ISS2-5D for polynomial zeros
Published 2014“…Furthermore, this procedure was tested on five test polynomials and the results were obtained using MATLAB 2007 software in association with IntLab V5.5 toolbox to record the CPU times and the number of iterations.…”
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BFGS method: a new search direction
Published 2014“…The new algorithm is compared with the BFGS method in terms of iteration counts and CPU-time. Our numerical analysis provides strong evidence that the proposed HBFGS method is more efficient than the ordinary BFGS method. …”
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Solving eighth-order boundary value problems using differential transformation method
Published 2014“…Then we calculate the error of DTM and compare the results with other methods such as modified application of the variational iteration method (MVAM), homotopy perturbation method (HPM) and modified Adomian decomposition method (MADM). …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Application of harmonic functions through Modified SOR (MSOR) method for robot path planning in indoor structured environment
Published 2017“…This paper presents the application of harmonic functions computed through MSOR iterative method to solve path planning problem in indoor environment. …”
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Determining radius of convergence of Newton's method using radius of curvature
Published 2017“…In this paper, we propose a method on how to manage the convergence of Newton’s method if its iteration process encounters a local extremum. This idea establishes the osculating circle at a local extremum. …”
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BFGS method: a new search direction
Published 2014“…The new algorithm is compared with the BFGS method in terms of iteration counts and CPU-time. Our numerical analysis provides strong evidence that the proposed HBFGS method is more efficient than the ordinary BFGS method. …”
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An implicit multistep block method for fuzzy differential equations
Published 2015“…The method is generated by combining the predictor and corrector formulas in the PE(CE)m mode, where m is the number of iteration. The performances of the method are illustrated by solving problem and the numerical findings are compared with the existing method.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Comparing linear and nonlinear differential equations of differential transformation method by other numerical methods
Published 2013“…In this study, we solve fifth-order boundary value problems by using the DTM for linear and nonlinear differential equations and compare the results with other methods such as Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM), Noor Decomposition Method and Variational Iteration Method. We provide several numerical examples in order to show the accuracy of the method. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Augmented reality based educational tool on Live Solar System (LSS)
Published 2009“…Hence, it draws many researchers’ interest in recent years on applying AR in the education field.This paper intends to give an overview of AR and the workflow of AR application.Besides, this paper also highlights the methodology of developing Live Solar System (LSS) based on the iterative prototype software engineering life cycle model, and the LSS overview which can be divided into software and hardware components.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Robust optimization and its applications in cognitive radio networks.
Published 2013“…While for the other reference-based uncertainty, though we cannot find closed-from result, we propose an iterative procedure that will converge to the lower detection bound. …”
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