Showing 181 - 200 results of 236 for search '"Ibn Arabi"', query time: 0.08s Refine Results
  1. 181


    Published 2020-12-01
    “…The purpose of writing is to describe human terminology in Alquran and Ibn Arabi. The expected results are enlightenment about human nature in realizing our human meaning…”
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  2. 182

    Rizaeddin Fakhreddin’s works published in 2018–2020 by Dinara Z. Mardanova

    Published 2020-11-01
    “…Sach as: “Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam)”, “Rihlat al-Marjani” (“Marjani’s journey”), “Mushur irler” series (“Famous men”): “Ibn Arabi” and “Ibn Taymiyyah”, “Kutub al-Sittah wa mualliflare” (“Kutub al-Sittah and their compilers”), “Riza qadi fetvalare” (“Fatwas of Riza qadi”), “Gakyida. …”
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  3. 183

    An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia. From the School of Illumination to Philosophical Mysticism / by Nasr, Seyyed Hossein, editor 266192, Aminrazavi, Mehdi, 1957- editor 652142

    Published 2012
    “…The main schools dealt with in this volume are the Peripatetic (mashsha'i) School, the School of Illumination (ishraq) of Suhrawardi, and various forms of philosophical Sufism, especially the School of Ibn 'Arabi, which had its roots to some extent in the works of Ghazzali and 'Ayn al-Qudat Hamadani. …”
  4. 184

    Dede Ömer Ruşeni'nin Divanı'nda Tasavvufi Mertebeler by Ahmet Cahid Haksever, Nurten Altıntop

    Published 2016-07-01
    “…Tefsir, hadîs, akâid, kelâm başta olmak üzere İslâmî ilimlere vâkıf olan Dede Ömer’in düşüncelerinde Mevlânâ ve İbn Arabî’nin tesiri açık bir şekilde hissedilir. Ruşeni, yetiştirdiği İbrahim Gülşenî, Timurtaş Halife, Şâhin-i Halvetî gibi isimler yanında eserleriyle de tasavvuf tarihinde etkili olmuş bir şahsiyettir.…”
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  5. 185

    ACADEMIC ETHICS IN MODERN INDONESIA: Shaykh Hasan Ma’sum’s Thought on Students’ Ethics in His Tazkîr al-Murîdîn Sulûk Tharîqah al-Muhtadîn by Maisyaroh Maisyaroh, Zaini Dahlan, Mohammad Al Farabi

    Published 2023-06-01
    “…Furthermore, the study highlights the influence of the Naqshabandiah order, to which Shaykh Hasan Ma’sum belonged, as well as the thoughts of prominent Sufis such as Imam al-Ghazâlî, al-Suhrawardî, al-Qusyairî, Ibn ‘Arabî, and Abû Thâlib al-Makkî on his thought. …”
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  6. 186

    O sufismo e a acolhida da diversidade religiosa by Faustino Teixeira

    Published 2015-09-01
    “…Esse espírito de abertura irradia-se por outros grandes pensadores dessa tradição como Ibn ‘Arabi de Murcia (1165-1240) e Jalâl-od-Dîn Rûmî (1207-1273). …”
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  7. 187

    An Introduction to the Relationship between the Divine Revelation and Illumination with a Focus on the Qur'an and Islamic Narrations by hesamodin khalatbari

    Published 2013-08-01
    “…That is why no true mystic has ever claimed having Divine Revelations from God, which is, in the words of Ibn Arabi, a property far out of mystics’ hands. This paper then looks at the differences between knowledge gained through mysticism and through the Divine Revelation. …”
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  8. 188

    Jesus and Spirituality in Interreligious Perspectives by Nancy M. Martin

    Published 2022-11-01
    “…As an integral figure in Islam, Jesus appears in the writings of the likes of Ibn Arabi, Rumi and more contemporary Sufi teachers. …”
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  9. 189

    The Seddiqin Demonstration as Narrated by Hakim Sahba and Its Place in the Transcendent Philosophy of Mulla Sadra by Hamed Naji Isfahani

    Published 2014-06-01
    “…Mohammadreza Ghomsheyi, the mystic philosopher, is among the scholars who have reached new readings thanks to the mystic fundamentals of Ibn Arabi and his exponents. The present paper is an attempt to provide a precise philosophical representation of this reading, and afterwards, the study aims to point out the aspects of its prejudice in the skeptic system of Mulla Sadra’s philosophy.…”
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  10. 190

    concepts and historical practice of the word dignity in some mystical texts by Mohammadreza Heydari, Omid Roosta

    Published 2019-05-01
    “…He is one of the people who, according to Ibn 'Arabi, relied on the issue of unity of existence in his sonnets, which is emphasized by the existentialists in contemporary times. …”
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  11. 191

    Debate on Muhkamât and Mutasyahabihat A Study of Quraish Shihab’ Thought by Sukamta Sukamta

    Published 2022-03-01
    “…In the discussion around the texts of the mutasyabihat, Quraish Shihab did not mention the views of sufi thought such as Ibn Arabi who used the 'irfani’s perspective. In addition, his study of mutasyabihat verses related to God's attributes and deeds can be found deeper in other works, by using an intertextual analysis. …”
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  12. 192

    Muhammad Amīn al-Shirwānī’s Treatise on Eschatology: An Analysis and Critical Edition of Risālah fī taḥqīq al-mabda’ wa-al-ma‘ād by Ahmet Kamil Cihan, Arsan Taher

    Published 2016-05-01
    “…The mainstays of his argument were the expositions of the Illuminationists and Ibn ‘Arabī concerning the world of images. On this matter, he focused upon the world of images provided by the Qur’anic verses. …”
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  13. 193

    Bahrul Lahut Manuscripts in East Java: Study of Philology and Reconstruction of Tarekat Networks by Mashuri Mashuri

    Published 2020-12-01
    “…The text of the Baḥr al-Lāhūt describes the nature of God and the creation of the universe as a manifestation of Nūr Muḥammad and strongly influenced by Ibn ʿArabī’s concepts of unity of being and emanation. …”
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  14. 194

    An Outline of Qunawi's Reflections on Divine Names in terms of Oneness of the Being/Wahdat al-Wujûd by Ali Fahri DOĞAN

    Published 2014-12-01
    “…Being one of the most important figures among the wahdat al-wujûd(oneness of the being) theoreticians, Qunawi paid a significant attention to the Divine Names, like his predecessor ibn Arabî. Unlike the authors of classical period of su fism, Qunawi tackled the issue of Divine Names not only with regard to the Dhikr/rememberance/repitition of the divine names but also to ontological concerns. …”
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  15. 195

    Perfect Man from the Perspectives of the Holy Qur'an and Mysticism by mohammad hadi moradi, mahin anafajeh

    Published 2011-11-01
    “…It may be true that the reasoning dimension of perfect man is highlighted in the Qur'an, but this does not mean that the Qur'an has been oblivious to the mystical aspect. IbnArabi has pointed to this issue and is in the belief that divine words can be interpreted from both reasoning and intuitive viewpoints and based on the understanding of the reader. …”
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  16. 196

    The Role of Buddhism in the Period of Ilkhanid, with Emphasis on the Opinions of ʿAla al-DolehSemnani by Mohammad MashhadiNoushabadi, khadijeh kardust fini

    Published 2020-08-01
    “…The result of this study shows that the effects of Buddhism on his works were negatively reflected, such as his opposition to the principle of reincarnation and criticism on the unity of Ibn Arabi, which could be the consequence of the consequences of Buddhists, but in the debate, the principle of which the original is obtained from the sources, but it may be influenced by the teachings of the seven in the kundalini.…”
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  17. 197

    Vahdet-i Vücud ve Vahdet-i Şühud Açısından Müşâhede ve Rüyet Kavramları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme by Mustafa Özgen

    Published 2013-06-01
    “…Müşahede ve rü’yetin kelime ve ıstılahî manaları ile birlikte tarifleri verilmiş, vahdet-i vücudun temsilcisi olarak bilinen İbn Arabî ve vahdet-i şühudun temsilcisi olan İmam-ı Rabbanî’nin bu iki kavrama dair görüşleri karşılaştırılmıştır. …”
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  18. 198

    Abd al-Razzâk al-Kāshânî and His Commentery Method by Mehmet KAYA

    Published 2015-06-01
    “…Kāshânî's Tawilat al-Qur'an which is composed of the sections of te'vil of his commentary which is named Haqaiq al-Tawil repeatedly published in the name of Tafseer Sheikh Akbar by attributing to İbn Arabî (d. 638/1240) and found fame with that name. …”
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  19. 199

    Pendekatan Mistisisme Dalam Pengkajian Islam by Abdul Hadi Lubis

    Published 2022-09-01
    “…The three influential figures in the development of Sufism include Hasan Al-Bashri, Junaid Al-Baghdadi, Rabiatul Adawiyah, Al-Ghazali, Muhyidin Ibn Arabi, Husain bin Mansur Al-Hallaj, and so on. …”
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  20. 200

    Toward Witnessing the Other: Syria, Islam and Frans van der Lugt by Michael VanZandt Collins

    Published 2020-04-01
    “…As an exercise of comparative theology, this case-method approach focuses on notions of “witnessing truth” that appear and are cultivated in the work of liberation theologian Jon Sobrino and in Ibn ‘Arabī’s <i>Fusūs al-Hikam</i>, specifically the chapter on Shuayb. …”
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