Showing 101 - 120 results of 131 for search '"Ibn Hazm"', query time: 0.22s Refine Results
  1. 101

    El Amor En El Islam: Análisis De Conceptos y Contextos Basados En La Traducción by Ahmed Ounane

    Published 2017-08-01
    “…Among them, great personalities stand out who shaped it in their writings, experiences and adventures, such as Ibn Ḥazm of Córdoba, author of The Dove Necklace or Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyya author of Rawḍat al muhibbīn wa nuzhat al muṣtāqīn (Garden of lovers and walk of the longing), in addition to the great Sufi sheikhs. …”
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  2. 102

    Selefî Hareketin Tarihî Kökenleri ve Yöntem Problemi by Zekeriya Güler

    Published 2009-12-01
    “…Selefî Hareketin Tarihî Kökenleri Ve Yöntem Problemi başlıklı bu makalede, özellikle Arap dünyası eksenli günümüz selefî akımların tarihsel kökenleri ve bağlantıları, başlıca bilgi kaynakları ve referans noktaları, faydalandıkları âlimler; Ahmed b. Hanbel, İbn Hazm, İbn Teymiyye, İbn Kayyim el-Cevziyye, İbn Kesîr, Emîr İsmâîl es-San’ânî, Muhammed b. …”
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  3. 103

    Taklik Talak Perspektif Ulama Mazhab dan Pengaruhnya dalam Berumah Tangga by Sofyan Yusuf, Moh Toriqul Chaer

    Published 2017-12-01
    “…The study finding as follow: First, the majority of Islamic Scholars assumed that the fall of divorce when a swear in. Second, Ibn Hazm and Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah argued that the taklik containing oath (qasam) does not causing divorce. …”
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  4. 104

    The status of music in Islamic Law: Ibn Ḥajar al-Haytamī’s (d. 974/1567) Treatise against recreation in its polemical context by Morrissey, F

    Published 2024
    “…These arguments are forged in response to claims found in more permissive texts by the Ẓāhirīs Ibn Ḥazm (d. 456/1064) and Ibn al-Qaysarānī (d. 507/1113) and the Mālikī Muḥammad al-Shādhilī al-Tūnisī (d. 882/1477). …”
    Journal article
  5. 105

    El ‘texto arcaico’ de los evangelios andalusíes y sus posteriores revisiones, notas de diacronía textual. [The 'archaic text' of the Andalusian Gospels and their later revisions, n... by Juan Pedro MONFERRER SALA

    Published 2021-08-01
    “…Las datas que ofrecen estas revisiones posteriores, junto con el valiosísimo dato que proporcionan las citas que recoge el Fiṣal de Ibn Ḥazm nos permiten trazar, siquiera de modo aproximado, una serie de datos cronológicos de suma importancia para poder establecer la cronología de esta doble labor de traducción y revisión, así como el árbol genealógico de las versiones conservadas.…”
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  6. 106

    Struktur Nalar Arab-Islam Menurut Abid al-Jabiri by M. Faisol

    Published 2010-11-01
    “…The solution AlJabiri proposes is to apply critism spirit that have been developed in AndalusiaMaghrib, i.e. empirical rationale presented by Ibn Hazm and Al-Syatibi in Fiqh, Ibnu Ruysd in Philosophy, Ibnu Khaldun in sociology, and Ibn Madha alQurthubi in Arabic grammatical renewal.…”
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  7. 107

    Zakat of livestock in the book industry and the abscess writing Qudaamah Ben Jaafar by Dr. Hamid Abdul-Sahib Khalif

    Published 2018-11-01
    “…Zakat and the right of God Almighty may not be favoritism by those who do not deserve the motive for the dissemination of this research is to advise and recalled the obligation of zakat, which is tolerated by many Muslims did not cast them out on the face of the project with the bone will  Qudaamah Ben Jaafar started talking about Zakat directly, did not witness the obligatory verse in the Quran or the Prophetic tradition, probably came from the Zakat one pillars of Islam and it is obligatory it has become obvious to every Muslim can not be denied, it shows us Qudamah conditions zakat camels, but he began to direct to mention a quorum, if it reached the quorum, it is evident that the zakat camels through what was said Qudamah it is not sex, as in every five camels sheep until it reaches twenty-four and then be zakaah of her sex, and supported by both the Abu Hanif and that the amount of zakat camels and Malik Shafi'i and Imam Ahmad, Ibn Hazm, though the front violated it and saw that in the twenty-five camels five Xiah.                                  …”
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  8. 108

    Breaking the Silence: An Islamic Legal Approach to Facilitating Reporting and Testimony by Muslim Victims and Witnesses of Sexual Crimes by Julie Lowe

    Published 2022-10-01
    “…Through an examination of the legal rules that regulate rape and sexual assault in <i>fiqh</i> and <i>fatwā</i> works associated with the four Sunni schools and Ibn Ḥazm, I aim to determine whether the relevant rules may interfere with the willingness of Muslim victims and witnesses to report or testify to sexual crimes. …”
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  9. 109

    el-Hakîkatu’ş-şer‘iyye ve cuzûruha’l-lugaviyye bi nazari’lmütekellimîn: Mefhûmu'l-îmâni billâhi nemûzecen by Hasan El-hattaf

    Published 2018-06-01
    “…Eşari ve Maturidi ekolü ise şeri hakikat için dili temel almıştır. İbn- Hazm ise anlam açısından Eşari ekolüne ön yargılı olmakla beraber Mutezile ekolüne daha yakındır. …”
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  10. 110

    Norms and Values in Islamic Legal Reasoning: The Case of Listening to Music (<i>Samāʿ</i>) by Omar Farahat

    Published 2023-06-01
    “…This study shows that models on opposite ends of the spectrum function in similar ways. Whether, as in Ibn Ḥazm’s work, the scope of legal norms is confined to the immediate textual meaning, or, as in Ibn Taymiyya’s thought, the formulation of norms corresponds to an underlying moral aim, the result is a broad treatment of all phenomena that relate to music (<i>samāʿ</i>). …”
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  11. 111

    The Abolition of Culpability After Converting to Islam In The Science of Ḥadîth and Ḥadîth Al-Aḥkâm Perspective by Mohamad Anton Athoillah, Nuryamin Nuryamin

    Published 2020-11-01
    “…This has been the agreement of the scholars, except for Ibn Ḥazm. In conclusion, not all ḥadîths, categorized as Mu'alla, can be categorized as ḍa'îf (weak) because the sanad is munqaṭi '(the narrator's chain is broken); As, in many cases, there are many such ḥadîths, after tracking through other means, it turns out to be connected to the Prophet; One of which is the hadith regarding the elimination of past mistakes of an infidel who later converted to Islam.…”
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  12. 112

    Islamic Natural Law Theories by Yushau Sodiq

    Published 2011-07-01
    “…He selects leading scholars from each school ‒ like Qadi Abdul Jabbar, Abu Husayn al-Basri, Abu Bakr al Jassas, al-Ghazali, al-Qarafi, al-Shatibi, Ibn Hazm al-Zahiri, and others ...…”
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  13. 113

    Ebü’l-Velîd el-Bâcî’nin en-Nasîhatü’l-Velediyye Adlı Eseri ve Değerler Eğitimi Açısından İncelenmesi by Ahmet Gemi

    Published 2023-06-01
    “…Zahiriyye mezhebinin büyük temsilcisi, meşhur İbn Hazm’ın çağdaşı olan el-Bâcî, daha çok fıkıh, hadis ve edebiyat alanında ön plana çıkmıştır. …”
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  14. 114

    Editorial by Ovamir Anjum

    Published 2020-11-01
    “…Next, a review essay is followed by ten book reviews; in this issue’s Forum article, Scott Lucas introduces readers to the sophisticated work of four Muslim thinkers of the 5th/11th century: Miskawayh, al-Hakim al-Jishumi, Ibn Hazm, and al-Khatib al-Baghdadi. Lucas encourages Muslims to emulate these figures’ practices of reading widely, with intellectual generosity and commitment, and to insist on the relationship between knowledge and practice. …”
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  15. 115

    Zahirî Mezhebi Perspektifinde Cerh ve Ta’dil Meseleleri by Mehmet Bilen, Hüsamettin Kaya

    Published 2023-06-01
    “…Zahirî âlimleri cerh ve ta’dil ilmine dair bilgiler verdikleri gibi râvi değerlendirmelerinde de bulunmuşlardır. Özellikle İbn Hazm ve İbnü’l-Kayserânî zikri geçen ilimde belli bir otoriteye sahip olmuşlardır. …”
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    Published 2021-03-01
    “…Gazzâlî, Râgıb el-Isfahanî, Mâverdî ve İbn Hazm gibi âlimler her ne kadar dinî nasların yoğun olarak kullanıldığı ahlak eserleri vermiş olsalar da İslam düşüncesinde ahlâka dair araştırma ve teliflerin ana eksenini filozofların inşa ettiği model oluşturmuştur. …”
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  17. 117

    Fürû-ı Fıkıhtaki Örnekleri ve Yansımalarıyla Fıkıh Usûlünde Rüşd Kavramı by Hasan Şahin

    Published 2023-12-01
    “…Fukahânın çoğunluğu akıllı ve ergen olmayı rüşd için yeterli bulmamış kişinin reşid sayılması için rüşdünü ispat eden davranışlar sergilemesini gerekli görmüştür. İbn Hazm gibi bazı fakihler ise akıllı ergen kişiyi reşid saymış böylece rüşd vasfını bunlardan ayrı bir kavram olarak düşünmemiştir. …”
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  18. 118

    Erken Dönemde İstihsân Tanımları Etrafında Oluşan Meşrûiyet Tartışmaları by Abdulmuid Aykul

    Published 2022-06-01
    “…Bu da apaçık bir çelişkiyi doğurmaktadır. İbn Hazm’ın bu değerlendirmesinin haklılık tarafı yok değildir. …”
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  19. 119

    Among the figures of culture in Andalusia, the literary judge Munther bin Saeed Al-Ballouti by Hazim Kdeer

    Published 1972-08-01
    “…Among them in Al-Andalus is Ibn Hazm, the well-known virtual jurist and the author of the book The Ring of the Dove in Affinity and the Thousand. …”
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    EDITORIAL by Sayyid M. Syeed

    Published 1992-07-01
    “…He argues that if the views of the classical jurists were adopted, in effect no one would be allowed to disagree or have a different opinion, as this would jeopardize the ummah's infallibility. He supports Ibn Hazm's view that consensus must be based on a nass from either the Qur'an, the hadith, or both. …”
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