Application of Pb-210 dating method for recent sedimentation and history of metals contaminant in a former tin mining lake / Zaharidah Abu Bakar
Published 2009“…Profile of metals against sediment depth enables us to obtain valuable information about environmental and deposition of contamination in that area. …”
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Thesis -
Improving the public service delivery through client charter: a case study at Malacca Road Transport Department, UTC Malacca / Norhazimah Husain and Zaynor Ashiqin Abu Bakar
Published 2013“…According to Cabinet Secretariat (2009), Client’s Charter is a written declaration by a Government department that highlights the standards of service delivery that it promises to, availability of choice for consumers, channel for grievance restore and other related information. In other words, it is a set of commitments made by department regarding the standards of service which it delivers. …”
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Student Project -
Dimensional shrinkage, stability and strength properties of oil palm lumber in relation to sawing pattern and resin impregnation treatments / Kamarudin Hassan
Published 2015“…Apart from sawn lumber products, information on variation in physical and mechanical propel1ies as a function of the bole position along its radial plane with tree heights could assist to segregate billets from different sections of oil palm trunk for biocomposites such as plywood.…”
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Thesis -
An axiological study on Islamic visual art in Malaysia from 1957 to 1999 / Wan Samiati Andriana W.Mohamad Daud
Published 2017“…The quantitative research utilized questionnaire to solicit the data. The information gathered through data collection inclusive of three major issues, the concept , the national policies and the events or exhibitions gathered from various source s, including academic books , journal, proceedings as well as exhibition catalogues cum books of painting, retrospectives, biographies, competition booklets and website. …”
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Thesis -
Work-related stress and coping: a survey on medical and surgical nurses in a Malaysian Teaching Hospital
Published 2007“…Materials and Methods : A structured bilingual questionnaire (English-Malay) on symptoms and sources of stress, and coping style measure was disseminated to medical and surgical nurses working in a teaching hospital in Kuala Lumpur. Socio demographic information and stress management methods were inquired. …”
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Article -
Pengajian tahfiz Al-Quran dan Qira’at di Kelantan: Satu tinjauan terhadap peranan Dato’ Haji Muhammad Nor Bin Ibrahim
Published 2012“…Beliau juga telah berjasa kepada negeri kelahirannya Kelantan dengan mengadakan kelas tahfiz al-Quran secara informal di rumahnya bermula pada 1937 dan secara formalnya di Masjid Muhammadi, Kota Bharu pada tahun 1980. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Distribution of carotenoids and vitamin A activity in aerial organs of selected underutilized Malaysian “ulam” or traditional vegetables (Averrhoa carambola, Manihot esculenta and...
Published 2019“…Practical implications: This analysis provides valuable information on the importance of underutilized traditional vegetables as important biofactories for sustainable production of valuable pigments (such as carotenoids) with medicinal benefits and can further be exploited in various industries, such as in formulation of functional natural colorants. …”
Article -
Selected transcriptome profiles of oral cancer suggestive of field cancerisation using second generation sequencing
Published 2010“…The tissues and socio-demographic information were obtained from the Malaysian Oral Cancer Data and Tumour Bank System (MOCDTBS) at the Oral Cancer Research and Coordinating Centre (OCRCC). …”
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Article -
Modelling the yield loss of oil palm due to Ganoderma Basal Stem Rot disease
Published 2016“…The best single model from the best-subset selection algorithm was chosen based on eight criteria, namely Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Finite Prediction Error (FPE), Generalised Cross Validation (GCV), Hannan- Quinn (HQ), RICE, SCHWARZ, sigma square (SGMASQ) and SHIBATA. …”
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Thesis -
Kompetensi pengadil ragbi Malaysia
Published 2009“…Soalselidik ini adalah diubahsuaikan daripada soal selidik Generic Competencies of Rugby Union Referee (2003) bagi mengenalpasti kompetensi generik yang diperlukan oleh pengadil ragbi untuk berjaya pada peringkat tertinggi dan bagi mengenalpasti kesediaan pengadil ragbi pula menggunakan soal selidik Australia Rugby Union Referee Competency Statement (2006) dansoalselidik Information· Technology Know/edge and Skills Diagnostic Tool (2003). …”
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Research Report -
Evaluation of slaughterhouse pig ovaries and recovery of Cumulus-Oocyte-Complexes (COCs)
Published 2018“…However, there is lack of information on IVEP for porcine in Malaysia. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to determine the relationship between ovarian types, quality of slaughterhouse pig ovaries and the recovery rate and quality of recovered COCs. …”
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Academic Exercise -
A study on the prevalence of clostridium difficile infection and associated risk factors in large hospital settings in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Published 2018“…The demographic data and other dinical information were obtained from hospital medical record and analysed using a standard questionnaire base on Bauer MP et al (2011). …”
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Thesis -
Detection and characterization of Uropathogenic Escherichia Coli Sequence type 131 in Sabah, Malaysia
Published 2018“…Molecular characteristics observed in this study will provide important information for the future study.…”
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Thesis -
Modelling the yield loss of oil palm due to ganoderma basal stem rot disease
Published 2016“…The best single model from the best-subset selection algorithm was chosen based on eight criteria, namely Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Finite Prediction Error (FPE), Generalised Cross Validation (GCV), HannanQuinn (HQ), RICE, SCHWARZ, sigma square (SGMASQ) and SHIBATA. …”
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Thesis -
Piezoelectric based concrete strength monitoring model
Published 2017“…Concrete strength monitoring, providing information related to the readiness of the structure for service, is crucial to the safety and resource planning in the construction industry. …”
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Thesis -
The relationship between intergenerational cash transfers, financial status and labour force participation of older men and older women in Malaysia
Published 2023“…These were not covered in the MPFS-54 survey which could shed more information on how an older person made his or her decision whether to join the labour force or not. …”
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Thesis -
The population genetics of green mussel (perna viridis) from Sabah, Malaysia and implication to its aquaculture
Published 2016“…As green mussel aquaculture in Sabah is completely relying on wild green mussel population for both spats and broodstock, It is imperative to understand various population parameters of green mussel including the population genetic Information before green mussel aquaculture improvement initiatives commence. …”
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Thesis -
Effect of storage conditions and antioxidant additives on the deterioration of biodiesel and biodiesel blends
Published 2014“…The present finding is able to provide general guideline on additives selection and information on their performance. Results shows that efficacy of antioxidant rank from Petrolift < BHT < Ecotive < TBH & MBP. …”
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