Published 2014“…This research use theory that applied in technology acceptance model (Davis, 1989) and information system success model (DeLone and McLean, 2003). …”
Thesis -
Penentuan Jalur Optimal Menggunakan Model Analisis Jaringan Untuk Pelayanan Pemadam Kebakaran
Published 1999“…This institution has to be supported with information of traffic network, traffic density, hydrant location, and address all offire location. Geographical information system technology could be used to integrate all of these data in which easily accessed for optimal path network analysis modelling based on distance or travel time. …”
Article -
Penggabungan Data Grafis Dan Atribut Untuk Membentuk Sistem Informasi Pertanian
Published 1996“…A Land Information System (LIS) needs a software package that has capability to handle both graphical and attribute data. …”
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Rain-Induced Landslide Problem In est Java
Published 1996“…A Land Information System (LIS) needs a software package that has capability to handle both graphical and attribute data. …”
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Integrated mapping of the earthquake-induced liquefaction in Wates Groundwater Basin, Kulon Progo for land use planning consideration: A preliminary study
Published 2022“…This study provides updated land-use conditions and a detailed liquefaction susceptibility map using Geographic Information System and Multi-Criteria Analysis (GIS-MCA) from the previous research data by Maulana (2017). …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Developing an efficient DMCIS with next-generation wireless networks
Published 2006“…Considering these aspects, in this paper we propose a framework for developing an efficient Disaster Management Communications and Information System (DMCIS) which is basically benefited by the exploitation of the emerging wireless network technologies combined with other networking and data processing technologies.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Designing an efficient DMCIS with wireless sensor and ad hoc networks
Published 2008“…Considering these aspects, in this paper we propose a framework for developing an efficient disaster management communications and information system (DMCIS) which is basically benefited by the exploitation of the emerging wireless network technologies combined with other networking and data processing technologies.…”
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Edutainment game for kids : learn about shapes aged 4 to 5 years old / Azura Abdullah
Published 2005“…The target of this project is to deliver shapes learning with interesting and informative system to children. System approaches is to provide study courses and game by including multimedia elements such as text, soiind, images and animations into the system. …”
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Thesis -
Understanding user’s intention to the continued use of digital library: what are the roles of aesthetics and information quality? / Raja Alwi Raja Omar...[et al.]
Published 2017“…The digital library can be considered as a new information system which brings many benefits to the users. …”
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Article -
An analysis on the misuse of international student pass which violates the Malaysian Immigration Act 1959/63 / Siti Atifah Mohd Zin, Izzatul Izreen Mansor and Norhazurin Fazaieti A...
Published 2014“…It should also introduce more stringent corporal punishment and implement a system similar to the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) of the United States in granting student passes.…”
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Student Project -
Project management / Siti Jasmeen Mohd. Hashim and Hasena Mustafa
Published 1993“…PROJECT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM or known as PMIS is a section which describes a little bit about the history of computer in project management, the packages and also on evaluating PMIS.…”
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Student Project -
Analysis of Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) of Malaysian Manufacturing Sectors: Current Status and Practices
Published 2011“…Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) requires to tap the power of Information Technology (IT) and integrate information system in order to stay competitive and customer oriented. …”
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Article -
Islamic educational system in Kelantan, Malaysia: traditional and modern approaches
Published 2012“…Nevertheless, the informal system is still existed even until today, along with the formal educational system. …”
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Article -
Spatial multi-criteria decision analysis for safe school site selection
Published 2010“…It was carried out by geographic information system (GIS)and multi-criteria evaluation model. …”
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Article -
The impact of software quality on maintenance process
Published 2011“…Therefore, it is considered as an economic impact in information system community. Several researches are intended to estimate and reduce the cost of this task. …”
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Article -
Adoption of mobile commerce: the impact of end user satisfaction on system acceptance
Published 2013“…Although voluntary individual usage behavior of information system and technology is well studied in the literature, further theoretical development is needed to account for the specific characteristics of the mobile commerce. …”
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Article -
A respecification and extension of DeLone and McLean model of IS success in the citizen-centric e-governance
Published 2011“…This study is an attempt to explore and propose the needs and values of citizens on the e-governance systems based on the determinants of information system (IS) success in the DeLone and McLean 2003 (D&M 2003) model of IS success. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Land use and land cover mapping using rule-based classification in Karbala city, Iraq
Published 2017“…Land use and land cover are important and useful geographic information system (GIS) layers that have been used for a wide range of geospatial applications. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Investigation of adoption behaviour for social commerce in the kindom of Saudi Arabia
Published 2018“…This is what led the Information System (IS) research community to come up with a new discipline known as Social Commerce (s-commerce). …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The factors affecting on managing sensitive data in cloud computing
Published 2018“…Framework using multilevel to enhance management information system on sensitive data in cloud environment.…”
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