Feedback of Mani beliefs in Arabic literature(Relying on poems off "aboathie; abunovas; aboala; bashar)
Published 2019-02-01“…This term has been used in Adaptive Diction And reflects an ancient intellectual trend that emphasized the awareness of mystic secrets . …”
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Schools and Newspapers in Zanjan in the Constitutional Era: Challenges and Obstacles
Published 2022-09-01“…From institutions and new manifestations, we can name the school and the newspaper that had a great impact on the social and intellectual transformation of the society. In the city of Zanjan, the manifestations of civilization were created with delay despite the fact that this city is located between the two important centers of Tehran and Tabriz. …”
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What’s the Matter? Materiality and computation in a studioat the age of environmental anxiety. An experimental approach to architectural education
Published 2021-03-01“…A project would then follow a specific design process, an incubator of ideas, which involves experimentation, intellectual rigor, precision, continuous testing and evolution of propositions. …”
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Myth and politics: behavioral archetypes in ancient Iran and persistence in power and politics
Published 2020-02-01“…In this unstable situation, no intellectual and philosophical system can be devised, and a unity reached. …”
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Exploring the Students’ Critical Thinking Disposition (Case study: Farabi Campus Students, University of Tehran)
Published 2021-05-01“…He asserts that critical thinking disposition is shaped by an inner report and its aspects include: Engagement: propensity to engagement measures three issues: student’s tendency to look for opportunities to use rationality and argument; predicting those situations which need to argue; trust to the capability of rationality and arguing; Innovativeness: tendency to innovation measures students’ talent since the tend to know the reality and are curious intellectually; Cognitive maturity: it measures maturity of three issue: students’ talent to be aware of the complexity of real problems; openness to others’ attitudes; awareness on backgrounds and prejudices of oneself and others (Rickets, 2003: 20 – 21; cited by Khojasteh and others, 2014). …”
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國小資優生道德認知對新冠疫情 病患態度之現況與其關聯: 以對新冠疫情之情緒為調節變項 Effects of the Moral Cognition of Gifted Elementary School Students on Their Attitudes Toward COVID-19: Exploring the Moderating Effects...
Published 2022-12-01“…Gifted students differ from others intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically; however, their ability to cognitively understand moral issues is higher than their ability to emotionally adjust to such issues (Clark, 2002/2007). …”
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Le corps translangageant médiateur de sens
Published 2020-06-01“…The objective of this didactic approach is not a task that would have been formalised in detail in advance by the teacher, but an event, a situation that occurs and evolves in a teacher-pupil co-creation.The results of the studies I have conducted, including the AiLES (Arts in Language Education for an Empathic Society) longitudinal study, show that a balance of physical (sensory-motor and emotional), intellectual (linguistic, metacognitive) and social (empathy) involvement in their learning leads pupils to language autonomy. …”
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Developing the principles of designing a child-friendly neighborhood with the approach of improving children’s sense of community (case study: Rushdiyeh neighborhood of Tabriz)
Published 2021-04-01“…Equipping parks and green spaces to create official play spaces and their appropriate distribution in the neighborhood, as well as creating new parks such as adventure and intellectual parks; 3. Creating an excuse for children to be together, such as a wall for children to paint; 4. …”
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A Comparative Study of the Theme of "the Justification of God’s Providence" in the Outlooks of Sa’di and Alexander Pope
Published 2020-02-01“…That is why the five centuries that divide the two poets and their various social lives have not affected their basic intellectual views. The differences and incongruities, however, are generally derived from their vehicles of expression rather than the tenets and thoughts. …”
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Designing a model of talent management in the parent company of thermal power
Published 2023-12-01“…Also, organizations have realized that these intellectual capitals are vital resources that require management in order to achieve the best results (Mahmudi et al, 2022). …”
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Analyzing and Explaining the Relationship between University Field and the Legitimate Tastes of Tehran's Theater Audience
Published 2019-03-01“…Since a popular belief about theater spectators in Iran is that they are only members of the elite and intellectuals of the society and also due to discussion and debates arising as a result of the increase in the number of theater halls in Tehran and the entrance of new spectators into the circle of theater-goers, as well as the importance of educational capital in the formation of taste in the framework of Bourdieu’s thought, the present research, by explaining and classifying habitus and the capitals of legitimate theater field and examining the relationship between the capitals and interests of new spectators and those of university field agents, deals with the formation and analysis of their tastes. …”
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The parliamentary right in France, 1905-1919
Published 1961“…The extra-parliamentary Right, which had much intellectual influence, has been ignored as far as possible.…”
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Studies on the 5th and 6th essays of Proclus' Commentary on the Republic
Published 1976“…Some discussion of Proclus' attitude to theurgy, including the problem of the relationship in later Neoplatonism between theurgy and the Plotinian ideal of intellectual contemplation, reinforces the point that Proclus is revitalising the traditional mysterylanguage. …”
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Mary I. Ingraham, Joseph K. So, and Roy Moodley, eds. 2016. Opera in a Multicultural World: Coloniality, Culture, Performance. New York: Routledge
Published 2018-04-01“…I do not discredit the intellectually stimulating work presented here, and I am not implying that the authors stick to worn-out formulae. …”
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Contradictions regarding teaching and writing (or writing to learn) in the disciplines: What we have learned in the USA
Published 2013-04-01“…The foregrounding of writing in WAC/WID has reveled six structural, institutional contradictions in US HE: 1) writing as transversal versus writing as specialized; 2) genre conceived as a container of content--a </span></span><span lang="EN-US">form/content dualism--versus genre conceived as social action; 3) writing as a means of assessing learning of content versus writing as a tool of intellectual / professional / personal development; 4) writing for a social motive of schooling (epistemic) versus a social motive of work (pragmatic); 5) the masters or doctoral thesis as a last educational hurdle versus a first professional performance; 6) and (teaching) writing for social/disciplinary reproduction versus (teaching) writing for social/disciplinary change.…”
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日本高等教育導入「交叉契約制」深化產學合作之研究:以大阪大學為例 Cultivating University–Industrial Collaboration Through a Cross-Appointment System in Japanese Higher Education: A Case Study of Osaka University...
Published 2022-06-01“…The incorporation of national universities in Japan since 2004 has granted universities the autonomy to manage their intellectual property and maintain finance independence. …”
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Stylistics of “Tarikh i Balami”
Published 2016-05-01“…For example, repeating verbs, nouns and prepositions at that time were popular and beautiful in prose but these techniques can be avoided these days. We may not be able to comment on the intellectual level by reading this book, because this book is a translated work of Mohammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari. …”
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A Comparative Study of the Components of Dystopian Literature in the Novels “Terrible Tehran” and “Handmaid’s Tale
Published 2023-08-01“…In the 20th century, the writers of Plaidshahr have given answers in the form of stories and novels to technological, intellectual, and industrial changes, as well as two world wars and the subsequent changes in the way people perceive themselves at the individual and national level. 2.MethodologyThe present study will apply the two novels "Terrible Tehran" by Morteza Mushfiq Kazemi (1977-1902) and "The Handmaid’s Tale" by Margaret Atwood ( November 1995) based on the American school, and in terms of The research tool and field is based on library documents and note-taking. …”
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Moral Virtues in the Poetry of Qasemi and al-Yaziji
Published 2023-02-01“…Discussion Moral virtues have always been in poets’ spotlight; poets who lived in two or more lands far from each other, but their intellectual similarities cannot be overlooked. Qasemi’s and al-Yaziji’s goal in using these moral virtues is to praise and honor human virtues or to encourage goodness and righteousness. …”
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Por uma Visão Crítica nos Estudos Turísticos
Published 2011-12-01“…Furthermore, the majority of the intellectual mainstream disregards everything not published in English. …”
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