Jane Eyre between the Wars
Published 2009-08-01“…L’un des héritages que Charlotte Brontë laissa derrière elle avec son roman Jane Eyre, c’est une trame qui fut indéfiniment recyclée dans le roman féminin. …”
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Article -
Adèle, version abâtardie de Jane Eyre
Published 2006-12-01“…Adèle is a rewriting of the story of Jane Eyre published 150 years before. Emma Tennant, who is a specialist in the field of « revisions » puts Adèle, Jane’s young pupil in the Ur-text, in the limelight by giving her a « story of her own », as if she were taking her revenge on the original text which had given her so insignificant a part.…”
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Creative (mis)reading? Paula Rego’s Jane Eyre
Published 2009-08-01“…En 2002, l’artiste britannique d’origine portugaise Paula Rego a créé une série de vingt-cinq lithographies inspirées par Jane Eyre. Ces œuvres ont connu une popularité immédiate, malgré leur interprétation peu orthodoxe du roman de Charlotte Brontë. …”
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Daphne Du Maurier’s Transformation of Jane Eyre in Rebecca
Published 2006-12-01“…Cet article examine la transformation, dans Rebecca, du mythos que constitue dans Jane Eyre, la triade Jane/Rochester et Bertha Mason. …”
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“What’s Next?” Jasper Fforde’s Attempts on Jane Eyre
Published 2010-03-01“…This article attempts to analyse the interplay of Jane Eyre with one of its most daring re-appropriations, Jasper Fforde’s 2001 novel The Eyre Affair, which will be presented as a ‘parallolotopia’ in this essay. …”
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Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë: The Never-Ending Story
Published 2009-08-01“…Le roman de Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre, est habité par la voix inextinguible de l’héroïne. …”
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Lucy Snowe : première réécriture de Jane Eyre
Published 2006-12-01“…While reading Villette, published by Charlotte Brontë in 1853, one cannot help thinking of Jane Eyre, the eponymous heroine of the novel published by the same author in 1847. …”
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Jane Eyre - A figure of displacement and ambiguous independence.
Published 2011“…This essay focuses on Jane Eyre's experiences within various domestic spaces (Gateshead Hall, Lowood Institution, Thornfield Hall and Moor House) that inevitably contribute to the perpetuation of her marginalization. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
An Experiment in the Study of Translations: Prismatic Jane Eyre [dataset]
Published 2024“…Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre has been translated hundreds of times into more than 60 different languages. …”
Dataset -
Shipwrecks and marine phantoms in Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea
Published 2014-10-01“…Rochester and his creole wife, Bertha, is barely mentioned in Charlotte Brontë’s 'Jane Eyre'. I argue, however, that Jane Eyre’s preoccupation with images of stormy seas suggests this particular voyage is more dramatic and much more crucial for understanding the novel than previously recognised. …”
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Spatial physiognomy of the sickroom in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre and Villette.
Published 2013“…Gilbert and Susan Gubar, Elaine Showalter, Miriam Bailin and also Michel Foucault, this thesis will examine representations of illness, and “madness” constructed as a form of illness, in Jane Eyre and Villette by delineating the different types of physical spaces within the two novels and the usage of the Victorian sickroom convention in these spaces. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)