Milk quality of Jersey cows kept on winter pasture supplemented or not with concentrate Qualidade do leite de vacas Jersey mantidas em pastagem cultivada de inverno e suplementadas ou não com concentrado
Published 2009-10-01“…The supplement supply to Jersey cows during lactation caused an increase in the total milk solid percentage, because it raised the fat and protein concentration.…”
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Suplementação de lipídeos de diferentes fontes em dietas para vacas Jersey na fase inicial de lactação Fat supplementation from different sources in the diet of Jersey cows in the initial lactation stage
Published 2007-08-01“…Control diet contained 2.9% EE, while the diets GP, FAIO and FAIS contained 5.13; 5.29 and 5.16% EE, respectively. Pure bred Jersey cows of 2nd and 3rd lactation were used, with 70 days in milk, average weight of 420 kg and body condition of 3.5 to 4. …”
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Effect of postpartum body condition score change on the pregnancy outcomes of lactating Jersey cows inseminated at first service with sexed Jersey or conventional beef semen after a synchronized estrus versus a synchronized ovulation
Published 2024-04-01“…ABSTRACT: Our objective was to compare insemination rate and pregnancies per artificial insemination (P/AI) of lactating Jersey cows inseminated at first service with sexed Jersey or conventional beef semen after submission to a Double-Ovsynch protocol for timed artificial insemination (TAI) versus a protocol to synchronize estrus at similar days in milk (DIM). …”
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Efeito de diferentes fontes de gordura na dieta de vacas Jersey sobre o consumo, a produção e a composição do leite Effects of different dietary fat sources on intake and milk yield and composition of Jersey cows
Published 2005-12-01“…It can be concluded that addition of fat sources to diets of lactating Jersey cows is recommended because improved milk yield and feed efficiency with no deleterious effects on DMI and milk composition.…”
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Teores de cloretos, lactose e índice cloretos/lactose na secreção láctea de bovinos da raça Jersey no primeiro mês da lactação Chloride and lactose contents and chloride/lactose ratio in milk from Jersey cows in the first month of lactation
Published 2009-02-01“…<br>In order to assess the influence of the colostral period on chloride and lactose levels and on the chloride/lactose ratio, 419 milk samples from 127 Jersey cows were analyzed. The samples were collected from healthy udders that did not present any bacterial growth in the microbiological examination. …”
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Evaluation of the pH and electrical conductivity in milk from jersey cows during the first month of lactation / <br> Avaliação do pH e da eletrocondutividade do leite de bovinos da raça Jersey durante o primeiro mês de lactação
Published 2009-07-01“…In order to assess the influence of the colostrum period on pH and, electrical conductivity, we collected 418 milk samples from 127 Jersey cows. The samples were collected from healthy udders that did not present any bacterial growth in the microbiological examination. …”
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Valor do farelo de arroz integral como fonte de gordura na dieta de vacas Jersey na fase inicial de lactação: digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes Value of rice bran as a fat source for Jersey cows in early lactation: apparent digestibility of nutrients
Published 2004-12-01“…O farelo de arroz integral pode ser usado como fonte de gordura, totalizando 6% de gordura bruta na dieta de vacas leiteiras na fase inicial da lactação.<br>Eight Jersey cows with an average live weight of 420 kg, yielding around 20 kg of 3.5% FCM in early lactation (around the peak of lactation) were used in a trial whose objectives were to evaluate rice bran as fat source associated with oil or tallow in iso-proteic, iso-fibrous and iso-lipidic diets on the apparent digestibility of nutrients. …”
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Estimação de parâmetros genéticos utilizando-se a produção de leite no dia do controle em primeiras lactações de vacas da raça Jersey Estimation of genetic parameters for test day milk yield of first lactation Jersey cows using repeatability and random regression models
Published 2006-08-01“…<br>Data consisting of 3,531 test day records of 620 first parity Jersey cows were used to estimate genetic parameters for milk yield. …”
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Phosphatase Activity of Microbial Populations in Different Milk Samples in Relation to Protein and Carbohydrate Content
Published 2014-12-01“…The highest microbial population was found in the milk collected from cross hybrid variety of cow, whereas microbial contamination was the least in Jersey cow milk. Samples of C1 (Jersey cow) variety showed presence of the highest amount of protein and carbohydrate content as compared to the others. …”
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Phosphatase Activity of Microbial Populations in Different Milk Samples in Relation to Protein and Carbohydrate Content
Published 2014-12-01“…The highest microbial population was found in the milk collected from cross hybrid variety of cow, whereas microbial contamination was the least in Jersey cow milk. Samples of C1 (Jersey cow) variety showed presence of the highest amount of protein and carbohydrate content as compared to the others. …”
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Ultrasonographic documentation of type-3 abomasal ulcer in a cow with left displacement of the abomasum
Published 2020-06-01“…This report describes the clinical, ultrasonographic and postmortem findings in a Jersey cow with type-3 abomasal ulcer and left displacement of the abomasum (LDA). …”
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Characterization and Morphology of Natural Dung Polymer for Potential Industrial Application as Bio-Based Fillers
Published 2020-12-01“…Three types of undigested animal dung fibers from Indigenous cow (IDF), Jersey cow (JDF), and Buffalo (BDF) were taken. Wheat straw (WS) was the main diet of all animals. …”
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Potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through different dairy cattle systems in subtropical regions.
Published 2020-01-01“…Feed requirement during the entire life of each cow was based on data recorded from Holstein × Jersey cow herds producing an average of 7,000 kg ECM lactation-1. …”
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Published 2005-07-01“…The highest incidence of Theilaria, i.e., 38 and 30 per cent was observed in Holstein-Friesian and Jersey cows during 3rd and 4th quarter of the year, respectively. …”
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The differences in teat-end hyperkeratosis in Holstein and Jersey dairy cows
Published 2018-12-01“…Regarding the rear teats of the observed cows, significantly (P<0.05) higher hyperkeratosis score was found in Jersey cows in first lactation comparing to Holstein cows in same lactation. …”
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Endometrial cytology as an indicator of subclinical endometritis of dairy cattle Holstein Friesian and Jersey breeds
Published 2016-12-01“…Also it shows that 53.8% of Holstein cows with 2 lactations are positive to subclinical endometritis compared with 11.1% of Jersey cows. Similarly it is observed that 75.0% of the Holstein Friesian 4 lactations are positive subclinical endometritis against any case Jersey cows. …”
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Analysis of Jersey versus Holstein breed profitability on north central US dairies
Published 2023-09-01“…In conclusion, Holstein cows were more profitable than Jersey cows on these 3 north central US dairies.…”
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Feeding up to 91% concentrate to Holstein and Jersey dairy cows: Effects on enteric methane emission, rumen fermentation and bacterial community, digestibility, production, and fee...
Published 2022-11-01“…Twelve Danish Holstein and 12 Danish Jersey cows were fed ad libitum with one of 3 total mixed rations differing in concentrate proportion in a continuous design with staggered approach over 19 to 29 d. …”
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