Wolf Girls and Mechanical Boys: Whiteness and Assimilation in Bruno Bettelheim’s Narratives of Autism
Published 2023-12-01“…The creation of this new model of white masculinity was bound up with the whitening of Ashkenazi Jewish identity. Bettelheim presented whiteness as something that Ashkenazi Jews in America could achieve through a process of rehabilitation/assimilation/cure that rid them of pathological “Jewish” traits.…”
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Erich Fromm und Das Freie Jüdische Lehrhaus in Frankfurt
Published 2023-02-01“…Fromm’s dissertation expresses his preoccupation with his Jewish identity and his examination of the complex theopolitical reality in which the Jews of Germany found themselves at the beginning of the 20th century, including the debates between Orthodox Jews and reformers, and between Zionists and anti-Zionists. …”
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Niebiali, niemężczyźni i inni nieprawdziwi obywatele. O reprodukcji społecznych nierówności w książce Karen Brodkin „How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says about Race in Am...
Published 2014-06-01“…Second, Brodkin tries to understand her own origins, as well as different life styles and ways of perceiving the Jewish identity present in her family. Beside the analysis itself, Brodkin also offers many interesting remarks on the construction of racial and ethnic categories, discrimination, and the interactions between the ethnic, class and gender aspects of one’s identity. …”
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From a Jewish Communist to a Jewish Buddhist: Allen Ginsberg as a Forerunner of a New American Jew
Published 2019-02-01“…He and other Jews, who followed his example, have seen no contradiction between practicing Buddhism and Jewish identity and have not sensed any guilt. Their Buddhism has been Western, American, and individualistic in its goals, meshing with other interests and affiliations. …”
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"Di Ufgabn Fun Yidishizm". Debates on Modern Yiddish Culture in Interwar Poland
Published 2015-06-01“…This paper outlines the basic principles of Yiddishism, a Diaspora-based national movement that saw language and culture as the cornerstones of a secular Jewish identity. It also presents some of the major theoretical questions faced by its supporters. …”
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L’engagement sportif des Juifs communistes et socialistes : un impensé historiographique (années 1920-1950) = The involvement of left-wing Jews in sports in Paris: a historiographi...
Published 2023-06-01“…These clubs were created with a fourfold aim: to create places of sociability outside of social and anti-Semitic prejudices, to enhance the Jewish identity of immigrants, to defend communist and socialist political ideals, and to defend persecuted Jews. …”
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Editor’s Note
Published 2017-09-01“…The issue’s third article, Alison Maggart’s “Milton Babbitt’s Glosses on American Jewish Identity,” outlines the evolution of Babbitt’s engagement with Jewish themes over the course of his career, arguing for the centrality of the Jewish Exile narrative to the composer’s discourse and music. …”
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Emma Izon - Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the degree of Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsych)
Published 2023“…Information about participants’ concealment behaviour and their psychological health was collected, alongside participants’ Jewish identity. Results: Concealment was higher in the non-religious LGBTQ+ group compared to the Jewish LGBTQ+ group, although overall mental health was significantly poorer in the Jewish group. …”
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Book Reviews
Published 2023-08-01“…Angel, Otherworldly and Eschatological Priesthood in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Torleif Elgvin) Eve-Marie Becker och Anders Runesson (red.), Mark and Matthew I: Comparative Readings: Understanding the Earliest Gospels in their First-century Settings (Tobias Hägerland) Bob Becking, Ezra, Nehemiah, and the Construction of Early Jewish Identity (Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer) April D. DeConick, Holy Misogyny: Why the Sex and Gender Conflicts in the Early Church Still Matter (Hanna Stenström) Daniel R. …”
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Thinking Proleptically: Paul Mendes-Flohr on Intellectual History as Second-Person Dialogue
Published 2022-04-01“…Based on a reading of his recent book, <i>Cultural Disjunctions: Post-Traditional Jewish Identities</i>, the discussion shows how Mendes-Flohr’s adaptation of Martin Buber’s call to aspire to I−Thou relations supports proleptic historiography both as a historiographical methodology and as a moral act.…”
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I libri, l’esilio
Published 2021-09-01“…Mixing historical analysis with ego-historical reflections on my own research path, the essay looks at books as mirrors of the plurality of (Jewish) identities and memories that can be traced in the Mediterranean until the 1950s and 1960s and, in different ways, until today.…”
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David Levi. A Child of the Nineteenth Century
Published 2015-11-01“…Levi’s relevance derives from his constant effort to amalgamate Italian and Jewish identities in a context of increasing secularity. …”
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The Western Sephardic Diaspora: Ancestral Birthplaces and Displacement, Diaspora Formation and Multiple Homelands
Published 2019-12-01“…This essay reviews the following works: Jews and Jewish Identities in Latin America: Historical, Cultural, and Literary Perspectives. …”
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Sarah Schulman’s Empathy, Ties that Bind, and the Possibilities of the Stranger
Published 2017-09-01“…In this article I argue that inhabiting the position of the stranger allows Anna O. the possibility of creating some sort of coexistence between, and cohabitation of, her queer and Jewish identities. In this way, Schulman constructs the stranger as a subject position replete with possibility rather than as a liability that must be shed in order to acculturate onself to American life.…”
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The Jewish Reformist Movement and its Challenges in Modern Time
Published 2015-12-01“…Also, the influence of Christianity on the Jewish reformist views is undeniable in a way that in some cases, the modern beliefs have caused some of the recent Jewish generations to get attracted to Christian doctrines and practices and ignore their Jewish identity…”
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The Jewish Reformist Movement and its Challenges in Modern Time
Published 2016-01-01“…Also, the influence of Christianity on the Jewish reformist views is undeniable in a way that in some cases, the modern beliefs have caused some of the recent Jewish generations to get attracted to Christian doctrines and practices and ignore their Jewish identity…”
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Challenges and Solutions to Translating Multilingual Literary Texts between Identity Custody and Translators’ Creativity: The case of Farah CHAMMA’s Poem Translation ‘I Am No Pales...
Published 2022-12-01“…The Islamic Arabic identity is contaminated by the French, English, Spanish, German, Italian, Christian and Jewish identities due to this kind of colonialism which destroys all the identity and patriotism fundamentals such as: ethics, religion, thought, and of course language. …”
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