Ten letters by John Stuart Mill
Published 2022“…Recently acquired by the Mill Library at Somerville College, Oxford, these ten letters by John Stuart Mill provide insight into various aspects of Mill’s life, including penal reform, feminism, editorial work, the East India Company, the Jamaica question, and his views on religion.…”
Journal article -
Rhetoric and argument in John Stuart Mill's The Subjection of Women
Published 2011“…This thesis uses John Stuart Mill's 1869 work <em>The Subjection of Women</em> as the basis for what Bernard Williams has called 'a philosophical description of an historical reality'. …”
Thesis -
John Stuart Mill's theory of capital, interest and employment
Published 1959“…<p>This study is an attempt to trace a particular theme of analysis throughout John Stuart Mill's economic theory and to discover what light such a procedure sheds on our knowledge of Mill's work and on our understanding of his historical role. …”
Thesis -
"Letting Oneself Go": John Stuart Mill and Helmuth Plessner on Tears
Published 2012“…This essay examines the meaning and value attached to tears in the writings of John Stuart Mill and Helmuth Plessner. Mill's recollection in his <em>Autobiography</em> of the moment in 1826 when he was moved to tears reading the Mémoires of Marmontel has became a famous statement of the limitations of a utilitarian education (and by extension any education) which cultivates the rational analytic powers of mind at the expense of developing the emotions. …”
Journal article -
'Under the general designation of socialist': the many-sided-radicalism of John Stuart Mill
Published 2012“…<p>This thesis examines why John Stuart Mill thought his political philosophy to be 'under the general designation of socialist' – an ideological position often thought to be antithetical to liberalism, of which Mill is regularly considered an exemplar. …”
Thesis -
Prinsip Utilitas Menurut John Stuart Mill: Studi Ketertarikan antara Etika dan Hukum
Published 1995“…Penleliti bermaksud memperoleh pemahaman yang mendalam mengenai hubungan tersebut menurut perspektif utilitarianisme, khususnya menurut John Stuart Mill, dalam hal ini Mill mengajukan peinsip utilitasnya. …”
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Other -
24.02 Moral Problems and the Good Life, Fall 2006
Published 2006Subjects: Get full text
Learning Object -
The feminism and political radicalism of Helen Taylor in Victorian Britain and Ireland
Published 2014“…This work will illustrate how the political ideology of her feminist mother Harriet Taylor and her step-father John Stuart Mill remained at the heart of Helen’s political throughout her public life. …”
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Thesis -
J.S. Mill’s ‘psychological theory’ of the mind
Published 2022“…This paper examines John Stuart Mill’s ‘psychological theory’ of the mind, as he set it out in his Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s Philosophy. …”
Journal article -
Hume on justice as a virtue
Published 2023“…This thesis examines Hume’s theory of justice as a virtue by addressing some of its textual problems and by highlighting its connection with Adam Smith’s and John Stuart Mill’s conceptions of justice. The thesis consists of five chapters. …”
Thesis -
James Mill's treatment of religion and the History of British India
Published 2008“…This article questions the widely held view that the 'HBI' heralded the utilitarian justification of colonisation found for instance in John Stuart Mill's writings. It suggests that James Mill's role as a proponent of 'utilitarian imperialism' has been overstated, and argues that much of Mill's criticism of Indian society arose from the continuing influence of his religious education as well as from his links with a network of Presbyterian and Evangelical thinkers. …”
Journal article -
Trial by Internet : a millian analysis of cancel culture
Published 2021“…Considering the main arguments for and against this phenomenon, this paper seeks to develop a framework through John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty, analysing his grounds for the freedom of opinion and of the expression of opinion against his liberty principle. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Mid-Victorian Liberalism and the Austrian state, 1848–1867
Published 2020“…It deals both with the periodical press, and with the more developed analyses outlined by the historian Lord Acton and the political philosopher John Stuart Mill.…”
Journal article -
Utilitarian theories of human nature, 1789-1843
Published 1974“…It is offered as a contribution to the history of ideas, and is set principally against "the spirit of an age" losing faith in the constancy and universality of human nature; it rests its analyses on the psychological writings of Bentham, James Mill and John Stuart Mill, and aspires to no special acquaintance with the detailed work of these philosophers in other fields - such as philosophy of law, philosophy of politics and ethics. …”
Thesis -
Spreading the word: the ‘Woman Question’ in the periodicals A Voz Feminina and O Progresso (1868-9)
Published 2017“…Furthermore, it casts light on how Francisca Wood and her enlightened husband, William Thorold Wood, invoked the ongoing support of prominent men such as John Stuart Mill for the cause of women’s rights. Such a pioneer early feminism in Portugal was particularly remarkable in the 1860s – a context preceding the socio-political and cultural debates staged publicly in the 1871 Casino Lectures by the “Geração de 70” – which, furthermore, all but sidelined the “Woman Question.” …”
Journal article