Modeling of Three-Dimensional Hierarchical Porous Materials Organized by Means of Nanosphere Self-Assembly
Published 2017-10-01“…The pore size of hierarchical structures was estimated by means of quasi- two-dimensional projection of three-dimensional deterministic fractal Julien aggregate. Three-dimensional modeling of hierarchical structures organized by means of nanosphere self-assembly was conducted in the Autodesk 3ds Max environment. …”
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Representações do imigrante boliviano: questões enunciativas
Published 2020-08-01“…To show these enunciative positions, we use the French Semiotics, elaborated by Algirdas Julien Greimas and his collaborators. We hope to contribute to the discussions about the representations, but also about the representativity that minority social groups must build together in order not to be stuck under the construction of their images made an controlled by the dominant group.…”
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Estruturalismo e semiótica: aproximações entre Saussure e Greimas
Published 2010-06-01“…Propor-nos-emos, no transcorrer desse artigo, discorrer sobre dois lingüistas preocupados com a questão do signo lingüístico, a saber: Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) e Algirdas Julien Greimas (1917-1992), os quais se debruçaram sobre a teoria da verificação do significado e colaboraram, guardadas as devidas proporções, para a organização, fortalecimento e dinamicidade do estruturalismo, como corrente do pensamento científico. …”
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Sans-abrisme et travail social au féminin
Published 2020-11-01“…It echoes the sociological work conducted by Marie Loison-Leruste, to whom we asked for a light on the subject treated by the film-maker, Louis-Julien Petit. What are the points of complementarity between the sociological view and that of the film-maker? …”
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Published 2021-07-01“…This study examines the location of individuals in the film using Algirdas Julien Greimas' Actantial Model theory. Further, this article employs Mills' Discourse Analysis and Smith's Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). …”
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L’ ‘Histoire Wambae’ est-elle une oeuvre de circonstance?
Published 1986-05-01“… Composé vers 675 par Julien, futur évêque de Tolède, le petit ouvrage connu sous le nom d'Historia Wamhae se présente sous la forme d'une monographie. …”
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Antibiotics used in the ambulatory management of acute COPD exacerbations
Published 2008-06-01“…Marie-France Beauchesne1,2,3, Marcel Julien2,4, Louis-André Julien2,4, Dominique Piquette4, Amélie Forget2, Manon Labrecque2,4, Lucie Blais1,2,31Faculty of Pharmacy, 4Faculty of Medicine, University of Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada; 2Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, Gouin Ouest, Montréal, Québec, Canada; 3Endowment Pharmaceutical Chair AstraZeneca in Respiratory Health, Montréal, Québec, CanadaStudy objectives: This study was conducted to describe the different antibiotics that are used in the home management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbations and to estimate the failure rates following the initiation of the antibiotic.Methods: A cohort study was conducted. …”
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Nutrient element variability of peach trees and tree mortality in relation to cultivars and rootstocks
Published 2002-06-01“…Leaf B and Ca were higher for cultivars grafted on Sant Julien GF 655/2, while cultivars on Damas GF 1869 had higher P, Zn, Mn and lower N, B, Ca, Cu concentrations. …”
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Sobre um foco urbano de esquistossomose em área metropolitana da região sudeste do Brasil Urban focus of schistosomiasis in a metropolitan area in South-eastern Brazil
Published 1993-06-01“…Descreve-se foco de transmissão ativa de esquistossomose mansoni em Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil, localizado no Parque "Julien Rien", uma área de lazer com 48.500 m², criada pela Prefeitura Municipal, em 1980, na zona sul da cidade. …”
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The effect of timing and IBA treatments on the rooting of plum rootstock hardwood cuttings
Published 2010-03-01“…Five varieties were studied: 'INRA Marianna GF 8- 1', 'Myrobalan B', 'MY-KL-A', 'INRA Saint Julien GF 655/2' and 'Feher besztercei'. Cuttings were collected on seven occasions, during late autumn and winter, and were treated with IBA solutions of different concentrations. …”
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The New Cycle of the Grail in the 20th Century and its Mythical Origin
Published 2017-08-01“…The Grail reappears during the 19th century in a sporadic way but this myth gains its apogee in the 20th century and we can talk about a new cycle of the Grail due to authors such as Alphonse de Chateaubriant (La Reponse du Seigneur), Jean Cocteau (Les Chevaliers de la Table Ronde), Julien Gracq (Le Roi Pecheur) and Pierre Benoit (Monsalvat). …”
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Discursos éticos e estéticos:
Published 2021-04-01“…Para tanto, é utilizado o aparato teórico-metodológico da semiótica discursiva desenvolvida por Algirdas Julien Greimas, tendo em vista o levantamento de hipóteses interpretativas e a apreensão dos efeitos de sentido vinculados às imagens fotográficas destes dois modelos de negócio. …”
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Olhar como os pássaros. Sobre a estrutura de enunciação de um tipo de mapa cartográfico
Published 2012-01-01“…Seguindo os passos de Algirdas Julien Greimas, que sempre incentivou os estudos nos diferentes domínios da expressão visual independentemente da substância da expressão implicada, escolhemos como objeto de análise um gênero de texto visual extra-estético - um mapa cartográfico - com o intuito de estudar como se estrutura a enunciação de um tipo particular de mapa, o chamado vista à voo de pássaro.…”
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Published 2017-03-01“…A sua atuação em casos emblemáticos, como o seqüestro dos irmãos Julien ou na retirada de muitos perseguidos da região garantiu ao Clamor, um protagonismo central na luta contra o terrorismo de Estado e na denúncia da estrutura que virias a ser conhecida, posteriormente, como Operação Condor.…”
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O ethos do presidente Lula no programa Café com o Presidente
Published 2015-06-01“…O trabalho fundamenta-se na teoria semiótica de origem francesa, desenvolvida por Algirdas Julien Greimas, que tem como objeto de estudo o sentido, mais especificamente o <em>parecer do sentido</em>. …”
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Causes and consequences of obesity: epigenetics or hypokinesis?
Published 2015-09-01“…Michael R Graham,1 Julien S Baker,2 Bruce Davies3 1Llantarnam Research Academy, Cwmbran, Torfaen, UK; 2Exercise Science Research Laboratory, Institute of Clinical Exercise and Health Science, School of Science, University of the West of Scotland, Hamilton, UK; 3Science Department, University of South Wales, Newport, UKEpigenetics can be defined as the study of heritable changes that affect gene function without modification of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequence.1 The transfer of epigenetic marks through generations is not well understood, and their transmission is in dispute.2 Epigenetic marks are tissue-specific and include DNA methylation and histone modifications that mediate biological processes, such as imprinting (Figure 1). …”
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Community Social Paediatrics Approach, an Innovative Healthcare Intervention: Implementation Fidelity in Atlantic Canada
Published 2022-10-01“…Data were collected through focus group interviews with the CSPA team using an implementation fidelity grid based on the Dr. Julien Foundation standard accreditation criteria. …”
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Studi var an astrou (1848) : des Lumières dans l’ombre
Published 2022-09-01“…Finally, another surprising point: this work was discovered through the autobiographical manuscript of a peasant, Julien Godest. This article therefore combines a study in archives, a study of the language of writing (dialectology and sociolinguistics) and a study of the content of this text, and proposes the hypothesis of a text emanating from the Morlaisian Protestant milieu and a pen in two hands: Guillaume Lejean and Guillaume Ricou.…”
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Discursos éticos e estéticos:
Published 2021-04-01“…Para tanto, é utilizado o aparato teórico-metodológico da semiótica discursiva desenvolvida por Algirdas Julien Greimas, tendo em vista o levantamento de hipóteses interpretativas e a apreensão dos efeitos de sentido vinculados às imagens fotográficas destes dois modelos de negócio. …”
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