A search for binary candidates among the fundamental mode RR Lyrae stars observed by Kepler
Published 2015-01-01“…The data from the Kepler mission with their unprecedented precision and the long time span of about four years offer a unique possibility to systematically search for the signatures of binarity in RR Lyrae stars. …”
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Échelle diagrams and period spacings of g modes in γ Doradus stars from four years of Kepler observations
Published 2015-01-01“…We use photometry from the Kepler Mission to study oscillations in γ Do radus stars. …”
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Seven-Period Asteroseismic Fit of KIC 8626021
Published 2015-01-01“…We present a new, better-constrained asteroseismic analysis of the helium-atmosphere (DB) white dwarf discovered in the field of view of the original Kepler mission. Observations obtained over the course of two years yield at least seven independent modes, two more than were found in the discovery paper for the object. …”
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Space based microlensing planet searches
Published 2013-04-01“…They also add: “This census, combined with that made by the Kepler mission, will determine how common Earth-like planets are over a wide range of orbital parameters”. …”
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Unveiling the Structure and Dynamics of Red Giants With Asteroseismology
Published 2020-08-01“…The Kepler mission observed many thousands of red giants. …”
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Planetary Environments: Scientific Issues and Perspectives
Published 2014-02-01“…In the case of exopl nets, new discoveries are continuously reported, especially with the Kepler mission, in operation since 2009. With the emergence of transit spectroscopy, a new phase of exoplanets’ exploration has started, their characterization, opening the new field of exoplanetology. …”
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The Kepler Smear Campaign: Light curves for 102 very bright stars
Published 2019“…We describe the pipeline developed to extract and calibrate these light curves, and show that we attain photometric precision comparable to stars analyzed by the standard pipeline in the nominal Kepler mission. In this paper, aside from publishing the light curves of these stars, we focus on 66 red giants for which we detect solar-like oscillations, characterizing 33 of these in detail with spectroscopic chemical abundances and asteroseismic masses as benchmark stars. …”
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Hot Jupiter secondary eclipses measured by Kepler
Published 2018“…The outstanding quality of the Kepler mission photometry allows a detection (or non-detection upper limits on) giant planet secondary eclipses at visible wavelengths. …”
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Exoplanets: Past, Present, and Future
Published 2018-04-01“…High precision photometry from the space, especially with the Kepler mission, enables us to detect planets when they transit their stars and dim the stellar light by merely one percent or smaller. …”
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Finding non-eclipsing binaries through pulsational phase modulation
Published 2015-01-01“…We present a method for finding binaries among pulsating stars that were observed by the Kepler Mission. We use entire four-year light curves to accurately measure the frequencies of the strongest pulsation modes, then track the pulsation phases at those frequencies in 10-d segments. …”
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Exoplanet Predictions Based on Harmonic Orbit Resonances
Published 2017-09-01“…The current exoplanet database includes 5454 confirmed and candidate planets observed with the Kepler mission. We find 932 planet pairs from which we extract distance and orbital period ratios. …”
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Towards age/rotation/magnetic activity relation with seismology
Published 2015-01-01“…Then I will focus on solar-like stars and describe the inferences on stellar ages, rotation, and magnetism that can be provided by high-quality photometric observations such as the ones of the Kepler mission, in particular through asteroseismic analyses.…”
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Formation history of open clusters constrained by detailed asteroseismology of red giant stars observed by Kepler
Published 2017-01-01“…Thanks to a Bayesian peak bagging analysis of about 50 red giant members of NGC 6791 and NGC 6819, the two most populated open clusters observed in the nominal Kepler mission, we derive a complete set of detailed oscillation mode properties for each star, with thousands of oscillation modes characterized. …”
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The K2 Bright Star Survey. I. Methodology and Data Release
Published 2019“…While the Kepler mission was designed to look at tens of thousands of faint stars (V gsim 12), brighter stars that saturated the detector are important because they can be and have been observed very accurately by other instruments. …”
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The K2 Bright Star Survey. I. Methodology and data release
Published 2019“…While the Kepler mission was designed to look at tens of thousands of faint stars (V gsim 12), brighter stars that saturated the detector are important because they can be and have been observed very accurately by other instruments. …”
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Investigation of the binary fraction among candidate A-F type hybrid stars detected by Kepler
Published 2015-01-01“…Our targets were selected from the globally characterized variable A/F-type stars of the Kepler mission [7]. We observe each star at least 4 times unevenly spread over a time lapse up to 2 months with the HERMES spectrograph [6]. …”
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Photometric magnetic-activity metrics tested with the Sun: application to Kepler M dwarfs
Published 2014-01-01“…The Kepler mission has been providing high-quality photometric data leading to many breakthroughs in the exoplanet search and in stellar physics. …”
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Precise time-series photometry for the Kepler-2.0 mission
Published 2014“…In both cases, we reach photometric precisions close to the precision reached during the nominal Kepler mission for stars fainter than 12th magnitude, and between 40 and 80 parts per million for brighter stars. …”
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Evolutionary and Observational Properties of Red Giant Acoustic Glitch Signatures
Published 2023-01-01“…While solar-like oscillations in red giants have been observed at massive scales by the Kepler mission, few features of these oscillation mode frequencies, other than their global properties, have been exploited for stellar characterization. …”
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Mixed-mode Ensemble Asteroseismology of Low-luminosity Kepler Red Giants
Published 2023-01-01“…We present measurements of the dipole mode asymptotic period spacing (ΔΠ _1 ), the coupling factor between the p - and g -modes ( q ), the g -mode phase offset ( ϵ _g ), and the mixed-mode frequency rotational splitting ( δ ν _rot ) for 1074 low-luminosity red giants from the Kepler mission. Using oscillation mode frequencies extracted from each star, we apply Bayesian optimization to estimate ΔΠ _1 from the power spectrum of the stretched-period spectrum and to perform the subsequent forward modeling of the mixed-mode frequencies. …”
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