La politica marittima di Bernardo Tanucci nell'epistolario con Carlo III Re di Spagna
Published 2019-12-01“…In those long years he wrote weekly to the king in Spain to brief him on the questions of southern kingdom. …”
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Montoya witness of this time. Memorials.
Published 2016-12-01“…The strength of Father Montoya's plume as his passionate delation, followed by his plea to them to find a remedy to the unfairness lived in Guairá touched the King of Spain, who ordered the analysis and study of the matter. …”
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The Designation of Don Juan Carlos seen by the Madrid newspapers: A comparative perspective
Published 2018-10-01“…The designation of Juan Carlos I as successor of Franco as King of Spain did not please all the written media in the context of Fraga’s 1966 Press Law. …”
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‘Working from home: the life and art of Giovanni Baratta’: Francesco Freddolini, Giovanni Baratta 1670-1747. Scultura e industria del marmo tra la Toscana e le corti d’Europa, Lerm...
Published 2014-12-01“…He had gained the patronage of the king of Denmark and the Duke of Marlborough, Madama Reale in Turin, and (through his friendship with Filippo Juvarra) the king of Spain, but he seldom moved from his home, preferring to export his sculpture to many cities in Italy and abroad.…”
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The Tragic End of Bona Sforza and Roxelana
Published 2020-06-01“…Accordingly, reasons for the grant of the loan by Bona Sforza to Philip II King of Spain are discussed. As we know, this put a tragic end to the life of the Polish queen. …”
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Królowa matka – szara eminencja
Published 2014-10-01“… Queen mother – the grey eminence (Summary) This article is about Maria Christina of Bourbon (1806–1878), the wife of Ferdinand VII, king of Spain, and her efforts to maintain de facto authority in the country after her husband’s death in 1833. …”
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Unwilling Vows and Judicial Strategies: Sister Anna Maddalena Valdina
Published 2018-12-01“…Thus began a very severe judicial dispute that triggers a violent jurisdictional conflict between ecclesiastical and secular magistracies, the Vatican Congregation of Bishops, the Sicilian magistracies and ends up reaching the king of Spain and the pope. The exceptionality of the case-study lies in the possibility of its close contextualization, thanks to the rich archival documentation produced by that judicial litigation, to the intervention of different magistrates and institutions, secular and ecclesiastical and numerous social actors (from the simple nun to the viceroy). …”
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Nominal Assimilation: The Ethnic and National Identities of the Gitanos or Calé of Spain as Shown by their Surnames in the 1783–1785 Census
Published 2014-09-01“…Abstract In 1783, the King of Spain Carlos III enacted the last Royal Order for the control and assimilation of Gitanos or Calé. …”
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El terremoto de Lisboa de 1755: su influencia en la extracción ganadera aPortugal desde la antigua provincia de Tuy (Galicia)
Published 2009-11-01“…</p><p>ABSTRACT: Because of the damage caused by the Lisbon earthquake of November 1st, 1755, the King of Spain approved a Royal Order to abolish the customs duties with Portugal on certain products, including cattle. …”
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Political scandals, media systems, and ideological polarization: the case of the emeritus King Juan Carlos I
Published 2022-10-01“…To do so, we have studied the scandals related to the former King of Spain, Juan Carlos I. In the research, we have analyzed the evolution of media coverage on the topic between July 1, 2014, and March 1, 2021 in three different paper newspapers (El País, El Mundo and ABC). …”
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Avignon 1701
Published 2018-04-01“…After leaving their brother, the Duke of Anjou, who became king of Spain, at Saint-Jean-de-Luz, the dukes of Burgundy and Berry made a solemn entry into Avignon, reported by numerous sources. …”
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La construcción de un <em>cursus honorum</em> diplomático en tiempos de Carlos II: Francesco del Giudice (1684-1700) = The Construction of a Diplomatic <em>Cursus Honorum</em> in t...
Published 2018-12-01“…This paper offers a portrait about a career that, based on the service to the Pope and the King of Spain, allowed the cardinal to reach one of the most important dignities in the Monarchy. …”
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I funerali di Carlo III nella cattedrale di Palermo
Published 2000-01-01“…</p><p>In 1789 on occasion of the funerais of Carlo III, king of Spain, and of the Infante of Naples, D. Gennaro Borbone, it was published in Palermo by the Royal Printing-house an interesting volume illustrating the ceremonies which have been carried out in this event, as well as the ephemeral project elaborated for the nave of Palermo cathedral. …”
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Las Conexiones Grupales En Los Discursos Inaugurales De La XVI Cumbre Iberoamericana. Group Connections In The Inaugural Speeches Of The XVI Iberoamerican Summit
Published 2012-10-01“…ABSTRACT: In this study we analyze the inaugural speech of the XVI Cumbre Iberoamericana, held in Uruguay during days 3rd, 4th and 5th November 2006, which involved Juan Carlos de Borbón (King of Spain), Tabaré Vazquez (President of Uruguay), Enrique Iglesias (General Secretary Iberoamerican) and Kofi Annan (General Secretary of the United Nations). …”
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El Río de la Plata a comienzos del siglo XVIII: estrategias y propuestas en tiempos de guerra = The Rio de la Plata at the beginning of the eighteenth century: strategies and propo...
Published 2015-12-01“…In this context, at the early eighteenth century, a tireless traveler, Francisco de Seyxas y Lovera, writes a part of his work to get closeness to the King of Spain by the mediation of Louis XIV, his grandfather. …”
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La Pepa visits the Pacific: the impact of Spanish liberalism in the viceroyalty of Peru, 1808–1814 = La Pepa visita el Pacífico: el impacto del liberalismo español en el virreinato...
Published 2015-12-01“…<p>In 1808 the political structures of the Hispanic world began to collapse as the fourth and fifth of Spain’s Bourbon monarchs —Charles IV (1788–1808) and Ferdinand VII (1808–1833)— abdicated in quick succession before going into a genteel imprisonment in France which lasted until 1814, thereby leaving the way clear for Napoleon Bonaparte’s brother, Joseph, to be crowned king of Spain in Madrid in June 1808. Despite the acquiescence of elements of the Spanish aristocracy and the enthusiasm for the change of dynasty among the country’s progressive afrancesados, almost immediately spontaneous popular resistance to what was in effect a Napoleonic takeover of the Spanish State became widespread throughout the country. …”
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Un pont entre deux cultures. El primer nueva corónica y buen gobierno de Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala (1615)
Published 2016-01-01“…Monumental work of an Indian, it’s a plea to the king of Spain that it put an end to abuses by settlers in Peru. …”
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Roger Machado, um português ao serviço dos primeiros soberanos Tudor
Published 2015-06-01“…The main focus is placed upon the diaries written by himself as testimony of the embassy of 1490 to the Catholic Kings of Spain and João II of Portugal. The documents are framed within the diplomatic relations of these countries and can be of use to shed light over the daily life of late medieval diplomacy.…”
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From Reinos to Monarquía - Political Association in late 16th Century Spain
Published 2016-10-01“…This essay argues that the term, the monarquía de España, commonly used by historians as a designation for the complex of territories ruled by the kings of Spain throughout the early-modern period, was, in fact, an innovation of the late-16th Century. …”
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La couleur à Lille au xviie siècle, de Philippe IV à Louis XIV
Published 2002-02-01“…Its French-speaking capital, Lille, was the city in the south of the Catholic Netherlands where plants imported by the Dutch East Indies Company acclimatized and where the ‘Joyous Entry’ celebrations of the counts, Dukes of Burgundy, archdukes and kings of Spain took place. During the golden age of Burgundy, this tradition of luxuriance was reflected in the increasing use of colours on buildings, a trend that would endure until the siege of Lille by Louis XIV in 1667. …”
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