Local Communities in the Fueros of the Kingdom of León (1068-1253)
Published 2018-01-01“…The documents that best illustrate local communities in the Kingdom of León between 1068 and 1253 are the fueros. …”
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La intervención de la Real Academia de San Fernando en la protección del patrimonio : la Comisión de Valentín Carderera (1836)
Published 2008-01-01Subjects: Get full text
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Memory lineage of Ansúrez: the funerary monument in Gordaliza del Pino (León).
Published 2016-11-01“…The funerary monument called Knight Gordali-za addition to its artistic value , has a historical value that try to reflect in this study and that clears some questions about the his-tory of the kingdom of Leon, and specifically about the lineage of Ansúrez.…”
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Aristocracia, monasterios y conflictos por la tierra. Reforma eclesiástica y relaciones sociales en León (siglos XI-XII)
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La “mayoría” mudéjar en León y Castilla: legislación real y distribución de la población (Siglos XI-XIII)
Published 2006-10-01“…The origins of “Mudejarismo” in the kingdom of Leon-Castile after Alfonso VI have been obviated by scholars, who have preferred to focus on the more abundant sources dealing with 14th and 15th century Muslims in Castile. …”
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Autenticidad de la donación de Fernán González a San Sebastián de Silos (954)
Published 2013-12-01“…The present article sets out the authenticity of the document, above all by comparing its formulas with the Formulae Visigothicae and those of other, contemporary documents which indicate they were composed using the same formulary, adopted during the tenth and eleventh centuries over the whole of the kingdom of León.…”
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Claves para una tesis: las murallas medievales de Valladolid
Published 2006-12-01“…Originally, Valladolid was a defensive bastion against the expansion of the kingdom of León. Around 1073, Count Ansúrez, on the orders of Alfonso VI, went on a mission to the land of Ziri Abd Allah, the last king of the Taifa of Granada. …”
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Alfonso I y Alfonso VII : del condado al reino de Portugal. Jurisdicción, pacto y fronteras en el contexto del imperio leonés
Published 2016-11-01“…The relations between the county of Portugal and the kingdom of Leon in second half of century XII can solely be understood in the context of borders between both territories, the type of leonine indirect dominion, but always marking effective jurisdiction, the relations of kinship between the daughters and the grandsons of Alfonso VI of Leon, and Roman papacy in the exercise of auctoritas. …”
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Frome leonese to castilian scriptae in medieval documents of the monastery san pedro de eslonza. Romance writings <y, ll> and <j, i> for lat. <-Li->, diachrony, lexical diffusion a...
Published 2019-12-01“…The arrival of Castilian writing systems in the –then former– Kingdom of León marks the first step towards a Castilian (later Spanish) written language in what later on will be the Realm of the Kingdom of Spain.…”
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Aportaciones al fuero de Villavicencio de 1221
Published 2009-12-01“…The rules of the Charter show the council's jurisdiction, more developed than the other powers of this village of the Kingdom of Leon.</p>…”
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Le Chronicon Ovetense : transmission des textes dans le royaume de León, XIe-XIIIe siècles
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El registro lingüístico especial de los documentos notariales medievales
Published 1993-12-01“…The writer defends the Menéndez Pidal's traditional linguistic interpretation on the language of the legal documents of the Kingdom of León as written in Latin. Moreover the writer agrees to Wright's the ory that it is not necessary to postulate the existence of a «leonese vulgar Latin», but differs from him in the sense that she considers that the notarial language was a special form whose purposes trascended the mere transcription of the colloquial Romance. …”
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Melic (+960), presbítero, agricultor y ganadero : datos y conjeturas
Published 2009-01-01“…Besides his ecclesiastical activity, he acquires properties and he develops an intense agricultural and rancher activity in the kingdom of León during the first half of the 10th Century. …”
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Las mujeres mediadoras, conciliadoras y/o constructoras de la concordia familiar
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El morfema de anterioridad en el sistema verbal del antiguo leonés
Published 1994-12-01“…The study is centred on documentation (notarial texts and Fueros - a regional law code) from different arcas of the ancient Kingdom of León and belonging to the 13th century for the most part. …”
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Campo, campesinos y cuestión rural en Castilla la Vieja y en el Reino de León durante la Edad Moderna. Estado de la cuestión, claves y valoraciones de conjunto
Published 2009-10-01“…</p><p>ABSTRACT: Over the base of the broad spatial framework attached to the territories of old Castile and the Kingdom of Leon and over the structural factors that defi ne and identify it, it’s raise the problematic of the rural world and peasant society during the Early Modern Period from the knowledges gave until now by the rural bibliographers. …”
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Campo, campesinos y cuestión rural en Castilla la Vieja y en el Reino de León durante la Edad Moderna. Estado de la cuestión, claves y valoraciones de conjunto
Published 2009-10-01“…</p><p>ABSTRACT: Over the base of the broad spatial framework attached to the territories of old Castile and the Kingdom of Leon and over the structural factors that defi ne and identify it, it’s raise the problematic of the rural world and peasant society during the Early Modern Period from the knowledges gave until now by the rural bibliographers. …”
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