Elucidating the biogeographical variation of the venom of Naja naja (spectacled cobra) from Pakistan through a venom-decomplexing proteomic study
Published 2018“…In contrast, previous reports showed that the N. naja venoms of India and Sri Lanka had a lower content of neurotoxins and a relatively higher value of LD50. …”
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Development and characterization of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) nanocellulose-reinforced polylactic acid nanocomposite for water filtration
Published 2019“…Roselle is abundantly cultivated in tropical areas, such as Malaysia, Borneo, Indonesia, India, Tanzania, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo and Guyana. Roselle fiber is a potential bio-filler for composites reinforcement. …”
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Thesis -
Food environments and obesity: a geospatial analysis of the South Asia Biobank, income and sex inequalities
Published 2023“…Methods: This cross-sectional study analysed South Asia Biobank surveillance and environment mapping data for 12,167 adults collected between 2018 and 2020 from 33 surveillance sites in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Individual-level data (demographic, socio-economic, and health characteristics) were combined with exposure to healthy and unhealthy food environments measured with geolocations of food outlets (obtained through ground-truth surveys) within 300 m buffer zones around participants' homes. …”
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Journal Article -
Understanding digitally mediated civic engagement for infectious disease preparedness
Published 2019“…Dengue has been selected for studying the effect of DMCE, as it is a major health problem, especially in tropical countries such as Singapore, India and Sri Lanka (MOH, 2013, 2014a; Halasa, 2011; Epidemiology Unit, 2017). …”
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Thesis -
Spatial, temporal, and demographic patterns in prevalence of chewing tobacco use in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Diseas...
Published 2021“…Among the 12 highest prevalence countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Madagascar, Marshall Islands, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Palau, Sri Lanka, and Yemen), only Yemen had a significant decrease in the prevalence of chewing tobacco use, which was among males between 1990 and 2019 (−0·94% [–1·72 to –0·14]), compared with nine of 12 countries that had significant decreases in the prevalence of smoking tobacco. …”
Journal article -
High prevalence of antimicrobial resistance among clinical Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates in Asia (an ANSORP study)
Published 2004“…Isolates from Hong Kong showed the highest rate of ciprofloxacin resistance (11.8%), followed by isolates from Sri Lanka (9.5%), the Philippines (9.1%), and Korea (6.5%). …”
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Effect of South Asian Free Trade Area agreement on trade and macroeconomics of the region
Published 2019“…The desirability of SAFTA is measured over the period 2003 to 2013 considering only seven (07) South Asian countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka). Bhutan is not taken to the sample due to data constraint. …”
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Thesis -
Eight Annual AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Houston, Texas, U.S.A. 06-09 Disember 2009
Published 2009“…Streblus asper rs well known as an expensrve bon~11 plant whrch rs rndrgenous to tropccal countnes such as Malaysia. Thailand. Srr Lanka and lndra It rs used tradiuonally rn leprosy. pries. drarrhea. dysentery. …”
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Monograph -
Morphological and molecular characteristics of Malayfilaria sofiani Uni, Mat Udin & Takaoka n. g., n. sp. (Nematoda: Filarioidea) from the common treeshrew Tupaia glis Diard & Duva...
Published 2017“…Wuchereria bancrofti, W. kalimantani Palmieri, Pulnomo, Dennis and Marwoto, 1980 and six out of ten Brugia spp. have been described from Australia, Southeast Asia, Sri Lanka and India. However, the origin and evolution of the species in the Wuchereria-Brugia clade remain unclear. …”
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Do Similar Trade Partners Increase Trade Flow? An Empirical Analysis on Indonesia�s Bilateral Trade
Published 2014“…Indonesia also has other trade cooperation with developing countries such as Iran, South Africa, Belarus, Sri Lanka, and many others. However, this trade cooperation is not well-explored and still has much room to improve. …”
Thesis -
Systematic studies of orchid genus Coelogyne in Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2019“…Coelogyne is a large genus of about 200 species distributed at pantropical area from the Himalayas, Sri Lanka, India, Southern China and throughout South East Asia to the Papua New Guinea. …”
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Thesis -
Food environment and diabetes mellitus in South Asia: a geospatial analysis of health outcome data
Published 2022“…Methods and findings: We linked individual health outcome data of 12,167 individuals from a network of health surveillance sites (the South Asia Biobank) to the density and proximity of food outlets geolocated around their homes from environment mapping survey data collected between 2018 and 2020 in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Density was defined as share of food outlets within 300 m from study participant’s home, and proximity was defined as having at least 1 outlet within 100 m from home. …”
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Journal Article -
Architecture for a territorial dispute resolution system : a systems approach
Published 2008Get full text
Thesis -
Removal of dissolved glyphosate from waters by adsorption under the influence of metals
Published 2020“…Chronic kidney disease associated with glyphosate has been reported in agricultural areas such as Central province in Sri Lanka, sub-regions of El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Andra Pradesh of India. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Lima penerima Anugerah Fellowship kongsi rahsia kejayaan
Published 2011“…Selain itu, beliau yang juga perunding kepada Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Development Research Centre(IDRC) dan INFOFISH sering dijemput memberi latihan dalam bidang kesihatan ikan di beberapa negara termasuk Brunei, India, Iran, Indonesia, Myanmar, Filipina, Sri Lanka dan Zambia. Anugerah Gemilang 2011 juga turut memberi pengiktirafan kepada Penolong Pegawai Sains daripada Fakulti Pertanian UPM, Shamsudin Bojang ekoran prestasi cemerlang dan sumbangan beliau dalam perkhidmatan profesional. …”
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