Showing 12,821 - 12,840 results of 12,897 for search '"Latin American"', query time: 0.55s Refine Results
  1. 12821

    Measurement of the W+W− cross section in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7\mbox{ TeV}$ and limits on anomalous WWγ and WWZ couplings by Chatrchyan, S., Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, A. M, Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., Dragicevic, M., Erö, J., Fabjan, C., Friedl, M., Frühwirth, R., Ghete, V. M, Hörmann, N., Hrubec, J., Jeitler, M., Kiesenhofer, W., Knünz, V., Krammer, M., Krätschmer, I., Liko, D., Mikulec, I., Rabady, D., Rahbaran, B., Rohringer, C., Rohringer, H., Schöfbeck, R., Strauss, J., Taurok, A., Treberer-Treberspurg, W., Waltenberger, W., Wulz, C.-E., Mossolov, V., Shumeiko, N., Suarez Gonzalez, J., Alderweireldt, S., Bansal, M., Bansal, S., Cornelis, T., De Wolf, E. A, Janssen, X., Knutsson, A., Luyckx, S., Mucibello, L., Ochesanu, S., Roland, B., Rougny, R., Van Haevermaet, H., Van Mechelen, P., Van Remortel, N., Van Spilbeeck, A., Blekman, F., Blyweert, S., D’Hondt, J., Kalogeropoulos, A., Keaveney, J., Maes, M., Olbrechts, A., Tavernier, S., Van Doninck, W., Van Mulders, P., Van Onsem, G. P, Villella, I., Clerbaux, B., De Lentdecker, G., Favart, L., Gay, A. P R, Hreus, T., Léonard, A., Marage, P. E, Mohammadi, A., Perniè, L., Reis, T., Seva, T., Thomas, L., Vander Velde, C., Vanlaer, P., Wang, J., Adler, V., Beernaert, K., Benucci, L., Cimmino, A., Costantini, S., Dildick, S., Garcia, G., Klein, B., Lellouch, J., Marinov, A., Mccartin, J., Ocampo Rios, A. A, Ryckbosch, D., Sigamani, M., Strobbe, N., Thyssen, F., Tytgat, M., Walsh, S., Yazgan, E., Zaganidis, N., Basegmez, S., Beluffi, C., Bruno, G., Castello, R., Caudron, A., Ceard, L., Delaere, C., du Pree, T., Favart, D., Forthomme, L., Giammanco, A., Hollar, J., Lemaitre, V., Liao, J., Militaru, O., Nuttens, C., Pagano, D., Pin, A., Piotrzkowski, K., Popov, A., Selvaggi, M., Vizan Garcia, J. M, Beliy, N., Caebergs, T., Daubie, E., Hammad, G. H, Alves, G. A, Correa Martins Junior, M., Martins, T., Pol, M. E, Souza, M. H G, Aldá Júnior, W. L, Carvalho, W., Chinellato, J., Custódio, A., Da Costa, E. M, De Jesus Damiao, D., De Oliveira Martins, C., Fonseca De Souza, S., Malbouisson, H., Malek, M., Matos Figueiredo, D., Mundim, L., Nogima, H., Prado Da Silva, W. L, Santoro, A., Soares Jorge, L., Sznajder, A., Tonelli Manganote, E. J, Vilela Pereira, A., Anjos, T. S, Bernardes, C. A, Dias, F. A, Fernandez Perez Tomei, T. R, Gregores, E. M, Lagana, C., Marinho, F., Mercadante, P. G, Novaes, S. F, Padula, Sandra S, Genchev, V., Iaydjiev, P., Piperov, S., Rodozov, M., Sultanov, G., Vutova, M., Dimitrov, A., Hadjiiska, R., Kozhuharov, V., Litov, L., Pavlov, B., Petkov, P., Bian, J. G, Chen, G. M, Chen, H. S, Jiang, C. H, Liang, D., Liang, S., Meng, X., Tao, J., Wang, J., Wang, X., Wang, Z., Xiao, H., Xu, M., Asawatangtrakuldee, C., Ban, Y., Guo, Y., Li, Q., Li, W., Liu, S., Mao, Y., Qian, S. J, Wang, D., Zhang, L., Zou, W., Avila, C., Carrillo Montoya, C. A, Gomez, J. P, Gomez Moreno, B., Sanabria, J. C, Godinovic, N., Lelas, D., Plestina, R., Polic, D., Puljak, I., Antunovic, Z., Kovac, M., Brigljevic, V., Duric, S., Kadija, K., Luetic, J., Mekterovic, D., Morovic, S., Tikvica, L., Attikis, A., Mavromanolakis, G., Mousa, J., Nicolaou, C., Ptochos, F., Razis, P. A, Finger, M., Finger, M., Assran, Y., Ellithi Kamel, A., Mahmoud, M. A, Mahrous, A., Radi, A., Kadastik, M., Müntel, M., Murumaa, M., Raidal, M., Rebane, L., Tiko, A., Eerola, P., Fedi, G., Voutilainen, M., Härkönen, J., Karimäki, V., Kinnunen, R., Kortelainen, M. J, Lampén, T., Lassila-Perini, K., Lehti, S., Lindén, T., Luukka, P., Mäenpää, T., Peltola, T., Tuominen, E., Tuominiemi, J., Tuovinen, E., Wendland, L., Korpela, A., Tuuva, T., Besancon, M., Choudhury, S., Couderc, F., Dejardin, M., Denegri, D., Fabbro, B., Faure, J. L, Ferri, F., Ganjour, S., Givernaud, A., Gras, P., Hamel de Monchenault, G., Jarry, P., Locci, E., Malcles, J., Millischer, L., Nayak, A., Rander, J., Rosowsky, A., Titov, M., Baffioni, S., Beaudette, F., Benhabib, L., Bianchini, L., Bluj, M., Busson, P., Charlot, C., Daci, N., Dahms, T., Dalchenko, M., Dobrzynski, L., Florent, A., Granier de Cassagnac, R., Haguenauer, M., Miné, P., Mironov, C., Naranjo, I. N, Nguyen, M., Ochando, C., Paganini, P., Sabes, D., Salerno, R., Sirois, Y., Veelken, C., Zabi, A., Agram, J.-L., Andrea, J., Bloch, D., Bodin, D., Brom, J.-M., Chabert, E. C, Collard, C., Conte, E., Drouhin, F., Fontaine, J.-C., Gelé, D., Goerlach, U., Goetzmann, C., Juillot, P., Le Bihan, A.-C., Van Hove, P., Gadrat, S., Beauceron, S., Beaupere, N., Boudoul, G., Brochet, S., Chasserat, J., Chierici, R., Contardo, D., Depasse, P., El Mamouni, H., Fay, J., Gascon, S., Gouzevitch, M., Ille, B., Kurca, T., Lethuillier, M., Mirabito, L., Perries, S., Sgandurra, L., Sordini, V., Tschudi, Y., Vander Donckt, M., Verdier, P., Viret, S., Tsamalaidze, Z., Autermann, C., Beranek, S., Calpas, B., Edelhoff, M., Feld, L., Heracleous, N., Hindrichs, O., Klein, K., Merz, J., Ostapchuk, A., Perieanu, A., Raupach, F., Sammet, J., Schael, S., Sprenger, D., Weber, H., Wittmer, B., Zhukov, V., Ata, M., Caudron, J., Dietz-Laursonn, E., Duchardt, D., Erdmann, M., Fischer, R., Güth, A., Hebbeker, T., Heidemann, C., Hoepfner, K., Klingebiel, D., Kreuzer, P., Merschmeyer, M., Meyer, A., Olschewski, M., Padeken, K., Papacz, P., Pieta, H., Reithler, H., Schmitz, S. A, Sonnenschein, L., Steggemann, J., Teyssier, D., Thüer, S., Weber, M., Cherepanov, V., Erdogan, Y., Flügge, G., Geenen, H., Geisler, M., Haj Ahmad, W., Hoehle, F., Kargoll, B., Kress, T., Kuessel, Y., Lingemann, J., Nowack, A., Nugent, I. M, Perchalla, L., Pooth, O., Stahl, A., Aldaya Martin, M., Asin, I., Bartosik, N., Behr, J., Behrenhoff, W., Behrens, U., Bergholz, M., Bethani, A., Borras, K., Burgmeier, A., Cakir, A., Calligaris, L., Campbell, A., Costanza, F., Diez Pardos, C., Dorland, T., Eckerlin, G., Eckstein, D., Flucke, G., Geiser, A., Glushkov, I., Gunnellini, P., Habib, S., Hauk, J., Hellwig, G., Jung, H., Kasemann, M., Katsas, P., Kleinwort, C., Kluge, H., Krämer, M., Krücker, D., Kuznetsova, E., Lange, W., Leonard, J., Lipka, K., Lohmann, W., Lutz, B., Mankel, R., Marfin, I., Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A., Meyer, A. B, Mnich, J., Mussgiller, A., Naumann-Emme, S., Novgorodova, O., Nowak, F., Olzem, J., Perrey, H., Petrukhin, A., Pitzl, D., Placakyte, R., Raspereza, A., Ribeiro Cipriano, P. M, Riedl, C., Ron, E., Sahin, M. Ö, Salfeld-Nebgen, J., Schmidt, R., Schoerner-Sadenius, T., Sen, N., Stein, M., Walsh, R., Wissing, C., Blobel, V., Enderle, H., Erfle, J., Gebbert, U., Görner, M., Gosselink, M., Haller, J., Heine, K., Höing, R. S, Kaussen, G., Kirschenmann, H., Klanner, R., Kogler, R., Lange, J., Peiffer, T., Pietsch, N., Rathjens, D., Sander, C., Schettler, H., Schleper, P., Schlieckau, E., Schmidt, A., Schröder, M., Schum, T., Seidel, M., Sibille, J., Sola, V., Stadie, H., Steinbrück, G., Thomsen, J., Troendle, D., Vanelderen, L., Barth, C., Baus, C., Berger, J., Böser, C., Chwalek, T., De Boer, W., Descroix, A., Dierlamm, A., Feindt, M., Guthoff, M., Hackstein, C., Hartmann, F., Hauth, T., Heinrich, M., Held, H., Hoffmann, K. H, Husemann, U., Katkov, I., Komaragiri, J. R, Kornmayer, A., Lobelle Pardo, P., Martschei, D., Mueller, S., Müller, Th., Niegel, M., Nürnberg, A., Oberst, O., Ott, J., Quast, G., Rabbertz, K., Ratnikov, F., Röcker, S., Schilling, F.-P., Schott, G., Simonis, H. J, Stober, F. M, Ulrich, R., Wagner-Kuhr, J., Wayand, S., Weiler, T., Zeise, M., Anagnostou, G., Daskalakis, G., Geralis, T., Kesisoglou, S., Kyriakis, A., Loukas, D., Markou, A., Markou, C., Ntomari, E., Gouskos, L., Mertzimekis, T. J, Panagiotou, A., Saoulidou, N., Stiliaris, E., Aslanoglou, X., Evangelou, I., Flouris, G., Foudas, C., Kokkas, P., Manthos, N., Papadopoulos, I., Paradas, E., Bencze, G., Hajdu, C., Hidas, P., Horvath, D., Radics, B., Sikler, F., Veszpremi, V., Vesztergombi, G., Zsigmond, A. J, Beni, N., Czellar, S., Molnar, J., Palinkas, J., Szillasi, Z., Karancsi, J., Raics, P., Trocsanyi, Z. L, Ujvari, B., Swain, S. K, Beri, S. B, Bhatnagar, V., Dhingra, N., Gupta, R., Kaur, M., Mehta, M. Z, Mittal, M., Nishu, N., Saini, L. K, Sharma, A., Singh, J. B, Kumar, Ashok, Kumar, Arun, Ahuja, S., Bhardwaj, A., Choudhary, B. C, Malhotra, S., Naimuddin, M., Ranjan, K., Saxena, P., Sharma, V., Shivpuri, R. K, Banerjee, S., Bhattacharya, S., Chatterjee, K., Dutta, S., Gomber, B., Jain, Sa., Jain, Sh., Khurana, R., Modak, A., Mukherjee, S., Roy, D., Sarkar, S., Sharan, M., Abdulsalam, A., Dutta, D., Kailas, S., Kumar, V., Mohanty, A. K, Pant, L. M, Shukla, P., Topkar, A., Aziz, T., Chatterjee, R. M, Ganguly, S., Ghosh, S., Guchait, M., Gurtu, A., Kole, G., Kumar, S., Maity, M., Majumder, G., Mazumdar, K., Mohanty, G. B, Parida, B., Sudhakar, K., Wickramage, N., Banerjee, S., Dugad, S., Arfaei, H., Bakhshiansohi, H., Etesami, S. M, Fahim, A., Hesari, H., Jafari, A., Khakzad, M., Mohammadi Najafabadi, M., Paktinat Mehdiabadi, S., Safarzadeh, B., Zeinali, M., Grunewald, M., Abbrescia, M., Barbone, L., Calabria, C., Chhibra, S. S, Colaleo, A., Creanza, D., De Filippis, N., De Palma, M., Fiore, L., Iaselli, G., Maggi, G., Maggi, M., Marangelli, B., My, S., Nuzzo, S., Pacifico, N., Pompili, A., Pugliese, G., Selvaggi, G., Silvestris, L., Singh, G., Venditti, R., Verwilligen, P., Zito, G., Abbiendi, G., Benvenuti, A. C, Bonacorsi, D., Braibant-Giacomelli, S., Brigliadori, L., Campanini, R., Capiluppi, P., Castro, A., Cavallo, F. R, Cuffiani, M., Dallavalle, G. M, Fabbri, F., Fanfani, A., Fasanella, D., Giacomelli, P., Grandi, C., Guiducci, L., Marcellini, S., Masetti, G., Meneghelli, M., Montanari, A., Navarria, F. L, Odorici, F., Perrotta, A., Primavera, F., Rossi, A. M, Rovelli, T., Siroli, G. P, Tosi, N., Travaglini, R., Albergo, S., Chiorboli, M., Costa, S., Giordano, F., Potenza, R., Tricomi, A., Tuve, C., Barbagli, G., Ciulli, V., Civinini, C., D’Alessandro, R., Focardi, E., Frosali, S., Gallo, E., Gonzi, S., Gori, V., Lenzi, P., Meschini, M., Paoletti, S., Sguazzoni, G., Tropiano, A., Benussi, L., Bianco, S., Fabbri, F., Piccolo, D., Fabbricatore, P., Musenich, R., Tosi, S., Benaglia, A., De Guio, F., Di Matteo, L., Fiorendi, S., Gennai, S., Ghezzi, A., Govoni, P., Lucchini, M. T, Malvezzi, S., Manzoni, R. A, Martelli, A., Massironi, A., Menasce, D., Moroni, L., Paganoni, M., Pedrini, D., Ragazzi, S., Redaelli, N., Tabarelli de Fatis, T., Buontempo, S., Cavallo, N., De Cosa, A., Fabozzi, F., Iorio, A. O M, Lista, L., Meola, S., Merola, M., Paolucci, P., Azzi, P., Bacchetta, N., Bellan, P., Bisello, D., Branca, A., Carlin, R., Checchia, P., Dorigo, T., Galanti, M., Gasparini, F., Gasparini, U., Giubilato, P., Gonella, F., Gozzelino, A., Kanishchev, K., Lacaprara, S., Lazzizzera, I., Margoni, M., Meneguzzo, A. T, Montecassiano, F., Passaseo, M., Pazzini, J., Pozzobon, N., Ronchese, P., Simonetto, F., Torassa, E., Tosi, M., Vanini, S., Zotto, P., Zumerle, G., Gabusi, M., Ratti, S. P, Riccardi, C., Vitulo, P., Biasini, M., Bilei, G. M, Fanò, L., Lariccia, P., Mantovani, G., Menichelli, M., Nappi, A., Romeo, F., Saha, A., Santocchia, A., Spiezia, A., Androsov, K., Azzurri, P., Bagliesi, G., Boccali, T., Broccolo, G., Castaldi, R., D’Agnolo, R. T, Dell’Orso, R., Fiori, F., Foà, L., Giassi, A., Kraan, A., Ligabue, F., Lomtadze, T., Martini, L., Messineo, A., Palla, F., Rizzi, A., Serban, A. T, Spagnolo, P., Squillacioti, P., Tenchini, R., Tonelli, G., Venturi, A., Verdini, P. G, Vernieri, C., Barone, L., Cavallari, F., Del Re, D., Diemoz, M., Fanelli, C., Grassi, M., Longo, E., Margaroli, F., Meridiani, P., Micheli, F., Nourbakhsh, S., Organtini, G., Paramatti, R., Rahatlou, S., Soffi, L., Amapane, N., Arcidiacono, R., Argiro, S., Arneodo, M., Biino, C., Cartiglia, N., Casasso, S., Costa, M., Dellacasa, G., Demaria, N., Mariotti, C., Maselli, S., Migliore, E., Monaco, V., Musich, M., Obertino, M. M, Pastrone, N., Pelliccioni, M., Potenza, A., Romero, A., Ruspa, M., Sacchi, R., Solano, A., Staiano, A., Tamponi, U., Belforte, S., Candelise, V., Casarsa, M., Cossutti, F., Della Ricca, G., Gobbo, B., La Licata, C., Marone, M., Montanino, D., Penzo, A., Schizzi, A., Zanetti, A., Kim, T. Y, Nam, S. K, Chang, S., Kim, D. H, Kim, G. N, Kim, J. E, Kong, D. J, Oh, Y. D, Park, H., Son, D. C, Kim, J. Y, Kim, Zero J, Song, S., Choi, S., Gyun, D., Hong, B., Jo, M., Kim, H., Kim, T. J, Lee, K. S, Park, S. K, Roh, Y., Choi, M., Kim, J. H, Park, C., Park, I. C, Park, S., Ryu, G., Choi, Y., Choi, Y. K, Goh, J., Kim, M. S, Kwon, E., Lee, B., Lee, J., Lee, S., Seo, H., Yu, I., Grigelionis, I., Juodagalvis, A., Castilla-Valdez, H., De La Cruz-Burelo, E., Heredia-de La Cruz, I., Lopez-Fernandez, R., Martínez-Ortega, J., Sanchez-Hernandez, A., Villasenor-Cendejas, L. M, Carrillo Moreno, S., Vazquez Valencia, F., Salazar Ibarguen, H. A, Casimiro Linares, E., Morelos Pineda, A., Reyes-Santos, M. A, Krofcheck, D., Bell, A. J, Butler, P. H, Doesburg, R., Reucroft, S., Silverwood, H., Ahmad, M., Asghar, M. I, Butt, J., Hoorani, H. R, Khalid, S., Khan, W. A, Khurshid, T., Qazi, S., Shah, M. A, Shoaib, M., Bialkowska, H., Boimska, B., Frueboes, T., Górski, M., Kazana, M., Nawrocki, K., Romanowska-Rybinska, K., Szleper, M., Wrochna, G., Zalewski, P., Brona, G., Bunkowski, K., Cwiok, M., Dominik, W., Doroba, K., Kalinowski, A., Konecki, M., Krolikowski, J., Misiura, M., Wolszczak, W., Almeida, N., Bargassa, P., David, A., Faccioli, P., Ferreira Parracho, P. G, Gallinaro, M., Rodrigues Antunes, J., Seixas, J., Varela, J., Vischia, P., Afanasiev, S., Bunin, P., Gavrilenko, M., Golutvin, I., Gorbunov, I., Kamenev, A., Karjavin, V., Konoplyanikov, V., Lanev, A., Malakhov, A., Matveev, V., Moisenz, P., Palichik, V., Perelygin, V., Shmatov, S., Skatchkov, N., Smirnov, V., Zarubin, A., Evstyukhin, S., Golovtsov, V., Ivanov, Y., Kim, V., Levchenko, P., Murzin, V., Oreshkin, V., Smirnov, I., Sulimov, V., Uvarov, L., Vavilov, S., Vorobyev, A., Vorobyev, An., Andreev, Yu., Dermenev, A., Gninenko, S., Golubev, N., Kirsanov, M., Krasnikov, N., Pashenkov, A., Tlisov, D., Toropin, A., Epshteyn, V., Erofeeva, M., Gavrilov, V., Lychkovskaya, N., Popov, V., Safronov, G., Semenov, S., Spiridonov, A., Stolin, V., Vlasov, E., Zhokin, A., Andreev, V., Azarkin, M., Dremin, I., Kirakosyan, M., Leonidov, A., Mesyats, G., Rusakov, S. V, Vinogradov, A., Belyaev, A., Boos, E., Dubinin, M., Dudko, L., Ershov, A., Gribushin, A., Klyukhin, V., Kodolova, O., Lokhtin, I., Markina, A., Obraztsov, S., Petrushanko, S., Savrin, V., Snigirev, A., Azhgirey, I., Bayshev, I., Bitioukov, S., Kachanov, V., Kalinin, A., Konstantinov, D., Krychkine, V., Petrov, V., Ryutin, R., Sobol, A., Tourtchanovitch, L., Troshin, S., Tyurin, N., Uzunian, A., Volkov, A., Adzic, P., Ekmedzic, M., Krpic, D., Milosevic, J., Aguilar-Benitez, M., Alcaraz Maestre, J., Battilana, C., Calvo, E., Cerrada, M., Chamizo Llatas, M., Colino, N., De La Cruz, B., Delgado Peris, A., Domínguez Vázquez, D., Fernandez Bedoya, C., Fernández Ramos, J. P, Ferrando, A., Flix, J., Fouz, M. C, Garcia-Abia, P., Gonzalez Lopez, O., Goy Lopez, S., Hernandez, J. M, Josa, M. I, Merino, G., Navarro De Martino, E., Puerta Pelayo, J., Quintario Olmeda, A., Redondo, I., Romero, L., Santaolalla, J., Soares, M. S, Willmott, C., Albajar, C., de Trocóniz, J. F, Brun, H., Cuevas, J., Fernandez Menendez, J., Folgueras, S., Gonzalez Caballero, I., Lloret Iglesias, L., Piedra Gomez, J., Brochero Cifuentes, J. A, Cabrillo, I. J, Calderon, A., Chuang, S. H, Duarte Campderros, J., Fernandez, M., Gomez, G., Gonzalez Sanchez, J., Graziano, A., Jorda, C., Lopez Virto, A., Marco, J., Marco, R., Martinez Rivero, C., Matorras, F., Munoz Sanchez, F. J, Rodrigo, T., Rodríguez-Marrero, A. Y, Ruiz-Jimeno, A., Scodellaro, L., Vila, I., Vilar Cortabitarte, R., Abbaneo, D., Auffray, E., Auzinger, G., Bachtis, M., Baillon, P., Ball, A. H, Barney, D., Bendavid, J., Benitez, J. F, Bernet, C., Bianchi, G., Bloch, P., Bocci, A., Bonato, A., Bondu, O., Botta, C., Breuker, H., Camporesi, T., Cerminara, G., Christiansen, T., Coarasa Perez, J. A, Colafranceschi, S., d’Enterria, D., Dabrowski, A., De Roeck, A., De Visscher, S., Di Guida, S., Dobson, M., Dupont-Sagorin, N., Elliott-Peisert, A., Eugster, J., Funk, W., Georgiou, G., Giffels, M., Gigi, D., Gill, K., Giordano, D., Girone, M., Giunta, M., Glege, F., Gomez-Reino Garrido, R., Gowdy, S., Guida, R., Hammer, J., Hansen, M., Harris, P., Hartl, C., Hegner, B., Hinzmann, A., Innocente, V., Janot, P., Karavakis, E., Kousouris, K., Krajczar, K., Lecoq, P., Lee, Y.-J., Lourenço, C., Magini, N., Malberti, M., Malgeri, L., Mannelli, M., Masetti, L., Meijers, F., Mersi, S., Meschi, E., Moser, R., Mulders, M., Musella, P., Nesvold, E., Orsini, L., Palencia Cortezon, E., Perez, E., Perrozzi, L., Petrilli, A., Pfeiffer, A., Pierini, M., Pimiä, M., Piparo, D., Polese, G., Quertenmont, L., Racz, A., Reece, W., Rolandi, G., Rovelli, C., Rovere, M., Sakulin, H., Santanastasio, F., Schäfer, C., Schwick, C., Segoni, I., Sekmen, S., Sharma, A., Siegrist, P., Silva, P., Simon, M., Sphicas, P., Spiga, D., Stoye, M., Tsirou, A., Veres, G. I, Vlimant, J. R, Wöhri, H. K, Worm, S. D, Zeuner, W. D, Bertl, W., Deiters, K., Erdmann, W., Gabathuler, K., Horisberger, R., Ingram, Q., Kaestli, H. C, König, S., Kotlinski, D., Langenegger, U., Renker, D., Rohe, T., Bachmair, F., Bäni, L., Bortignon, P., Buchmann, M. A, Casal, B., Chanon, N., Deisher, A., Dissertori, G., Dittmar, M., Donegà, M., Dünser, M., Eller, P., Grab, C., Hits, D., Lecomte, P., Lustermann, W., Marini, A. C, Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, P., Mohr, N., Moortgat, F., Nägeli, C., Nef, P., Nessi-Tedaldi, F., Pandolfi, F., Pape, L., Pauss, F., Peruzzi, M., Ronga, F. J, Rossini, M., Sala, L., Sanchez, A. K, Starodumov, A., Stieger, B., Takahashi, M., Tauscher, L., Thea, A., Theofilatos, K., Treille, D., Urscheler, C., Wallny, R., Weber, H. A, Amsler, C., Chiochia, V., Favaro, C., Ivova Rikova, M., Kilminster, B., Millan Mejias, B., Otiougova, P., Robmann, P., Snoek, H., Taroni, S., Tupputi, S., Verzetti, M., Cardaci, M., Chen, K. H, Ferro, C., Kuo, C. M, Li, S. W, Lin, W., Lu, Y. J, Volpe, R., Yu, S. S, Bartalini, P., Chang, P., Chang, Y. H, Chang, Y. W, Chao, Y., Chen, K. F, Dietz, C., Grundler, U., Hou, W.-S., Hsiung, Y., Kao, K. Y, Lei, Y. J, Lu, R.-S., Majumder, D., Petrakou, E., Shi, X., Shiu, J. G, Tzeng, Y. M, Wang, M., Asavapibhop, B., Suwonjandee, N., Adiguzel, A., Bakirci, M. N, Cerci, S., Dozen, C., Dumanoglu, I., Eskut, E., Girgis, S., Gokbulut, G., Gurpinar, E., Hos, I., Kangal, E. E, Kayis Topaksu, A., Onengut, G., Ozdemir, K., Ozturk, S., Polatoz, A., Sogut, K., Sunar Cerci, D., Tali, B., Topakli, H., Vergili, M., Akin, I. V, Aliev, T., Bilin, B., Bilmis, S., Deniz, M., Gamsizkan, H., Guler, A. M, Karapinar, G., Ocalan, K., Ozpineci, A., Serin, M., Sever, R., Surat, U. E, Yalvac, M., Zeyrek, M., Gülmez, E., Isildak, B., Kaya, M., Kaya, O., Ozkorucuklu, S., Sonmez, N., Bahtiyar, H., Barlas, E., Cankocak, K., Günaydin, Y. O, Vardarlı, F. I, Yücel, M., Levchuk, L., Sorokin, P., Brooke, J. J, Clement, E., Cussans, D., Flacher, H., Frazier, R., Goldstein, J., Grimes, M., Heath, G. P, Heath, H. F, Kreczko, L., Metson, S., Newbold, D. M, Nirunpong, K., Poll, A., Senkin, S., Smith, V. J, Williams, T., Basso, L., Bell, K. W, Belyaev, A., Brew, C., Brown, R. M, Cockerill, D. J A, Coughlan, J. A, Harder, K., Harper, S., Jackson, J., Olaiya, E., Petyt, D., Radburn-Smith, B. C, Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H, Tomalin, I. R, Womersley, W. J, Bainbridge, R., Buchmuller, O., Burton, D., Colling, D., Cripps, N., Cutajar, M., Dauncey, P., Davies, G., Della Negra, M., Ferguson, W., Fulcher, J., Futyan, D., Gilbert, A., Guneratne Bryer, A., Hall, G., Hatherell, Z., Hays, J., Iles, G., Jarvis, M., Karapostoli, G., Kenzie, M., Lane, R., Lucas, R., Lyons, L., Magnan, A.-M., Marrouche, J., Mathias, B., Nandi, R., Nash, J., Nikitenko, A., Pela, J., Pesaresi, M., Petridis, K., Pioppi, M., Raymond, D. M, Rogerson, S., Rose, A., Seez, C., Sharp, P., Sparrow, A., Tapper, A., Vazquez Acosta, M., Virdee, T., Wakefield, S., Wardle, N., Whyntie, T., Chadwick, M., Cole, J. E, Hobson, P. R, Khan, A., Kyberd, P., Leggat, D., Leslie, D., Martin, W., Reid, I. D, Symonds, P., Teodorescu, L., Turner, M., Dittmann, J., Hatakeyama, K., Kasmi, A., Liu, H., Scarborough, T., Charaf, O., Cooper, S. I, Henderson, C., Rumerio, P., Avetisyan, A., Bose, T., Fantasia, C., Heister, A., Lawson, P., Lazic, D., Rohlf, J., Sperka, D., John, J. S, Sulak, L., Alimena, J., Bhattacharya, S., Christopher, G., Cutts, D., Demiragli, Z., Ferapontov, A., Garabedian, A., Heintz, U., Kukartsev, G., Laird, E., Landsberg, G., Luk, M., Narain, M., Segala, M., Sinthuprasith, T., Speer, T., Breedon, R., Breto, G., Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M., Chauhan, S., Chertok, M., Conway, J., Conway, R., Cox, P. T, Erbacher, R., Gardner, M., Houtz, R., Ko, W., Kopecky, A., Lander, R., Mall, O., Miceli, T., Nelson, R., Pellett, D., Ricci-Tam, F., Rutherford, B., Searle, M., Smith, J., Squires, M., Tripathi, M., Wilbur, S., Yohay, R., Andreev, V., Cline, D., Cousins, R., Erhan, S., Everaerts, P., Farrell, C., Felcini, M., Hauser, J., Ignatenko, M., Jarvis, C., Rakness, G., Schlein, P., Takasugi, E., Traczyk, P., Valuev, V., Weber, M., Babb, J., Clare, R., Dinardo, M. E, Ellison, J., Gary, J. W, Hanson, G., Liu, H., Long, O. R, Luthra, A., Nguyen, H., Paramesvaran, S., Sturdy, J., Sumowidagdo, S., Wilken, R., Wimpenny, S., Andrews, W., Branson, J. G, Cerati, G. B, Cittolin, S., Evans, D., Holzner, A., Kelley, R., Lebourgeois, M., Letts, J., Macneill, I., Mangano, B., Padhi, S., Palmer, C., Petrucciani, G., Pieri, M., Sani, M., Sharma, V., Simon, S., Sudano, E., Tadel, M., Tu, Y., Vartak, A., Wasserbaech, S., Würthwein, F., Yagil, A., Yoo, J., Barge, D., Bellan, R., Campagnari, C., D’Alfonso, M., Danielson, T., Flowers, K., Geffert, P., George, C., Golf, F., Incandela, J., Justus, C., Kalavase, P., Kovalskyi, D., Krutelyov, V., Lowette, S., Magaña Villalba, R., Mccoll, N., Pavlunin, V., Ribnik, J., Richman, J., Rossin, R., Stuart, D., To, W., West, C., Apresyan, A., Bornheim, A., Bunn, J., Chen, Y., Di Marco, E., Duarte, J., Kcira, D., Ma, Y., Mott, A., Newman, H. B, Rogan, C., Spiropulu, M., Timciuc, V., Veverka, J., Wilkinson, R., Xie, S., Yang, Y., Zhu, R. Y, Azzolini, V., Calamba, A., Carroll, R., Ferguson, T., Iiyama, Y., Jang, D. W, Liu, Y. F, Paulini, M., Russ, J., Vogel, H., Vorobiev, I., Cumalat, J. P, Drell, B. R, Ford, W. T, Gaz, A., Luiggi Lopez, E., Nauenberg, U., Smith, J. G, Stenson, K., Ulmer, K. A, Wagner, S. R, Alexander, J., Chatterjee, A., Eggert, N., Gibbons, L. K, Hopkins, W., Khukhunaishvili, A., Kreis, B., Mirman, N., Nicolas Kaufman, G., Patterson, J. R, Ryd, A., Salvati, E., Sun, W., Teo, W. D, Thom, J., Thompson, J., Tucker, J., Weng, Y., Winstrom, L., Wittich, P., Winn, D., Abdullin, S., Albrow, M., Anderson, J., Apollinari, G., Bauerdick, L. A T, Beretvas, A., Berryhill, J., Bhat, P. C, Burkett, K., Butler, J. N, Chetluru, V., Cheung, H. W K, Chlebana, F., Cihangir, S., Elvira, V. D, Fisk, I., Freeman, J., Gao, Y., Gottschalk, E., Gray, L., Green, D., Gutsche, O., Hare, D., Harris, R. M, Hirschauer, J., Hooberman, B., Jindariani, S., Johnson, M., Joshi, U., Klima, B., Kunori, S., Kwan, S., Linacre, J., Lincoln, D., Lipton, R., Lykken, J., Maeshima, K., Marraffino, J. M, Martinez Outschoorn, V. I, Maruyama, S., Mason, D., McBride, P., Mishra, K., Mrenna, S., Musienko, Y., Newman-Holmes, C., O’Dell, V., Prokofyev, O., Ratnikova, N., Sexton-Kennedy, E., Sharma, S., Spalding, W. J, Spiegel, L., Taylor, L., Tkaczyk, S., Tran, N. V, Uplegger, L., Vaandering, E. W, Vidal, R., Whitmore, J., Wu, W., Yang, F., Yun, J. C, Acosta, D., Avery, P., Bourilkov, D., Chen, M., Cheng, T., Das, S., De Gruttola, M., Di Giovanni, G. P, Dobur, D., Drozdetskiy, A., Field, R. D, Fisher, M., Fu, Y., Furic, I. K, Hugon, J., Kim, B., Konigsberg, J., Korytov, A., Kropivnitskaya, A., Kypreos, T., Low, J. F, Matchev, K., Milenovic, P., Mitselmakher, G., Muniz, L., Remington, R., Rinkevicius, A., Skhirtladze, N., Snowball, M., Yelton, J., Zakaria, M., Gaultney, V., Hewamanage, S., Lebolo, L. M, Linn, S., Markowitz, P., Martinez, G., Rodriguez, J. L, Adams, T., Askew, A., Bochenek, J., Chen, J., Diamond, B., Gleyzer, S. V, Haas, J., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Johnson, K. F, Prosper, H., Veeraraghavan, V., Weinberg, M., Baarmand, M. M, Dorney, B., Hohlmann, M., Kalakhety, H., Yumiceva, F., Adams, M. R, Apanasevich, L., Bazterra, V. E, Betts, R. R, Bucinskaite, I., Callner, J., Cavanaugh, R., Evdokimov, O., Gauthier, L., Gerber, C. E, Hofman, D. J, Khalatyan, S., Kurt, P., Lacroix, F., Moon, D. H, O’Brien, C., Silkworth, C., Strom, D., Turner, P., Varelas, N., Akgun, U., Albayrak, E. A, Bilki, B., Clarida, W., Dilsiz, K., Duru, F., Griffiths, S., Merlo, J.-P., Mermerkaya, H., Mestvirishvili, A., Moeller, A., Nachtman, J., Newsom, C. R, Ogul, H., Onel, Y., Ozok, F., Sen, S., Tan, P., Tiras, E., Wetzel, J., Yetkin, T., Yi, K., Barnett, B. A, Blumenfeld, B., Bolognesi, S., Fehling, D., Giurgiu, G., Gritsan, A. V, Hu, G., Maksimovic, P., Swartz, M., Whitbeck, A., Baringer, P., Bean, A., Benelli, G., Kenny III, R. P, Murray, M., Noonan, D., Sanders, S., Stringer, R., Wood, J. S, Barfuss, A. F, Chakaberia, I., Ivanov, A., Khalil, S., Makouski, M., Maravin, Y., Shrestha, S., Svintradze, I., Gronberg, J., Lange, D., Rebassoo, F., Wright, D., Baden, A., Calvert, B., Eno, S. C, Gomez, J. A, Hadley, N. J, Kellogg, R. G, Kolberg, T., Lu, Y., Marionneau, M., Mignerey, A. C, Pedro, K., Peterman, A., Skuja, A., Temple, J., Tonjes, M. B, Tonwar, S. C, Stöckli, F., Yoon, A. S, Dahmes, B., De Benedetti, A., Franzoni, G., Gude, A., Haupt, J., Kao, S. C, Klapoetke, K., Kubota, Y., Mans, J., Pastika, N., Rusack, R., Sasseville, M., Singovsky, A., Tambe, N., Turkewitz, J., Cremaldi, L. M, Kroeger, R., Perera, L., Rahmat, R., Sanders, D. A, Summers, D., Avdeeva, E., Bloom, K., Bose, S., Claes, D. R, Dominguez, A., Eads, M., Gonzalez Suarez, R., Keller, J., Kravchenko, I., Lazo-Flores, J., Malik, S., Meier, F., Snow, G. R, Dolen, J., Godshalk, A., Iashvili, I., Jain, S., Kharchilava, A., Kumar, A., Rappoccio, S., Wan, Z., Alverson, G., Barberis, E., Baumgartel, D., Chasco, M., Haley, J., Nash, D., Orimoto, T., Trocino, D., Wood, D., Zhang, J., Anastassov, A., Hahn, K. A, Kubik, A., Lusito, L., Mucia, N., Odell, N., Pollack, B., Pozdnyakov, A., Schmitt, M., Stoynev, S., Velasco, M., Won, S., Berry, D., Brinkerhoff, A., Chan, K. M, Hildreth, M., Jessop, C., Karmgard, D. J, Kolb, J., Lannon, K., Luo, W., Lynch, S., Marinelli, N., Morse, D. M, Pearson, T., Planer, M., Ruchti, R., Slaunwhite, J., Valls, N., Wayne, M., Wolf, M., Antonelli, L., Bylsma, B., Durkin, L. S, Hill, C., Hughes, R., Kotov, K., Ling, T. Y, Puigh, D., Rodenburg, M., Smith, G., Vuosalo, C., Williams, G., Winer, B. L, Wolfe, H., Berry, E., Elmer, P., Halyo, V., Hebda, P., Hegeman, J., Hunt, A., Jindal, P., Koay, S. A, Lopes Pegna, D., Lujan, P., Marlow, D., Medvedeva, T., Mooney, M., Olsen, J., Piroué, P., Quan, X., Raval, A., Saka, H., Stickland, D., Tully, C., Werner, J. S, Zenz, S. C, Zuranski, A., Brownson, E., Lopez, A., Mendez, H., Ramirez Vargas, J. E, Alagoz, E., Benedetti, D., Bolla, G., Bortoletto, D., De Mattia, M., Everett, A., Hu, Z., Jones, M., Jung, K., Koybasi, O., Kress, M., Leonardo, N., Maroussov, V., Merkel, P., Miller, D. H, Neumeister, N., Shipsey, I., Silvers, D., Svyatkovskiy, A., Vidal Marono, M., Wang, F., Xu, L., Yoo, H. D, Zablocki, J., Zheng, Y., Guragain, S., Parashar, N., Adair, A., Akgun, B., Ecklund, K. M, Geurts, F. J M, Li, W., Padley, B. P, Redjimi, R., Roberts, J., Zabel, J., Betchart, B., Bodek, A., Covarelli, R., de Barbaro, P., Demina, R., Eshaq, Y., Ferbel, T., Garcia-Bellido, A., Goldenzweig, P., Han, J., Harel, A., Miner, D. C, Petrillo, G., Vishnevskiy, D., Zielinski, M., Bhatti, A., Ciesielski, R., Demortier, L., Goulianos, K., Lungu, G., Malik, S., Mesropian, C., Arora, S., Barker, A., Chou, J. P, Contreras-Campana, C., Contreras-Campana, E., Duggan, D., Ferencek, D., Gershtein, Y., Gray, R., Halkiadakis, E., Hidas, D., Lath, A., Panwalkar, S., Park, M., Patel, R., Rekovic, V., Robles, J., Rose, K., Salur, S., Schnetzer, S., Seitz, C., Somalwar, S., Stone, R., Thomas, S., Walker, M., Cerizza, G., Hollingsworth, M., Spanier, S., Yang, Z. C, York, A., Bouhali, O., Eusebi, R., Flanagan, W., Gilmore, J., Kamon, T., Khotilovich, V., Montalvo, R., Osipenkov, I., Pakhotin, Y., Perloff, A., Roe, J., Safonov, A., Sakuma, T., Suarez, I., Tatarinov, A., Toback, D., Akchurin, N., Damgov, J., Dragoiu, C., Dudero, P. R, Jeong, C., Kovitanggoon, K., Lee, S. W, Libeiro, T., Volobouev, I., Appelt, E., Delannoy, A. G, Greene, S., Gurrola, A., Johns, W., Maguire, C., Mao, Y., Melo, A., Sharma, M., Sheldon, P., Snook, B., Tuo, S., Velkovska, J., Arenton, M. W, Boutle, S., Cox, B., Francis, B., Goodell, J., Hirosky, R., Ledovskoy, A., Lin, C., Neu, C., Wood, J., Gollapinni, S., Harr, R., Karchin, P. E, Kottachchi Kankanamge Don, C., Lamichhane, P., Sakharov, A., Anderson, M., Belknap, D. A, Borrello, L., Carlsmith, D., Cepeda, M., Dasu, S., Friis, E., Grogg, K. S, Grothe, M., Hall-Wilton, R., Herndon, M., Hervé, A., Kaadze, K., Klabbers, P., Klukas, J., Lanaro, A., Lazaridis, C., Loveless, R., Mohapatra, A., Mozer, M. U, Ojalvo, I., Pierro, G. A, Ross, I., Savin, A., Smith, W. H, Swanson, J., Apyan, Aram, Bauer, Gerry P, Busza, Wit, Butz, Erik M., Cali, Ivan Amos, Dutta, Valentina, Gomez-Ceballos, Guillelmo, Goncharov, Maxim, Klute, Markus, Lai, Yue Shi, Levin, Andrew Michael, Luckey Jr, P David, Ma, Teng, Nahn, Steven, Paus, Christoph M. E., Ralph, Duncan Kelley, Roland, Christof E, Roland, Gunther M, Stephans, George S. F., Sumorok, Konstanty C, Sung, Kevin Kai Hong, Velicanu, Dragos Alexandru, Wolf, Roger, Wyslouch, Boleslaw, Yang, Ming, Yilmaz, Yetkin, Zanetti, Marco, Wyslouch, Victoria, Chan, M., Kim, Y.

    Published 2018
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  2. 12822

    Access to Justice and the Legal Complex: Building a Public Defenders’ Office in Brazil by Rodrigo M. Nunes

    Published 2020-08-01
    “…Latin American democracies have developed institutions to empower citizens against the state. …”
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  3. 12823

    Association between tumor necrosis factor polymorphisms and rheumatoid arthritis as well as systemic lupus erythematosus: a meta-analysis by Lin Chen, Zhuochun Huang, Yun Liao, Bin Yang, Junlong Zhang

    Published 2019-03-01
    “…In the subgroup analysis, TNF-α-308A allele played a pathogenic role for RA in Latin Americans (A vs G: OR=1.46, 95%CI=1.15–1.84, P=0.002) and for SLE in Latin Americans (A vs G: OR=2.12, 95%CI=1.32–3.41, P=0.002) and Europeans (A vs G: OR=2.03, 95%CI=1.56–2.63, P<0.001), while it played a protective role for RA in Asians (A vs G: OR=0.54, 95%CI=0.32–0.90, P=0.017). …”
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  4. 12824

    Lipoprotein(a) Levels and the Risk of Myocardial Infarction Among 7 Ethnic Groups by Paré, G, Çaku, A, McQueen, M, Anand, S, Enas, E, Clarke, R, Boffa, M, Koschinsky, M, Wang, X, Yusuf, S, Interheart Investigators

    Published 2019
    “…A total of 775 Africans, 4443 Chinese, 1352 Arabs, 1856 Europeans, 1469 Latin Americans, 1829 South Asians, and 1221 Southeast Asians were included in the study. …”
    Journal article
  5. 12825

    Tribal ethos favours self-transcendence, within the Tribe by Alfredo Behrens

    Published 2020-02-01
    “…These reflections are relevant to manage North African migrants into Europe, as they are to manage Latin Americans into the USA.…”
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  6. 12826

    Brazilian attitudes towards the use of animals in research by Ana Paula Oliveira Souza, Carla Forte Maiolino Molento, Vanessa Carli Bones, Jaqueline Quadros, Catherine Anne Schuppli, Daniel Martin Weary

    Published 2017-08-01
    “…Little research has examined the views of Latin Americans on the use of animals in research. This study examined the degree to which Brazilians support the use of animals in research and the reasons they put forth to explain their position. …”
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  7. 12827

    Conditions of the Mora Peninsula between the years (1382-1460) by Suhail Zoukar, Nadeem laika

    Published 2019-10-01
    “… The Mora peninsula was one of the Byzantine regions occupied by the Crusaders in the fourth Crusade and the Byzantines regained their influence following the victory of Micheal VIII Palaiologos (1259-1282) over William II Villehardouin (1246-1278 AD) In the year 1259 AD, since the end of the fourth Crusade, the Mora peninsula had witnessed the establishment of a number of Latin Americans in the region. The Venetian ruled various parts of the Peloponnese. …”
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  8. 12828
  9. 12829

    BNCC and a practical past: Temporalities and the production of identities in history teaching by Nilton Mullet Pereira, Mara Cristina de Matos Rodrigues

    Published 2018-09-01
    “…Above all, the debate focused on the narratives that should or should not be in the document, since the first version attempted to both break away from decades of Eurocentric history teaching and highlight the histories of Brazil, Africa, African descendants, Latin-Americans and Indigenous people. This investigation has approached the three versions of BNCC made available by the Ministry of Education as well as the competition of narratives in the fields of history and history teaching. …”
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  10. 12830

    Conditions of the Mora Peninsula between the years (1382-1460) by سهيل زكار, نديم لايقة

    Published 2019-10-01
    “… The Mora peninsula was one of the Byzantine regions occupied by the Crusaders in the fourth Crusade and the Byzantines regained their influence following the victory of Micheal VIII Palaiologos (1259-1282) over William II Villehardouin (1246-1278 AD) In the year 1259 AD, since the end of the fourth Crusade, the Mora peninsula had witnessed the establishment of a number of Latin Americans in the region. The Venetian ruled various parts of the Peloponnese. …”
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  11. 12831


    Published 2015-04-01
    “…However, there are paradoxes that accompany them since their beginnings, and semi-peripheral states, like Brazil and other Latin Americans, have some historical-cultural issues such as internal and external sovereignty locks, patrimonial, clientelist, and populist political culture and a society precariously integrated, with deep inequalities, which also explain the problems of democracy. …”
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  12. 12832


    Published 2015-12-01
    “…The sample consisted of the representatives of the Latin Americans, Chinese and Russians. The main techniques used in the study are “Types of Ethnic Identity” by G.U. …”
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  13. 12833

    Miguel Bloombito’s Spanish Translingual Twitter Account as a Means of Overcoming Discrimination against the Hispanic population in the United States by M. Yu. Semenova

    Published 2020-09-01
    “…Particular attention is paid to one of the main functions of such an idiom, which is used as a way to overcome language discrimination against Latin Americans living in the United States. Separately, a comprehensive analysis of this Spanish idiom, characteristic of the speech of Puerto Rican Americans, is offered. …”
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  14. 12834

    Origin and schizophrenia in young refugees and inter-country adoptees from Latin America and East Africa in Sweden: a comparative study by Hélio Manhica, Anna-Clara Hollander, Ylva B. Almquist, Mikael Rostila, Anders Hjern

    Published 2016-01-01
    “…Results Despite diverse income levels, HRs for schizophrenia were similar for refugees and adoptees, with East Africans having the highest HRs: 5.83 (3.30–10.27) and 5.80 (5.03–6.70), followed by Latin Americans: HRs 3.09 (2.49–3.83) and 2.31 (1.79–2.97), compared with native Swedes. …”
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  15. 12835

    Expectations about system justification predict the ideological gap in attitudes towards immigrants by Usman Liaquat, John T. Jost

    Published 2023-07-01
    “…This hypothesis was tested in an online study (N = 404) with respect to four immigrant groups: Europeans, East Asians, Middle Easterners, and Latin Americans. Results revealed that conservatism was positively associated with (a) prescriptive beliefs that immigrants should engage in high levels of system justification, and (b) descriptive beliefs that immigrants—except for Middle Eastern immigrants—generally do endorse high levels of system justification. …”
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  16. 12836

    Sovereign rish in the Eurozone: a technical question? by Nuria Alonso, David Trillo

    Published 2015-09-01
    “…The peripheral countries have had to adopt policies very similar to those of Latin Americans countries in the 80's, that have introduced additional pressure on the budget deficit of the countries mentioned in addition to generating a phase of stagnation with deflationary risk. …”
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  17. 12837

    Copper face of ancient America: representation of Mesoamerican civilizations in American pulp-magazine Weird tales in the interwar period by Lapaev Nikita

    Published 2024-03-01
    “…Also, the authors were anxious about issues of race, since the racist view of Latin Americans was a constitu-tive stereotype for many Americans. …”
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  18. 12838

    Human dignity beyond borders: an ecclesiastical argument for the rights of forced migrants by Luis R. Guzmán, Brittany Smith

    Published 2020-12-01
    “…Following influxes of Latin Americans across the U.S.–Mexico border and similar mass migrations across the Middle East and Europe, liberal democracies are experiencing increased xenophobia motivating states to restrict such movements. …”
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  19. 12839
  20. 12840

    Code words and (re)framing by EDUARDA CALADO BARBOSA

    Published 2023-12-01
    “…For example, terms like ‘illegals’ and ‘illegal immigrants’, used to target Latin-Americans, have come to permeate the American political discourse as well as everyday conversations. …”
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