Substituição do milho por casca de café ou de soja em dietas para vacas leiteiras: consumo, digestibilidade dos nutrientes, produção e composição do leite Replacing corn with coffe...
Published 2007-08-01“…Twelve purebred and crossbred Holstein cows were assigned to three replicated 4 <FONT FACE=Symbol>´</FONT> 4 Latin squares. Diets were isonitrogeneous (14% of CP, DM basis) and control diet contained 60% corn silage plus 40%concentrate. …”
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Níveis de uréia na ração de novilhos de quatro grupos genéticos: estimativa da produção de proteína microbiana por meio dos derivados de purinas na urina utilizando duas metodologi...
Published 2008-03-01“…Animals were fed diets with 50:50 tifton-85 bermudagrass hay to concentrate ratio and assigned to four 4 <FONT FACE=Symbol>´</FONT> 4 latin squares (genetic groups): four animals, four experimental periods and four treatments (diets) and were. …”
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Substituição do milho pela casca de café ou de soja em dietas para vacas leiteiras: comportamento ingestivo, concentração de nitrogênio uréico no plasma e no leite, balanço de comp...
Published 2007-02-01“…<br>Twelve purebred and crossbred Holstein cows were assigned to three replicated 4 x 4 Latin squares to evaluate the effects of replacing corn grain with coffee hulls or soyhulls on chewing activity, ruminal metabolism, nitrogen utilization, and microbial protein synthesis. …”
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Parâmetros ruminais, balanço de compostos nitrogenados e produção microbiana de vacas leiteiras alimentadas com soja e seus subprodutos Ruminal parameters, nitrogen compound balanc...
Published 2010-02-01“…<br>The objective of this study was to assess the variation in the pH, ruminal ammonia, nitrogen compound balance (BN) and microbial synthesis (Nmic) of 12 Holstein cows distributed in three 4 × 4 Latin squares, fed diets containing soybeans in different forms: only soybean meal (SM - control diet), raw soybeans (RS), toasted soybeans (RST) and soybean meal plus 5% urea (SMU), using corn silage as bulk. …”
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Digestibilidade parcial e total de rações com a inclusão de ionóforo ou probiótico para bubalinos e bovinos Total and partial digestibility of diets with ionophore or probiotic inc...
Published 2008-03-01“…Three Murrah buffalos (Bubalus bubalis) and three steers Holstein (Bos taurus), with an of 477 ± 47 kg and 518 ± 56 kg of average weight respectively, and with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were used; the animals were designed into two 3 <FONT FACE=Symbol>´</FONT> 3 latin squares and in a 3 <FONT FACE=Symbol>´</FONT> 2 factorial arrangement. …”
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Balanço de compostos nitrogenados e estimativa das exigências de proteína de mantença de bovinos Nelore de três condições sexuais Effects of increasing dietary crude protein levels...
Published 2007-08-01“…Animals were blocked by sexual category (heifers, bulls and steers) and randomly assigned to treatments in three replicated 4 x 4 Latin squares. Diets contained the following CP levels: 7, 10, 13, and 15%. …”
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Effects on feed intake, milk production, and methane emission in dairy cows fed silage or fresh grass with concentrate or fresh grass harvested at early or late maturity stage with...
Published 2022-10-01“…Sixteen Danish Holstein cows in mid-lactation were divided into 4 blocks and used in 4 incomplete 4 × 2 Latin squares with 2 periods of 21 d. The cows received 1 of 4 treatments in each period, resulting in 8 cows per treatment, as follows: grass-clover silage supplemented with 6 kg/d concentrate pellets (SILc), fresh grass harvested at late maturity stage supplemented with 6 kg/d concentrate pellets (LATc), fresh grass harvested at late maturity stage (LAT), and fresh grass harvested at early maturity stage (ERL). …”
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Physical effectiveness of corn silage fractions stratified with the Penn State Particle Separator for lactating dairy cows
Published 2023-09-01“…Eight Holstein cows (27.6 ± 2.8 kg/d of milk, 611 ± 74 kg body weight; 152 ± 83 d in milk) were assigned to two 4 × 4 Latin squares (22-d periods, 16-d adaptation), where one square was formed with rumen-cannulated cows. …”
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Consumo, digestibilidade aparente e dias de coleta total na estimativa da digestibilidade em caprinos alimentados com dietas contendo cana-deaçúcar tratada com óxido de cálcio Inta...
Published 2010-12-01“…Eight castrated male Saanen breed goats, at 22.6 kg average body weight and at four months of age were used, distributed in two 4 × 4 Latin squares, with four 14-day experimental periods. …”
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Desempenho de vacas leiteiras recebendo concentrado em diferentes níveis, associado ou não a própolis Performance of milking cows fed concentrate at different levels associated or...
Published 2009-07-01“…Eight Holstein cows were distributed in two 4 × 4 Latin squares. The experiment was carried out in four 21-day periods, the first fourteen days were for the animals to adapt to the diets and the last seven days were for data collection. …”
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Consumo e digestibilidade dos nutrientes em bovinos alimentados com dietas à base de volumosos tropicais Intake and digestibility in cattle fed tropical forage based diets
Published 2006-12-01“…Six ruminally and omasally fistulated bovines averaging 351 kg of initial body weight were used in two replicated 3 x 3 Latin squares. Each experimental period lasted 16 days with 10 days for animal adaptation and six days for samples collection. …”
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Níveis de proteína na dieta de bovinos Nelore de três condições sexuais: consumo, digestibilidades total e parcial, produção microbiana e parâmetros ruminais Increasing crude prote...
Published 2007-08-01“…Animals were blocked by sexual category (heifers, bulls and steers averaging 254.8, 285.1, and 265.6 kg of body weight, respectively) and then assigned to one out of three Latin squares. Samples were incubated in the rumen of one animal of each sexual category to estimate ingredient degradability after determination of DM, CP and NDF in the incubation residues. …”
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Comportamento ingestivo, consumo e digestibilidade de nutrientes, produção e composição do leite de vacas alimentadas com silagem de milho ou cana-de-açúcar com caroço de algodão F...
Published 2009-10-01“…<br>Twelve cows were allotted to three 4 × 4 latin squares to evaluate intake and apparent digestibility of nutrients, milk composition and production and feeding behavior. …”
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Consumos e digestibilidades totais e parciais de matéria seca, matéria orgânica, proteína bruta e extrato etéreo em novilhos submetidos a três níveis de ingestão e duas metodologia...
Published 2004-12-01“…<br>Six castrated steers fistulated in the rumen and abomasum were randomly assigned to two 3 x3 Latin squares (three animals, three intake levels [1.5 supply, 2.0 and 2.5% LW] and three periods) to compare the collection techniques for abomasal and omasal digesta in order to determine the flow as well as to evaluate the effects of the three offer levels (1.5; 2.0 and 2.5% live weight) on both intakes and total and partial apparent digestibilities of DM, OM, CP, EE and TDN. …”
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Digestibilidade e características ruminais de dietas com diferentes níveis de concentrado para bubalinos e bovinos Digestibility and ruminal metabolism on bubalines and bovines fed...
Published 2007-06-01“…Three Holstein bovines and three Murrah buffaloes averaging, respectively, 473±54 kg and 400±33 kg of body weight (BW), fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were blocked by species and randomly assigned to two replicated 3 x 3 Latin squares with a factorial arrangement of treatments. …”
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Balanço de compostos nitrogenados, produção de proteína microbiana e concentração plasmática de uréia em vacas leiteiras alimentadas com dietas à base de cana-de-açúcar Nitrogenous...
Published 2004-04-01“…<br>Twelve purebred and crossbred Holstein cows were allotted to three 4 x 4 Latin Squares to evaluate the nitrogen (N) balance, microbial protein production, plasma and milk urea concentration and different urine collections times. …”
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Consumo, digestibilidade aparente, produção e composição do leite e variáveis ruminais em vacas leiteiras alimentadas com dietas à base de cana-de-açúcar Intake, apparent digestibi...
Published 2004-04-01“…<br>Twelve purebred and crossbred Holstein cows were allotted to three 4 x 4 Latin Squares to evaluate the intake, apparent digestibility of nutrients, milk production and composition, ruminal pH and ammonia. …”
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