Efeito da experiência do treinador sobre o ambiente motivacional e pedagógico no treino de jovens The effects of coaches' experience on the motivational and pedagogical climate in...
Published 2010-03-01“…Os jogadores das equipes observadas (n = 58) preencheram as versões portuguesas do Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire/TEOSQ (Chi & Duda, 1995) e do Sport Attitudes Questionnaire/SAQ (Lee & Whitehead, 1999), bem como o questionário de percepções do comportamento do treinador do CBAS. …”
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Adaptation of the Youth Sport Values Questionnaire-2 Into Turkish Culture and Its Psychometric Properties
Published 2019-07-01“…The aim of this study is to adapt the Youth Sport Values Questionnaire (YSVQ-2) developed by Lee, Whitehead, Ntoumanis and Hatzigeorgiadis (2008) into Turkish culture which is frequently used in the literature and to report its psychometric properties. …”
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