Escape from the Red Queen: An overlooked scenario in coevolutionary studies
Published 2012“…It refers to a passage in Lewis Carroll's 'Through the Looking Glass' in which the Red Queen tells Alice: 'it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place'; this statement resembles the negative frequency-dependent dynamics of host-parasite coevolution. © 2011 The Authors. …”
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Aquiles, la Tortuga y la aplicación de normas jurídicas como un “asunto particularista” sin particularismo
Published 2021-12-01“…Respecto de 1) trazo cierta analogía con el diálogo de Lewis Carroll “Lo que la Tortuga le dijo a Aquiles” y recurro a la concepción de Gilbert Ryle acerca de la inferencia como un saber cómo. …”
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Alice no País das Maravilhas: os desafios em traduzir para crianças
Published 2015-06-01“…É com o intuito de contribuir com alguns exemplos para reflexões a esse respeito que analisamos as escolhas que três tradutores brasileiros fizeram em trechos críticos encontrados na clássica obra britânica da época vitoriana, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865), de Lewis Carroll; duas das traduções tinham como público-alvo a criança e uma tinha como público alvo os adultos eruditos. …”
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Procedures of Translating Dialogue in Carroll’s "Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland" from English into Indonesian
Published 2019-07-01“…The study attempted to focus on the dialogue translation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll and its Indonesian version translated by Agustina Reni Eta Sitepoe. …”
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“Looking Glass:” Reflections on Mirrors and Transparency as Devices for Representation in Visual Arts
Published 2023-12-01“… Today the locution “looking glass” survives almost exclusively thanks to the extraordinary success of Lewis Carroll’s novel Through the Looking-Glass. This expression underlines the ambiguity between the glass surface intended as a device through which we can see the world or as an actual object to be “looked at.” …”
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«Lutefiskens lengsel mot havet»
Published 2023-11-01“…Og eg peikar på to internasjonale inspirasjonskjelder, Werner Aspenström og Lewis Carroll. Det overgripande poenget er at Profil-forfattarane ikkje fokuserer på éin hovudmotstandar, men femner særs vidt i sin humoristisk-kritiske omgang med tradisjonen. …”
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Graphematic Emblems in Selected Poems by John Hollander Sahar Abdul Ameer Haraj Al-Husseini
Published 2018-09-01“…They are not new for they are part of a long convention that ranges from Alexandrian Greek poets to Lewis Carroll and beyond. John Hollander(1929 –2013) is an American poet who wrote pattern poetry with a variety of diverse themes . …”
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A casa de Ulisses no labirinto de espelhos
Published 2018-12-01“…Estão convocados para depor em juízo Homero e James Joyce; Manfredo Tafuri, Rudolf Wittkower, Joseph Rykwert, Giambattista Vico e Marco Lucchesi; Le Corbusier, Stanley Kubrick e Lewis Carroll.…”
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Posthuman Female Identities and Cyborg Alices in Orphan Black
Published 2019-06-01“…This article scrutinizes the reception of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking Glass (1871) in the television series Orphan Black (2013-2017) through the lenses of posthuman and feminist theories. …”
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Del diario a la epifanía: una lectura posautónoma de La novela luminosa de Mario Levrero
Published 2021-05-01“…La obra de Mario Levrero ha generado varios debates por su construcción narrativa, el uso de un sinsentido que recuerda a Lewis Carroll en ciertos casos y, en el caso de La novela luminosa, la escritura de un trabajo reflexivo en forma de diario íntimo. …”
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Contribuições para compreender o que é desenvolver o racicínio lógico dos alunos: estudo do livro <i>Alice no país das maravilhas</i>
Published 2010-06-01“…O presente texto tem o intuito de explicitar princípios e regras da Lógica Clássica no contexto de uma obra clássica da literatura infantil, Alice no País das Maravilhas de Lewis Carroll. A obra analisada nos permite desenvolver uma compreensão crítica a respeito de objetivo freqüentes do ensino de matemática e orientações pedagógicas que frisam a importância de “desenvolver o raciocínio lógico”, inclusive o PCN Matemática das séries iniciais. …”
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Multi-scale clustering by building a robust and self correcting ultrametric topology on data points.
Published 2013-01-01“…We have compared the trees generated with this new algorithm to equivalent trees derived with the standard Hierarchical Clustering method on simulated as well as real data clouds from fMRI brain connectivity studies, cancer genomics, giraffe social networks, and Lewis Carroll's Doublets network. In each of these cases, we have shown that the DCG trees are more robust and less sensitive to measurement errors, and that they provide a better quantification of the multi-scale geometric structures of the data. …”
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El falo, la abyección, la identidad: una lectura de “La calle Sarandí” de Silvina Ocampo / Phallus, Abjection and Identity: a Reading on Silvina Ocampo’s “La calle Sarandí”...
Published 2012-06-01“…Las obras analizadas son: “La calle Sarandí” (Silvina Ocampo 1937), “La reina de las nieves” (Hans Christian Andersen 1844), "Alicia en el país de las maravillas" y "Alicia a través del espejo" (Lewis Carroll 1865 y 1872, respectivamente). El cuento de Ocampo se analiza en profundidad bajo la perspectiva de los estudios de género para argumentar que la autora denuncia la violencia con que el poder falocéntrico mantiene su hegemonía y cómo a través de ella se aniquila la subjetividad femenina. …”
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Fantastic Metamorphoses and the Subversion of Traditional Gender Roles in Christina Rossetti's Speaking Likenesses
Published 2017-12-01“…Regarded as “a peculiarly revolting book” by the Times Literary Supplement, Christina Rossetti's Speaking Likenesses (1874) consists of three different stories that are woven together as one through a frame story. Inspired by Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and its sequence, Through the Looking Glass, in these stories, Rossetti aims at revealing the least attractive side of each of its child-characters through fantastic transformations. …”
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Contribuições para compreender o que é desenvolver o racicínio lógico dos alunos: estudo do livro <i>Alice no país das maravilhas</i>
Published 2010-06-01“…O presente texto tem o intuito de explicitar princípios e regras da Lógica Clássica no contexto de uma obra clássica da literatura infantil, Alice no País das Maravilhas de Lewis Carroll. A obra analisada nos permite desenvolver uma compreensão crítica a respeito de objetivo freqüentes do ensino de matemática e orientações pedagógicas que frisam a importância de “desenvolver o raciocínio lógico”, inclusive o PCN Matemática das séries iniciais. …”
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Desvendando Alice: uma análise psicanalítica do País das Maravilhas
Published 2018-07-01“…Este artigo surgiu das inquietações da autora durante a leitura da história Alice no País das Maravilhas. Lewis Carroll, ao apresentar o mundo onírico de Alice, convida o leitor a entrar no mais íntimo dela, e assim mergulhar no sonho dessa menina curiosa, valente e determinada. …”
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Bergson : événement et création
Published 2017-03-01“…Just like Humpty Dumpty, the character of Lewis Carroll who celebrates his non-birthday 364 days a year, Bergson seems to inscribe discontinuity of event in the continuity of duration. …”
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How to tell the difference between a model and a digital twin
Published 2020-03-01“…Abstract “When I use a word, it means whatever I want it to mean”: Humpty Dumpty in Alice’s Adventures Through The Looking Glass, Lewis Carroll. “Digital twin” is currently a term applied in a wide variety of ways. …”
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Excès et sacré dans la littérature victorienne et édouardienne
Published 2006-12-01“…Dickens seems to tower above his contemporaries with his unusual production and by creating excessive characters (like Miss Havisham). Unlike Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear who practised the art of controlled transgression, Hardy stands out as « Hardy the Degenerate » because he was bold enough to resort to blasphemy in his last novel Jude the Obscure. …”
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Alice in Wonderland: uma tradução literária em imagens por Suzy Lee
Published 2016-10-01“…A obra-prima do controverso Lewis Carroll já foi traduzida e adaptada nos mais diversos meios de expressão artística. …”
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