“You become academic royalty once you’ve published”: A social practice exploration of identity in academic writing
Published 2021-09-01“…This paper, located in the academic literacies field of critical enquiry, illustrates the complex ways in which two South African academics understood and discursively constructed their identities through their writing for a recently published book exploring lecturers’ teaching and learning contexts and practices. …”
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Critical pedagogy and language learning in the age of social media?
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Using Global Literature to Build Understandings for All Students
Published 2012-10-01Get full text
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Composantes prises en compte dans l’évaluation de la compétence scripturale des élèves par des enseignants d’histoire du secondaire au Québec
Published 2009-07-01“…Depuis quelques décennies, des recherches suggèrent que nombre d’élèves québécois éprouvent des difficultés en écriture à la fin de leurs études secondaires, ce qui est préoccupant étant donné les exigences en matière de litéracie pour s’épanouir aujourd’hui. L’écriture constituant une compétence complexe, elle ne devrait pas être la préoccupation que des enseignants de français, comme le soulignent certains didacticiens de cette discipline. …”
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A curriculum-based approach to blended learning
Published 2016-06-01“…Moreover, a range of competencies is necessary to prepare students for the workplace, such as providing them with skills in intercultural communication and digital literacies, which can be indirect benefits from the adoption of a blended methodology. …”
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Enhancing employability via ‘Thirdspace’ pedagogy and ethics
Published 2019“…With this in mind, this paper proposed that university curriculum utilises a Thirdspace pedagogy to expose and enhance cross-cultural literacies of Malaysian university undergraduates through socioculturally resonant Malaysian cinema.…”
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Sociolinguistics and language education /
Published c201“…Topics covered include nationalism and popular culture, style and identity, creole languages, critical language awareness, gender and ethnicity, multimodal literacies, classroom discourse, ideologies and power. …”
Olhares sobre a linguagem em redes sociais e suas interfaces com a educação crítica e pluralista / Overlooking language in social networwoks and its connections with a plural and c...
Published 2016-12-01“…Thus, contemporary literacies are constituted by as well as they constitute (themselves) those practices, within multiple and diverse literacies which are interconnected by hypertextual interactions, generating a new ethos. …”
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Post-Pandemic Lessons for Destination Resilience and Sustainable Event Management: The Complex Learning Destination
Published 2023-02-01“…They corroborate the general characteristics and criteria of the complex learning destination summarized in the paper, along with identifying and discussing the skills, literacies, and lessons learned to advance destination resilience and the sustainability of events. …”
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Guest Editorial: Contextualized Multimodal Language Learning
Published 2023-07-01“…Researchers and educators agree that multimodal literacies are essential by human beings to communicate, work, and thrive in the global world of the 21st century (Gee, 2003; Jewitt & Kress, 2003; New London Group, 1996). …”
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Qualifikationsprofil „Teaching Librarian“: Anforderungen und Schwerpunkte einer praxisbezogenen Qualifikation für die Vermittlung von Informationskompetenz
Published 2017-12-01“…Universities and training institutions will be given guidance for the further development of their curricula and the organization of their teaching in the field of information literacy…”
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I’ll read in English if...: A glimpse into the nature of tertiary ESL reading motivation
Published 2014“…In Malaysian public universities, students usually function in an academic domain where two literacies, English and Bahasa Malaysia, exist side by side, often within the same classroom.This rather unique context adds a new dimension to research on the multifaceted nature of reading motivation.The main objective of this paper is to describe various aspects of motivation for reading in English among undergraduate Malaysian ESL readers, along the constructs of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, and in relation to gender and language proficiency.319 students responded to an adapted version of the Motivation for Reading Questionnaire (MRQ).Although motivation for reading in English was only at moderate levels, results showed a significantly higher level of extrinsic motivation, compared with intrinsic motivation.There was a preference for English reading for reasons related to tests, compliance and recognition.These findings were consistent across proficiency groups.However, females tended to have a higher level of motivation, especially in reading for test purposes.Findings suggest a performance orientation to reading, with external rewards and a competition to score good marks playing a bigger role than personal or social reasons in reading decisions.…”
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Urban Life and the Ambient in Smart Cities, Learning Cities, and Future Cities /
Published 2023text -
Editor's welcome, PORTAL, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2009
Published 2009-08-01“…The guest editors and the PORTAL editorial committee would like to acknowledge and thank the following institutions and individual for the support that made this special issue possible: the Australian Research Council’s Cultural Research Network; the former Institute for International Studies at the University of Technology, Sydney; the School of Historical Studies at the University of Melbourne; and the ARC Cultural Literacies Node Convener, Mark Gibson.…”
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College Students, Networked Knowledge Activities, and Digital Competence
Published 2023-12-01“… Amid the landscape of digital literacies and frameworks is a common assumption that contemporary youth, frequently dubbed “digital natives,” intuitively understand and use online technologies. …”
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Learning development and English for academic purposes: opportunities and challenges in collaboration
Published 2023-10-01“…Despite different pedagogical and professional contexts and identities, both EAP and LD practitioners aspire to develop students’ understanding of, and engagement with, key academic and disciplinary literacies (McCulloch and Horak, 2019). Within many institutions, however, EAP and LD colleagues deliver provision separately – either to different cohorts or through different teaching models (pre- and in-sessional delivery, for example). …”
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Transmedia storytelling usage of neural networks from a Universal Design for Learning perspective: A systematic review
Published 2023-03-01“…Considering the engagement generated by these strategies, and the need to promote literacies to provide competences to a plural society, a systematic review of the literature on transmedia storytelling experiences from the perspective of universal design for learning (UD-L) using PRISMA is carried out: a priori, we start from the idea that, if UD-L is based on the principles of educational neuroscience and TST, in turn, concretizes some of the guidelines of UD-L, TST can naturally result in a didactic approach that capitalizes on educational neuroscientific knowledge in a harmonious way with the digital context in which we live. …”
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Integrating technologies into “authentic” assessment design: an affordances approach
Published 2013-09-01“…In addition, increasing focus on digital literacies is catalysing new appreciations of what emerging digital culture might mean for both students and staff. …”
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Online gaming as sociable media
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