Machine-learning approach using thermal and synthetic aperture radar data for classification of oil palm trees with basal stem rot disease
Published 2021“…A meaningful conclusion of this study is that the ROS technique can differentiate the severity of mild infection (T1) compared to a single approach that is incapable of doing so. The main benefit of this study is the development of an appropriate model for early identification and severity classification of BSR disease in oil palms via remote sensing and data mining approaches rapidly and cost-effectively.…”
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Construction and characterization of phage-display and bacteriophage-mediated vaccines against very virulent infectious bursal disease and genotype VII newcastle disease
Published 2018“…Newcastle disease (ND) is regarded as one of the most significant viral diseases in the poultry industry and perhaps it presents the larger drainage to the world economy when it is compared to various other animal viruses. The main antigens are the F and HN genes. Infectious bursal disease (IBD) remains a constant intimidation to the world poultry industry. …”
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The Distinctive Creativity Endeavour Model for Creative Thinking, an Expansion of the Osborn-Parnes Creative Problem Solving Approach
Published 2006“…Testing was carried out at two intervals, mainly the pretest and posttest with the use of the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) to determine creativity levels of participants undergoing the creativity programs. …”
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Nutrient Composition and Antioxidant Properties of Magifera Pajang Kosterm Juice Powder and its Effects on Cardiovascular Biomarkers in Hypercholestrolemic Rabbits and Healthy Huma...
Published 2010“…The main objective of this study was to determine the nutrient composition, antioxidant properties and effects on cardiovascular biomarkers of Mangifera pajang juice powder in hypercholesterolemic rabbits and healthy human subjects. …”
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Proximate, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol and Alpha-Tocopherol Contents in Selected Marine Fish and Shellfish From West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2011“…Thus, to increase awareness on nutrient composition of local fish and shellfish among consumers, information on complete nutritional values must be made available. The main objective of the study was to determine and validate the proximate, fatty acids, cholesterol and alpha-tocopherol contents in selected marine fish and shellfish from West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia (WCPM). …”
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Detection of Viruses in Nasopharyngeal Aspirates of Children Admitted with Lower Respiratory Tract Infections at Hospital Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Published 2011“…The majority of RSV infections occurred in children less than six months as compared with other virus groups. However, HRV was mainly detected in the second half of the infancy. …”
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Bacterial and short-chain fatty acid profiling of faecal samples
Published 2011“…Human gastrointestinal tract consists of an extremely complex microbiota mainly the anaerobic organisms. Many studies have been done to investigate the human intestinal microbiota. …”
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Academic performance and its associated factors among degree students of faculty of sports sciences and recreations, UiTM, Shah Alam
Published 2013“…The relationship between personal attributes, health behaviours, health-related components of physical fitness and academic performance have not been thoroughly investigated simultaneously especially among Malaysian university students. The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between these factors and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), as an indicator of academic performance, among degree students. …”
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Effects of problem-solving approach on problem-solving skills, motivation, and writing achievement of middle-eastern EFL learners
Published 2014“…Supporting qualitative data was also collected through a standardized reflection worksheet as well as through a focus group interview at the end of the treatment period. Three main hypotheses were created based on three dependent variables: perceived problem-solving skills, motivation and writing achievement. …”
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Characterisation of local ikan pekasam and development of process for production of ikan pekasam from black pomfret (Parastromateus niger bloch)
Published 2014“…It is usually made from freshwater fish, and the main source of carbohydrate for the fermentation process is ground roasted rice. …”
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Effects of different tillage systems and planting densities on soil physical properties and yield components of sweet corn (Zea mays L.)
Published 2011“…The shallow depth of ploughing and degradation of the soil because of intensive impact of the rotary blade with the soil has been identified as problems of this tillage method. The main objective of this study was to find out the best tillage system or method in terms of soil physical characteristics, and then determining the crop yield of sweet corn as affected by different planting densities. …”
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Psychological interventions for diabetes-related distress in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Published 2015“…We performed random‐effects meta‐analyses to compute overall estimates. Main results: We identified 30 RCTs with 9177 participants. …”
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Structural behavior and environmental impact of precast ultra-high performance ductile concrete cantilever retaining walls
Published 2012“…One of the main breakthroughs in concrete technology in the 20th century was the development of the steel fiber reinforced ultra high performance concrete (SFRUHPC), also known as steel fiber reinforced reactive powder concrete (SFR-RPC) and more commonly known as ultra high performance ‘ductile’ concrete (UHPdC) with compressive strength over 150 MPa and flexural strength over 30 MPa and remarkable improvement in durability compared to conventional concrete. …”
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Radiation Synthesis and Characterization of Conducting Polyaniline and Polyaniline/Silver Nanoparticels
Published 2007“…The electrical conductivity was determined by an impedance analyzer and found the conductivity increased with the increase of dose and AniHCl concentration. The conductivity is mainly the direct current (dc) component attributed to the creation of polarons in the PANI structure and they are the charge carriers of conducting PANI which are set in motion in a form of electron hopping within the backbone of the composites. …”
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Ecology and Phenotypic Variations of Vitellaria Paradoxa Subspecies Nilotica (Kotschy), A.N. Henry et. al. in Ethiopia
Published 2005“…There were variations in the main mean tree characteristics such as crown diameter, basal area, diameter at breast height and height and the major mean leaf characteristics such as petiole length, total leaf length, lamina width and petiole ratio along the altitudinal gradient and the variation in crown diameter and lamina width was highly significant at P<0.05. …”
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Temporal Variations in Reproduction, Growth, Condition Index and Some Population Parameters Ofperna Viridis (Linnaeus 1758)
Published 2007“…Spat fall of the mussels was active during the entire study period with two peaks, one main peak during the months of March to June and a second peak during the months of August to December. …”
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Relationship between Instructional Practices and Learning Practices with Students’ Achievement at Secondary Religious School in Selangor, Malaysia
Published 2009“…The main purpose of this study was to identify teachers’ instructional practices pertaining to delivery of teaching and evaluation of teaching of the four subjects namely Bahasa Melayu (BM), English (BI), Advanced Arabic (BAT) and Quranic and as-Sunnah (PAQAS) from the teachers’ and students’ perception. …”
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Pullulanase Type 1-Assisted Modification of Sago (Metroxylon sagu) Starch
Published 2009“…In the present study, sago starch was used as a starting material to produce a starch with higher linear chain molecules (amylose) content due to the fact that it is an indigenous and is the main carbohydrate source in Malaysia. Physico-chemical properties were characterized including their amylose content. …”
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Epidemiology and economic impact of bovine brucellosis in Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2014“…Bovine brucellosis is an important bacterial disease in cattle and other bovine species including bison, elk and buffalo and is mainly caused by the bacterium Brucellaabortus. Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease with serious economic impact to livestockindustry in both developed and developing countries. …”
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Design and Development of a Segmented Rubbe-tracked Vehicle for Sepang Peat Terrain in Malaysia
Published 2005“…The study observed four main contributions towards determining the mechanical properties of peat terrain, developing simulation models for optimizing the design parameters of the vehicle, designing and developing the vehicle to be able to traverse accurately on low bearing capacity peat terrain, and designing an innovative instrumentation system on the vehicle for collecting relevant data to measure vehicle tractive performance. …”
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