Отображение 69,681 - 69,700 результаты of 69,910 для поиска '"Maine"', время запроса: 0.27сек. Отмена результатов
  1. 69681

    Color and deep learning features in face recognition по Lu, Ze

    Опубликовано 2018
    “...Specifically, different feature representations are extracted from face images in a certain color space and then fused together for classification. Main challenges of such color FR tasks include how to construct an effective color space to represent color images, and how to fuse different feature representations extracted from face images. ...”
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  2. 69682

    InAlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors on Si for RF applications по Xing, Weichuan

    Опубликовано 2018
    “...In fact, as the operating frequency increases into the mm-wave range by shrinking the gate length, the linearity is expected to degrade even further. This thesis mainly focuses on these two issues. Novel approaches are employed to resolve them and much improved device performance were obtained. ...”
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  3. 69683

    Pengaruh isolat 1,4-bis-(3,4,5-trimetoksi-fenil)-tetrahidrofuro (3,4-c) furan Terhadap Resistensi Insulin dan Ekspresi protein serin 307 IRS-1 di Jaringan Otot Skelet pada Tikus DM... по YUSUF, MUHAMMAD

    Опубликовано 2016
    “...Abstract:Background: Insulin resistance is commonly caused by an increase in free radical and ROS, mainly in cells have insulin receptors. One of the serine proteins contributing to insulin resistance is serine307 which can cause a significant decrease in the interaction between IRS-1 and insulin receptors. ...”
  4. 69684

    Economic development in the backward regions of Yugoslavia, 1953-64 по MacDonald, M, MacDonald, Mary

    Опубликовано 1968
    “...</p><p>Development policy for the backward regions, as for the country as a whole, passed through two main phases during these years. Industrialisation was consistently regarded as the centrepiece of development strategy, with the improvement of agriculture and the expansion of tertiary activities playing, for the most part, only a subsidiary role. ...”
  5. 69685

    Tranexamic acid for patients with nasal haemorrhage (epistaxis) по Joseph, J, Martinez-Devesa, P, Bellorini, J, Burton, M

    Опубликовано 2018
    “...We used GRADE to assess the quality of the evidence for each outcome; this is indicated in italics. <strong>Main results</strong> We included six RCTs (692 participants). ...”
    Journal article
  6. 69686

    Balzac and the visual arts по Adamson, D, Adamson, D.

    Опубликовано 1971
    “...Sarrasine, La maison du Chat-qui- Pelote and Le Chef-d'oeuvre all emphasize that the artist's dedication and naiveté lead to a discordance with reality - an idea essentially derived from Hoffmann. In the main, Balzac's artists fail to achive worldly success. ...”
  7. 69687

    Interventions for reducing red blood cell transfusion in adults undergoing hip fracture surgery: an overview of systematic reviews по Lewis, SR, Pritchard, MW, Estcourt, L, Stanworth, SJ, Griffin, XL

    Опубликовано 2023
    “...Outcomes were: number of people requiring ABT, volume of transfused blood (measured as units of packed red blood cells (PRC)), postoperative delirium, adverse events, activities of daily living (ADL), health‐related quality of life (HRQoL), and mortality.</p> <p><strong>Main results:</strong> We found 26 systematic reviews including 36 RCTs (3923 participants), which only evaluated tranexamic acid and iron. ...”
    Journal article
  8. 69688

    Smoking cessation for improving mental health по Taylor, GMJ, Lindson, N, Farley, A, Leinberger-Jabari, A, Sawyer, K, te Water Naudé, R, Theodoulou, A, King, N, Burke, C, Aveyard, P

    Опубликовано 2021
    “...</p><br /> <p><strong>Main Results:</strong><br /> We included 102 studies representing over 169,500 participants. ...”
    Journal article
  9. 69689

    Building the evidence base for school-based child sexual abuse prevention programs in China: Findings from a mixed-methods study по Lu, M

    Опубликовано 2021
    “...</p> <p><b>DPhil Paper III – Methods</b> </p> <p>Existing efforts to understand school-based CSA prevention programs in a global and Chinese context mainly focus on the effectiveness of these programs in increasing participants’ CSA knowledge and skills regarding self-protection. ...”
  10. 69690

    Smoking reduction interventions for smoking cessation по Lindson, N, Klemperer, E, Hong, B, Ordóñez-Mena, J, Aveyard, P

    Опубликовано 2019
    “...</p><br /> <p><strong>Main Results:</strong><br /> We identified 51 trials with 22,509 participants. ...”
    Journal article
  11. 69691

    Capturing the interconnected and interpersonal nature of emotion concepts: implications for social-emotional learning по O'Grady, AM

    Опубликовано 2022
    “...Three studies were undertaken to approach the main research question via different lenses. The first, a systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention studies with SEL programmes universally implemented in Primary Years 4 to 6, addressed the question of how emotions have been ‘taught’ in primary schools in the past decade, and whether SEL programme participation directly promotes child emotion understanding (EU). ...”
  12. 69692

    Specialised early intervention teams for recent-onset psychosis по Puntis, S, Minichino, A, De Crescenzo, F, Cipriani, A, Lennox, B, Harrison, R

    Опубликовано 2020
    “...We assessed risk of bias for included studies and created a 'Summary of findings' table using the GRADE approach.</p> <p><strong>MAIN RESULTS:</strong> We included three RCTs and one cluster-RCT with a total of 1145 participants. ...”
    Journal article
  13. 69693

    Music and drama at the Académie royale de musique (Paris), 1774-1789 по Rushton, J, Rushton, Julian

    Опубликовано 1969
    “...may be traced through the differing operatic fashions of Revolution, Empire, and Restoration, in the work of Cherubini and ?? (mainly serious ??) and Spontini, who restored the supremacy of the Opéra under Napoleon. ...”
  14. 69694

    Specialised early intervention teams (extended time) for recent-onset psychosis по Puntis, S, Minichino, A, De Crescenzo, F, Harrison, R, Cipriani, A, Lennox, B

    Опубликовано 2020
    “...We assessed risk of bias for included studies and created a 'Summary of findings' table using the GRADE approach.</p> <p><strong>Main results</strong></p> <p>We included three RCTs, with a total 780 participants, aged 16 to 35 years. ...”
    Journal article
  15. 69695

    Physical activity for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome по Nunan, D, Cai, T, Gardener, AD, Ordóñez-Mena, JM, Roberts, NW, Thomas, ET, Mahtani, KR

    Опубликовано 2022
    “...We pooled studies that evaluated similar outcomes using a random‐effects meta‐analysis, and synthesised data from other studies narratively. <br><strong> Main results<br></strong> We included 11 RCTs with data for 622 participants. ...”
    Journal article
  16. 69696

    Strategies to improve smoking cessation rates in primary care по Lindson, N, Pritchard, G, Hong, B, Fanshawe, TR, Pipe, A, Papadakis, S

    Опубликовано 2021
    “...Where more than one study investigated the same strategy or set of strategies, and measured the same outcome, we conducted meta‐analyses using Mantel‐Haenszel random‐effects methods to generate pooled risk ratios (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs).</p> <p><strong>Main results</strong></p> <p>We included 81 RCTs and cRCTs, involving 112,159 participants. ...”
    Journal article
  17. 69697

    Arthroplasties for hip fracture in adults по Lewis, SR, Macey, R, Parker, MJ, Cook, JA, Griffin, XL

    Опубликовано 2022
    “...We collected data for seven outcomes: activities of daily living, functional status, health‐related quality of life, mobility (all early: within four months of surgery), early mortality and at 12 months after surgery, delirium, and unplanned return to theatre at the end of follow‐up. <p><strong>Main results</strong></p> We included 58 studies (50 RCTs, 8 quasi‐RCTs) with 10,654 participants with 10,662 fractures. ...”
    Journal article
  18. 69698

    Drugs to reduce bleeding and transfusion in major open vascular or endovascular surgery: a systematic review and network meta‐analysis по Beverly, A, Ong, G, Kimber, C, Sandercock, J, Dorée, C, Welton, NJ, Wicks, P, Estcourt, LJ

    Опубликовано 2023
    “...We used GRADE to assess certainty of evidence.</p> <br> <p><strong>Main results</strong><br> We included 22 RCTs with 3393 participants analysed, of which one RCT with 69 participants was reported only in abstract form, with no usable data. ...”
    Journal article
  19. 69699

    Systemic antibiotics for chronic suppurative otitis media по Chong, LY, Head, K, Webster, KE, Daw, J, Richmond, P, Snelling, T, Bhutta, MF, Schilder, AGM, Burton, MJ, Brennan-Jones, CG

    Опубликовано 2021
    “...Secondary outcomes included hearing, serious complications and ototoxicity measured in several ways.</p> <p><strong>Main results</strong></p> <p>We included 18 studies (2135 participants) with unclear or high risk of bias....”
    Journal article
  20. 69700

    The Role of histone and non-histone proteins in nuclear function по Smith, J

    Опубликовано 1974
    “...The other relevant observation is that histones are subject to post-transcriptional chemical micromodifications <em>in vivo</em>. The main modifications are methylation (Murray, 1963), acetylation (Allfrey et al,. 1964), thiolation (Ord and Stocken, 1966) and phosphorylation (Ord and Stocken, 1966). ...”