Relationship between Instructional Practices and Learning Practices with Students’ Achievement at Secondary Religious School in Selangor, Malaysia
Published 2009“…The main purpose of this study was to identify teachers’ instructional practices pertaining to delivery of teaching and evaluation of teaching of the four subjects namely Bahasa Melayu (BM), English (BI), Advanced Arabic (BAT) and Quranic and as-Sunnah (PAQAS) from the teachers’ and students’ perception. …”
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Pullulanase Type 1-Assisted Modification of Sago (Metroxylon sagu) Starch
Published 2009“…In the present study, sago starch was used as a starting material to produce a starch with higher linear chain molecules (amylose) content due to the fact that it is an indigenous and is the main carbohydrate source in Malaysia. Physico-chemical properties were characterized including their amylose content. …”
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Epidemiology and economic impact of bovine brucellosis in Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2014“…Bovine brucellosis is an important bacterial disease in cattle and other bovine species including bison, elk and buffalo and is mainly caused by the bacterium Brucellaabortus. Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease with serious economic impact to livestockindustry in both developed and developing countries. …”
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Design and Development of a Segmented Rubbe-tracked Vehicle for Sepang Peat Terrain in Malaysia
Published 2005“…The study observed four main contributions towards determining the mechanical properties of peat terrain, developing simulation models for optimizing the design parameters of the vehicle, designing and developing the vehicle to be able to traverse accurately on low bearing capacity peat terrain, and designing an innovative instrumentation system on the vehicle for collecting relevant data to measure vehicle tractive performance. …”
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Platelet-related biomarkers and leptin levels in overweight and obese Malaysians in a public university
Published 2015“…Obesity is one of the main worldwide epidemics that leads to increase in serious health problems and reducing life expectancy. …”
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Human capital inequality, income inequality and convergence in developed and developing countries
Published 2015“…The results of this study provide an important understanding on the main determinant of human capital inequality across countries. …”
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Formulation of fat substitute using plant-based fats simulating the properties of lard
Published 2015“…SFC profile compatibility of mixture was used as the main criteria to choose the best mixture under each set (binary, ternary and quaternary) as compared to that of lard. …”
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Mechanism of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus biofilm degradation by bacteriophages
Published 2018“…It was concluded that nucleic acid and proteins are main components of biofilm matrix of MRSA clone t127 with observed relationship between adhesion and cohesion for biofilm tested. …”
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Sero-epidemiology of Japanese encephalitis virus among livestock, avian and companion animals in selected states of Malaysia
Published 2017“…Pigs, bats, wild boar, and ardeidae birds play an important role as a main vertebrate amplifier of JEV. In Malaysia the disease is endemic in east Malaysia, Sarawak and epidemic in Peninsular Malaysia. …”
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Development of murine immune responses to H5 DNA vaccine with IRF3 as genetic adjuvant and HIV Tat-conjugated pamam dendrimer as the delivery system
Published 2016“…Inefficient cellular delivery of DNA plasmids and insufficient stimulation of the innate immune system are considered as the main reasons for the failure of DNA vaccines to induce potent immune responses. …”
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Optimization and enzymatic hydrolysis of Tilapia by-product and fractionation of protein hydrolysate using membrane ultrafiltration
Published 2016“…Therefore, this research is focused on the production of a small-sized bioactive peptide from tilapia by-product which responsible for angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity through enzymatic hydrolysis and membrane fractionation process. This study has three main objectives (1) to optimize the parameters for improvement of enzymatic hydrolysis of tilapia by-products using response surface methodology in order to achieve high degree of hydrolysis (DH), (2) to characterize the protein hydrolysates from enzymatic hydrolysis of tilapia by-product emphasizing on ACE inhibitory activity, chemical composition and functional properties, and (3) to evaluate the performances of the single and multilayer membranes for the fractionation of tilapia’s by-product protein hydrolysate, in order to enrich the peptide with a high ACE inhibitory activity.The optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis using alcalase for preparing the tilapia muscle’s (TM) and by-product (TB) protein hydrolysates were performed through a response surface methodology (RSM). …”
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Gonad maturation, larval growth and settlement of the slipper cupped oyster Crassostrea iredalei Faustino 1932 (Mollusca, Peleypoda: Ostreidei)
Published 2017“…Therefore, this study has been assessed on gonadal stages, early development of larval, effect of cues on larval settlement, spat growth and capability of tolerance towards certain salinity and temperature. Research was mainly conducted at Fisheries Research Institute (FRI) Pulau Sayak, Kedah from June 2013 until June 2015. …”
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Buffaloes’ clinico-pathological responses to Pasteurella multocida type B:2 and their immunogens lipopolysaccharide and outer membrane protein
Published 2016“…Sudden death is usually the main finding in field during haemorrhagic septicaemia (HS) outbreaks among livestock in Malaysia. …”
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Genetic variation and clonal propagation of superior genotypes of selected Acacia species
Published 2015“…Species/provenance/progeny test was conducted on four species of Acacia namely, A.mangium, A.auriculiformis, A.crassicarpa and A. aulococarpa with four provenances for each species from two main regions of Papua New Guinea and Queensland. …”
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Hydrogeochemistry of the lower Kelantan Basin, Malaysia
Published 2018“…The Na-HCO3 and Na-Cl are the main water types in the intermediate aquifer and exhibit the presence of mix-water and saltwater types. …”
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Factors associated with executive function among adolescents aged 12 to 16 years in Petaling Perdana, Selangor, Malaysia
Published 2018“…Unhealthy lifestyle behaviours were prevalent in adolescents in this study. Among all three main meals, the rate of breakfast skipping was the highest (69.0%), followed by dinner (47.4%) and lunch (47.2%). …”
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Carbon accumulation and soil assessment of an early stage rehabilitated tropical forest
Published 2011“…Overall, this study did not show any significant statistical accumulation in the soil C stocks up to 7-year-old rehabilitated forest and this was mainly due to the supply of raw materials since the trees were considered as immature stage (1- to 7-year-old) in comparison to a continuous supply of organic matter from mature vegetation in the existing older stand of rehabilitated forest and secondary forest. …”
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Biology of limnocharis flava (L.) buchenau and neptunia oleracea lour. and their status as vegetable crops in Sarawak, Malaysia
Published 2014“…However, they are also offered for sale in native markets and being consumed as leafy vegetables among local urban peoples mainly in central region of Sarawak, Malaysia. These aquatic weeds are harvested from the wild, and there has been no attempt to cultivate them. …”
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Effects of chitin and chitosan extracted from house cricket (Brachytrupes portentosus Lichtenstein) on performance and immune response of broiler chickens
Published 2018“…However, studies have concentrated mainly on crustacean CT and CS; data on their effects on growth performance and immune response in poultry are inconsistent, while information on the use of CT and CS from other sources in poultry production is unavailable. …”
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Effects of multiferroics BFO and HMO nanoparticles addition on structural, electrical and superconducting properties of YBa₂Cu₃O₇₋ᵹ
Published 2019“…The YBa₂Cu₃O₇₋ᵹ (Y-123) superconductor is one of the materials that have been considered to have the potential of making a significant impact on technology, in particular on the issue of critical current density. The main problem that restricts the technology applications of bulk Y-123 is the low grain boundary conductivity due to weak links and poor flux pinning, causing low Jc in the presence of magnetic field. …”
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