Peluang Pembelajaran Maharah Al-Kitabah Berbantu Media Whatsapp bagi Mahasiswa di Masa Daring
Published 2021-11-01“…Penelitian ini untuk menganalisa peluang dan tantangan pembelajaran Maharah al-Kitabah berbantu media Whatsapp berdasarkan presepsi mahasiswa Psikologi di PKPBA (Program Khusus Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab) UIN Maliki Malang Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020. Penelitian ini berjenis deskriptif kualitatif. …”
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Larangan Bercadar di Perguruan Tinggi Perspektif Sadd al-Dzarî`ah
Published 2018-07-01“…In the study of Jurisprudence, Hanafi, Maliki, and Shafi’i schools agree that women’s faces are not aurat (private parts of human’s body that cannot be exposed or should be covered according to Islam). …”
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Published 2017-09-01“…Kamulaştırma prosedüründe devlet, tamamıyla karşısına maliki alarak, onun tatminini sağlamak suretiyle ihtiyacı olan taşınmazı elde etmektedir. …”
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Published 2002-06-01“…Endülüs’ün yetiştirdiği seçkin bir Mâlikî hukukçusu olan Bâcî, özellikle fıkıh ve usûl sahasında uzman olmakla birlikte, hemen her ilim dalında, alanında otorite olan ilim adamlarının elinde de eğitim görmüştür. …”
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Nahwu Learning Through Banjar Culture with Syahid Table in South Kalimantan
Published 2023-01-01Get full text
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The Kemalists
Published 2006-10-01“…One particularly blatant example should suffice to make this point: On page 198, Kaylan lumps together as brotherhoods the “reactionary” Muslim Brotherhood, the “Shafis” (sic), the “Maliki Brotherhood,” and the “liberal … Melami and Bektashi brotherhoods” – apparently not understanding the differences between a modern Islamist movement, schools of law, and Sufi orders. …”
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Dialektika Teks dan Konteks dalam Metode Istinbāṭ Fikih Perempuan Kontemporer
Published 2014-09-01Get full text
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Müzdelife Vakfesi ve Zamanı Hakkındaki Fıkhi Görüşlere İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme
Published 2021-07-01“…Bu itibarla, mazeret grubunda yer alan kişilerle izdiham korkusu taşıyanlar, Şâfiî ve Hanbelî mezheplerinin görüşleri doğrultusunda gece yarısından sonra Müzdelife vakfesini yapabilirler. Zarurî hallerde Mâlikî fakihlerinin görüşleri doğrultusunda, gece yarısını beklemeden vakfe yapmaları da mümkündür. …”
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Transformation of Arabic Assessment in Indonesia: Conventional Assessment Toward Digital Assessment
Published 2022-10-01“…The results show that the transformation of the Arabic language assessment has begun in 2016 at UIN Maliki Malang but it faced constraints regarding its TOAFL implementation. …”
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Al-Quran Menjawab Tantangan Pluralisme terhadap Kerukunan Ummat Beragama
Published 2013-09-01Get full text
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Pandangan Ulama Tentang Upah Nadzir Wakaf (Studi Analisis Pasal 12 UU Nomor 41 Tahun 2004)
Published 2021-06-01“…However, if there is no provision from either the wakif or the judge, while nadzir does not submit to the judge, then the ‘ulama differ in opinion. Hanafi and Maliki ‘ulama agreed that judges have the right to determine the wages of nadzir with standard wages. …”
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Dirasah Muqaranah ‘an Hukm al-Zawaj Bayna Rudha’a Alban Bunuk al-Laban Fi Manzhur Fuqaha al-Aqdamin wa al-Mu’ashirin
Published 2024-01-01“…After conducting a comparative analysis, the author concludes that the majority of classical scholars from the Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i and Hambali madhhabs, and most contemporary fiqh scholars, think that indirect radha', such as radha' from a breast milk bank, makes marriage prohibited. …”
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Published 2020-12-01“…The scholars disagree in determining the law of consumption of bats, Shāfi’ī and Ḥambalī declare ḥarām, Mālikī declared makrūh and not until ḥarām, but not something that can be consumed, while Ḥanafī disagreed, some declare ḥalāl and some who argue not ḥalāl…”
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The Biography of Muslim Ibn Abi Maryam and the Issue of Dreading from Elevating the Hadith
Published 2020-06-01“…His biography was presented including his name and lineage, the names of his teachers and pupils, and the scholars’ sayings, including the saying of Al-Imam Maliki. It has been found from the study that all of his teachers are Medinans. …”
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Eksistensi Akad Dalam Bingkai Transaksi Bisnis Modern :Transaksi Bai’mu’athah di Supermarket
Published 2021-12-01“…Bai'mu'athah transactions do not meet the requirements and pillars of the contract, but according to Maliki in the most rajih qaul, the law of buying and selling mu'athah is valid if it has become a daily habit that shows willingness, and the act describes the perfection of each other's desires. …”
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The Fiqh Scholars Disclosure on Crewman Boat Friday Prayers
Published 2023-05-01“…However, there are varying opinions among Muslim Imams regarding the performance of Friday prayers for crew members on board. The Maliki and al-Shafi'i madhhabs of thought believe that Friday prayers are invalid when they are not conducted in a mosque, while the Hanafi and Hambali madhhabs permit Friday prayers to be performed anywhere. …”
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Memlük Ulemâsından Şümünnîler ve Hadis Usulü Çalışmaları
Published 2023-12-01“…Kemâleddîn eş-Şümünnî ve oğlu Takıyyüddîn eş-Şümünnî İslâm tarihinin ilmî açıdan en parlak dönemlerinden birinde ve önemli bir ilmî çevrede yetişip faaliyet göstermişlerdir. Bu çalışmada biri Mâlikî diğeri Hanefî mezhebine mensup olan baba-oğul Şümünnîlerin önce hayatları ve ilmî şahsiyetleri ele alınmış sonrasında hadis usulü alanında yapmış oldukları çalışmalar incelenmiştir. …”
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Otoritas, Keberlanjutan dan Perubahan Fikih Dalam Pandangan Wael B. Hallaq
Published 2016-02-01“…He found a hierarchy of authority madhhab followers that he broke down from Thabaqat Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanafi.However, the established new characteristics which he discovered by shifting anti-taklid paradigm in Islamic law. …”
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