Ethnomycological knowledge among Kaqchikel, indigenous Maya people of Guatemalan Highlands
Published 2019-07-01“…Among the main indigenous groups of the Maya people inhabiting the highlands of Central Guatemala, stand the Kaqchikel, accounting for nearly 8% of the entire Guatemalan population. …”
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«¡If we observe the Constitution we will resist!»: Yucatec Maya people in times of Independence
Published 2011-04-01Get full text
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To Make Known in Order to Recognize: Schools as Vehicles for Constructing Identity for the Maya Peoples
Published 2023-07-01Get full text
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El problema social del indio (1923 y 1971)
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Narrativas del padecimiento “mental”: arenas de debate en torno a prácticas sociales y a los valores que las sustentan entre los mayas tzotziles y tzeltales del sur de México
Published 2008-10-01“…Through narrative accounts this paper examines the particular meanings related to two local categories of illness amongst the tzotzil and tzeltal Maya peoples of Southern Mexico, whose symptoms are similar to those of Western concepts of psychiatric disorder. …”
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Cultural Transgressions in Omar S. Castañeda’s Remembering to Say ‘Mouth’ or ‘Face’
Published 2013-06-01“…At the same time, the stories illustrate the protagonists’ multiple displacements, but also their links to the histories and cultures of indigenous, specifically Maya, peoples in the Americas. Consequently these displacements and connections result in the search as well as the creation of alternative narratives of belonging that are attuned to the characters’ multiple embodied subjectivities and positionalities. …”
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“El rostro de los días”: sobre la corporalidad y las almas entre los mayas k’iche’ de Santiago Momostenango
Published 2019-12-01“…The study of ideas regarding corporeality and souls has consolidated itself in recent years as one of the most important subjects in our knowledge of the Maya peoples of the past and the present (Pitarch 1996, 2011; Figuerola Pujol 2010; Velásquez García 2015). …”
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"I am Maya, not Guatemalan, nor Hispanic"—the Belongingness of Mayas in Southern Florida
Published 2009-09-01“…What is unique about our study is its emphasis upon biography for portraying particular facets of ethnicity and indigeneity and the difficult processes of transnational migration faced by Maya peoples now living in Florida. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0903106…”
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Indigenous Erasure and Resistance in the Caribbean
Published 2023-03-01“…Drawing on the case of the Maya peoples’ struggle for land in Belize, I describe some of the ways that Indigenous people continue to resist colonial and capitalist violence. …”
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Discursos ceremoniales tzotziles: una joya poco estudiada
Published 2009-01-01“…<br>Apart from verbal interchange in daily life and prayers directed to the gods there is another principal form of verbal expression among the Tzotzil -and probably among the majority of Maya peoples: ceremonial discourses. With the prayers they have in common a strict poetic form, but in contrast to them they are not sung. …”
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Apropiación social del conocimiento en cuatro grados de desarrollo empresarial en organizaciones productivas mexicanas en la frontera Sur México/ Belice. Análisis del modelo OCDE...
Published 2015-03-01“…The current model of the OECD (2009-2010) with standards on the appropriation of knowledge, adapted to the direct interview method was used for the analysis.Although the results showed a noticeable backwardness in the four companies analyzed regarding the appropriation of knowledge, they also show ethnic and cultural differences in the Maya peoples living in this region when it comes to social businesses. …”
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Las corridas de toros en los pueblos mayas orientales. Una aproximación etnográfica Bullfights at Eastern Maya Towns. An Etnographic Approach
Published 2010-01-01“…<br>In this essay we describe bullfighting among the Maya peoples in eastern Yucatan. The fundamental aim is to situate this festive expression in the context of the rituals that shape the patron feasts, so as to stress a central fact: the transformation of a feast of clear Iberian origin into a manifestation that is deeply intertwined with a world vision of Mesoamerican ancestry. …”
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Published 2022-05-01“…The pre-Contact Maya peoples build roads (<i>Sacbeob</i>) to facilitate movement between and within cities and surroundings. …”
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Resistencia indígena y discursos racistas: una lectura biopolítica de los mayas yucatecos
Published 2012-06-01“…In this article I propose to analyse the history of Yucatec Maya people from a biopolitical perspective. I study two periods of great importance in Mayan history: first, during the colonial period, the politics of population control and the peculiar geography of Yucatan guide us to explain how the colony was settled there; while the second part discusses the lack of instability of Mayan Indians during Independence, the indigenous resistance that will eventually lead to the 1847 Caste War and its consequence: the sale of Mayan Indians as slaves to Cuba as an alternative to eliminate Indian rebels and to create an imagined nation of Yucatan.…”
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La lucha del pueblo maya por el territorio y los recursos bioculturales
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Społeczno-ekonomiczne dysfunkcje rozwoju monokultury turystycznej na wschodnim Wybrzeżu Meksykańskiego Jukatanu
Published 2017-01-01“…Analysis shows that besides highlighted macroeconomic benefits (for the country and the region) instead of the expected and declared impetus for the development, promoted by the governmental agency FONATUR since the 70s of the twentieth century, model of mass tourism launched in Quintana Roo “circle of stagnation” resulting in the number of negative socio-economic consequences, including uncontrolled migration processes, marginalization of indigenous populations (Maya People) and the escalation of poverty.…”
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Structural and compositional data of maya pottery samples from Lake Petén Itzá, Guatemala: Central America
Published 2021-04-01“…This data is important and useful for further understanding of the structural composition of pottery sherds used by Maya people of Guatemala. In addition, the TGA/DTGA profiles provide information on the content of the losses upon heating and offers supportive evidence to the spectroscopic data studied.…”
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Human mobility on Cancun Island during the Late Postclassic: Intra- and inter-site demographic interactions.
Published 2023-01-01“…The goal of this paper is to assess the presence of non-local people on the East Coast of the Yucatan Peninsula during the Late Postclassic (AD 1200-1540), and how they might have been perceived by the local Maya people. We analyze the presence, origin and mortuary distribution of 50 individuals based on their dental and bone 87Sr/86Sr signatures in the "urban" assemblage constituted by the archaeological sites known as El Rey and San Miguelito on Isla Cancun. …”
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Hidden Tenants: Microbiota of the Rhizosphere and Phyllosphere of <i>Cordia dodecandra</i> Trees in Mayan Forests and Homegardens
Published 2022-11-01“…<i>Cordia dodecandra</i> is a deciduous tree used by Maya people for its fruit and wood, growing, to date, in remnant forest fragments and homegardens (traditional agroforestry systems) in Yucatán. …”
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