Can formulation and drug delivery reduce attrition during drug discovery and development—review of feasibility, benefits and challenges
Published 2014-02-01“…The fear of failure and stringent regulatory review process is driving pharmaceutical companies towards “me too” drugs and improved generics (505(b) (2)) fillings. …”
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Sex and the Aesthetics of the Vulgar:
Published 2021-09-01“…Informed by the #MeToo movement, the following paper is an attempt to revisit the allegations of misogyny in the works of Robert Crumb, the founder of the Underground Comix Movement. …”
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Epistemic Transitional Justice: The Recognition of Testimonial Injustice in the Context of Reproductive Rights
Published 2022-08-01“…Second, I argue that the epistemic transition initiated by the '#MeToo' and '#YoSiTeCreo' movements call for transitional justice. …”
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Faulty Woolf? Exploring the Fault Lines of Virginia Woolf’s Heritage in the British Statue Wars
Published 2023-03-01“…Focusing on the campaigns for women statues, and on the statue wars Woolf was drawn into in 2022, it examines the articulation between Woolf’s contemporary reception and the intersectional fractures of gender, class, and race that pervade British culture in the age of #MeToo, #BlackLivesMatter, #TransLivesMatter. It thus offers a reflection on the fault lines that divide literary heritage and cultural, or political, zeitgeist, by addressing the contemporary crystallization around the so-called ‘cancel culture’. …”
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An early indicator of drug success: Top Journal Selectivity Index
Published 2013-02-01“…The TJSI can be an indicator of a drug’s potential for sustained use: a higher score increases the probability of continuing success.Keywords: bibliometrics, ‘me-too’ drugs, pharmaceutical market, scientometrics…”
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Applying Qualitative Methods to Investigate Social Actions for Justice Using Social Media: Illustrations From Facebook
Published 2020-06-01“…Social media is becoming a valuable resource for hosting activism as illustrated in the rise of the hashtag movements, such as #MeToo and #Endrapeculture, used to speak out against rape culture. …”
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Sobre sexismo e estereótipos de gênero: publicidade e espelhos de representação social
Published 2023-03-01“…Baseando-nos em autores como Barthes e analisando o corpus publicitário selecionado, traçamos condições para o surgimento de discursividades emergentes a partir da inflexão sociopolítica dos movimentos #NiUnaMenos, na América Latina, e #MeToo e #BlackLivesMatter, em escala global. Inspirados por representações artísticas, procuramos contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma comunicação publicitária não sexista e diversificada.…”
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New Repetitions
Published 2023-02-01“…There is no shortage of examples to this effect, especially in our post-#MeToo and post-#WeSeeYouWAT culture. It’s easy to spot what isn’t working, but much harder to do something differently. …”
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Spotlight on early career research in film studies
Published 2023-08-01“…In recent years, individuals and groups from inside and outside of academia have called for greater diversity on screen, resulting in campaigns such as #MeToo, #TimesUp, and #OscarsSoWhite. In particular, the gender imbalance that exists on screen and behind the camera has been a particular point of focus. …”
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Not a children’s game: Misogyny in the North American online gaming community.
Published 2020-08-01“…This ethnographic study examines gamers’ in-game text-based conversations in League of Legends to study the gender relations in the North American online gaming community in the post- #MeToo era. While it finds the overall environment to be supportive regardless of players’ gender, the League community deems heterosexual men as prototypical players, and female players actively fulfill this stereotype. …”
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“Abusers of Themselves with Mankind”: On the Constitutive Necessity of Abuse in Evangelical Sex Manuals
Published 2021-02-01“…Denhollander’s evangelical credentials authorized fellow US evangelicals to sympathize with the #MeToo movement. I then show how this script of awakening obscures a long history of abuse in relation to LGBTQ persons of faith. …”
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George Sand, antisex feminist
Published 2023“…This article offers a speculative reading of Sand's early fictions as anticipating similar “antisex” attitudes in later twentieth‐century feminism (the so‐called antipornography feminism of the 1980s), and uses close readings of moments in Indiana, Mauprat, and Lélia to reflect on the renewed urgency—in the wake of #MeToo—of the sort of ethical questions raised by such feminism during the “sex wars.” …”
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“In Control … Under Control”
Published 2022“…How far might our post-#MeToo sensibilities usefully inform our reading of instances of gendered subjugation and sexualised violence in Beckett’s theatre? …”
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Four Major Defenses Against #Metoo Allegations Are Not Tenable
Published 2019-04-01“…Abstract Introduction: The “Me too” movement against sexual harassment has spread in a big way on the social media with many men defending the allegations against them. …”
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Arbejdet med inklusion - og mod eksklusion?
Published 2023-02-01“…When we begin to understand how mechanisms of exclusion can take place even among those with egalitarian ideals, we do not only begin to understand why there was a need to include in the first place – we might also be able to better understand the changes that we see in current times: With MeToo and BlackLivesMatter, there has undeniably been a change in public discourse and the changes can be tracked to focus of the Danish museums’ exhibitions. …”
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Requirement Politics
Published 2023-08-01“…Situated within the neoliberally co-opted #MeToo campaign, Betsy Devos’s 2020 Title IX cross-examination mandate, and post-Trumpian, ongoing COVID U.S. landscape, this work performs an ethnographic autopsy on the body politic: displaying the fleshy lived consequences of an unjust legal system. …”
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Feminist Judgment: A Commentary on Johnson v. Ramsden
Published 2022-07-01“…In the rewritten version, the development of sexual harassment and abuse within society as well as the role of the #MeToo movement and its meaning are considered. Finally, an outlook pleads for the introduction of feminist judgments in Switzerland.…”
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“The best men can be”
Published 2020-12-01“…Connecting the video to the #MeToo movement and critiquing ‘toxic masculinity’, Gillette portrays a new, more responsible, gentle, empathetic masculinity for “the men of tomorrow.” …”
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Gendered (in)visibility in digital media contexts
Published 2021-06-01“…In digital media environments, gendered inequalities can be observed on the level of representation and participation in online discussions and digital communities as well as regarding the prevalence of gender norms in self-presentations, and power relations in social interactions. The #MeToo debate exemplifies how gendered inequalities become visible in social media but also reveals the increasing hostility against women online. …”
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Einleitung: Epistemische Ungerechtigkeiten
Published 2022-08-01“…Verwiesen sei hier etwa auf soziale Bewegungen wie #MeToo und #BlackLivesMatter zeigen. Theorien der epistemischen Ungerechtigkeit (sowie verwandte Theorien wie Epistemologie des Unwissens, feministische Erkenntnistheorie und Standpunkttheorie) können sowohl epistemische Praktiken analysieren und einen Beitrag zu Gerechtigkeitstheorien und sozialer Epistemologie liefern, als auch zu adäquateren Verständnissen von existierenden Ungerechtigkeiten beitragen. …”
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