Wytwarzanie pamięci. Współczesne opowieści o „Gejerelu”
Published 2021-12-01“… Artykuł stanowi analizę utworów przedstawiających nieheteronormatywną rzeczywistość PRL w perspektywie badań nad pamięcią (memory studies). Przedmiot zainteresowania stanowią teksty, które tematyzują zarazem homoseksualność (przede wszystkim męską), jak i sam PRL z jego codziennymi absurdami i społeczno-politycznymi zawiłościami: Płynąc w ciemnościach Tomasza Jędrowskiego, Kryptonim Hiacynt i Zbrodnia, której nie było Andrzeja Selerowicza, Zatoka ostów Tadeusza Olszewskiego oraz Gejerel Krzysztofa Tomasika. …”
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La memoria transnacional de Gabriel García Moreno: la imagen póstuma del caudillo católico en Ecuador, Francia y Roma (1875-1921)
Published 2020-01-01“…Methodology: French and Ecuadorian sources are compared, using analytical categories from current memory studies. Conclusions: The article reveals that a transnational memory of García Moreno and his political model took shape through the dialogue between various actors, in turn reinforcing multiple identities at different scales…”
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Novinová pověst a biografické vyprávění jako symptom krize prozaické folkloristiky? Poznámka k dějinám folkloristických konceptů
Published 2022-12-01“…Nevertheless, both of these concepts present fascinating chapter in history of prosaic folkloristics in particular and memory studies in general.…”
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Is Kazan an oriental city? (Based on the guidebook of 1873)
Published 2018-12-01“…The theoretical basis of the research is the methods of structural analysis, semiotics and memory studies. Based on the results of the analysis of the text of the “Index”, the following methods were distinguished as the characteristic methods of creating the image of Kazan: selection of objects, marking them from more to less significant ones, the historical ideology of the discourse of the events and places described, the use of a certain presentation style and ideological antitheses “ours” – “foreign”. …”
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A Belgian View of (the Debate on) ‘Dat nooit meer’ – ‘Never Again’
Published 2013-06-01“… While the booming field of memory studies is characterised by a lack of uniform and consistent methodology, Dat nooit meer [Never Again] seems to reject any theoretical analysis whatsoever. …”
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Published 2019-06-01“…Joyce, D. Levy [36]) of memory studies. Inspired by a theory of securitization (B. …”
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Sonic memory interventions against politics of urban silencing
Published 2017-01-01Get full text
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‘Rooted in the Native Soil’—Cultural Amnesia and the Myth of the ‘Golden Age’ in Finnish Art History
Published 2023-06-01“…The analysis is guided by perspectives created in the field of cultural memory studies that emphasize the role of remembering and forgetting in the construction of historical narratives. …”
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Art and memory: Magdalenas por el Cauca
Published 2022-01-01“…Adopting an interdisciplinary framework of Memory Studies and Art and employing semiotics with a multimodal and multimedia character, it is explored how social groups in Colombia memorialise the violence of the internal armed conflict. …”
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To Survive Ravensbrück: Considerations on Museum Pedagogy and the Passing on of Holocaust Remembrance
Published 2017-06-01“…Key Words: Museum Pedagogy, Visual Pedagogy, Memory Studies, Holocaust Studies, Difficult Knowledge, Ethical responsibility, Visitor involvement.…”
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Cultural Memory and Images of Resurrection in Medbh McGuckian’s Commemorative Poems
Published 2021-11-01“…The essay discusses the poet’s strategies of commemoration from the perspective of cultural memory studies and focuses on the ways allusions in the poems establish parallels with other texts and works of art. …”
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From private to public: Royal family memory as prospective collective memory in A Jubilee Tribute to The Queen by The Prince of Wales (2012)
Published 2019-11-01“…Through commodification, these formerly exclusive small-scale memories reach vast audiences, who engage with them and might form new memories of their own. While cultural memory studies still tends to favour research on traumatic events and the actualisation of memories of the past, this case study demonstrates that a focus on positive events and on memories’ prospective side opens up rich and fruitful research avenues.…”
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Genetic Approaches to the Molecular/Neuronal Mechanisms Underlying Learning and Memory in the Mouse
Published 2005-01-01“…We have employed advanced mouse genetic approaches to analyze the molecular and neuronal bases for learning and memory, and our results showed that brain region-specific genetic manipulations (including transgenic and knockout), inducible/reversible knockout, genetic/chemical kinase inactivation, and neuronal-based genetic approach are very powerful tools for studying the involvements of various molecules or neuronal substrates in the processes of learning and memory. Studies using these techniques may eventually lead to the understanding of how new information is acquired and how learned information is memorized in the brain. …”
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Cultural memory and neuro-critical reading of Ian McEwan's atonement
Published 2022-12-01“…The present article seeks to describe the contexts, functions, and effects of memory studies as an interdisciplinary academic tradition and introduce its main approaches and methods, especially in the tradition of cultural studies. …”
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The learning potential of streaming media: cultural sustainability in a post-digital society
Published 2023-04-01“…With the help of Astrid Erll's analytical model, the authors argue that perspectives from cultural memory studies are useful for deepening the learning potential of fictional series on streaming platforms. …”
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Luxury food tour: Perspectives and dilemmas on the "luxurification" of local culture in tourism product
Published 2021-07-01Get full text
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Up to the magical number seven: An evolutionary perspective on the capacity of short term memory
Published 2021-05-01“…The present study is devoted to reviewing the literature of memory studies from an evolutionary, comparative perspective, focusing particularly on short term memory capacity. …”
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Toxic Monuments and Mnemonic Regime Change
Published 2022-08-01“…Using insights from the field of cultural memory studies, this article illustrates these dynamics with detailed reference to the controversy around the Edward Colston statue in Bristol. …”
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Neuronal Activity at Synapse Resolution: Reporters and Effectors for Synaptic Neuroscience
Published 2020-10-01“…The development of methods for the activity-dependent tagging of neurons enabled a new way to tackle the problem of engram identification at the cellular level, giving rise to groundbreaking findings in the field of memory studies. However, the resolution of activity-dependent tagging remains limited to the whole-cell level. …”
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Eroe sportivo e memoria collettiva. Bartali nella letteratura per ragazzi: un paradigma culturale della generazione postmemory.
Published 2018-07-01“…In this paper, we analyse the post memory studies (Hirsch, 2012) wherever these scholars use the human and sporting champion biographies to pass down human and political value-based messages to younger generations. …”
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