Stone tools from locality Crkvine in Stubline
Published 2011-01-01“…Findings of numerous quartzite, chert and jasper pebbles out of the House 1/2008, 2 metres away from the northeastern angle of the House (pottery group 1), could not be connected with production of chipped and ground stone artifacts. …”
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Novos Conceitos na Avaliação da Limitação Ventilatória durante O exercÃcio
Published 2000-07-01“…Estes autores têm apresentado nas últimas três décadas, metodologias que utilizam os parâmetres ventilatórios e de trocas gasosas pulmonares, para aval iar a função cardiopulmonar e a respiração ao nÃvel dos tecidos. …”
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Structural, metamorphic and geochronological studies in the south-east Tauern (Austria)
Published 1976“…Anomalous K-Ar ages, which do not fit the three-phase cooling model, may be qualitatively understood if it is assumed:</p> <ol type="i"> <li>that in certain circumstances the rate of escape of argon from whole rock systems, on a scale of metres or larger, may be slow compared with escape from millimetre-scale mineral systems.…”
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Estudo prospectivo de extubação endotraqueal não programada em doentes de cuidados intensivos
Published 1998-11-01“…Embora esta mudança de atitude leve necessáriamente algum tempo, talvez em breve deixemos de ouvir a frase âdesmamar lentamente conforme toleradoâ e passemos a ouvir âo doente está estável e cumpre parâmetres protocolizados-vamos extubá-lo!â(8).…”
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Caractérisation des miels de l’océan Indien par spectrométrie proche infrarouge : étude de faisabilité
Published 2015-06-01“…Les résultats obtenus montrent que la spectrométrie dans le proche infrarouge peut être utilisée pour prédire certains paramètres physico-chimiques des miels. Ces premiers résultats montrent que la constitution d’une base spectrale de miels adultérés à différents niveaux au laboratoire, associée à des méthodes de régression ou de discrimination devrait permettre l’identification de miels non-conformes, comme montré précédemment par Rios-Corripio et coll. (2). …”
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Villa d’époque romaine et habitat médiéval à Mont-Saint-Jean (Sarthe) : bilan des recherches 2008-2020
Published 2023-03-01“…More than 400 kg of waste indicate a sustained production, echoing the ironworks of several thousand cubic metres identified in the nearby forest.This phase of development was followed by a more slow-moving period. …”
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SnapperGPS: Collection of GNSS Signal Snapshots 2
Published 2023“…`datetime` is in UTC, `latitude` and `longitude` are in decimal degrees, and `confidence` is a confidence radius (50%) in metres. * `/ground-truth`: Ground truth fixes from an RTK receiver stored in array each of which elements has the fields `time`, `latitude`, and `longitude`. …”
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Organic Matter in the Early Toarcian Shales, Paris Basin, France: a Response to Environmental Changes La matière organique dans les argiles du Toarcien inférieur du bassin de Paris...
Published 2006-11-01“…Ils impliquent par ailleurs, que l'environnement à l'interface eau/sédiments est resté anoxique et calme durant le dépôt de la série et que les conditions chimiques dans les premiers mètres de l'enfouissement n'ont que faiblement varié; celles-ci ne peuvent en aucun cas expliquer les variations drastiques observées dans les IH et la composition isotopique du carbone organique et inorganique. …”
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Ãxido nÃtrico (NO) inalado na lesão pulmonar aguda: Resultados de um estudo europeu multicêntrico
Published 2000-01-01“…Em todos os doentes foram monitorizados parâmetres de segurança e resultados clÃnicos. Dos 268 doentes incluÃdos. foram constituidos três grupos â Grupo I (n=98), respondedores submetidos a NOi e terapêutica convencional. â Grupo II (n=87), respondedores submetidos a terapêutica convcncional (controlo) â Grupo III (n=88) não respondedores submetidos a terapêutica convencional. …”
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Divje babe I - poskus uporabe statistične analize množičnih živalskih ostankov v paleolitski arheologiji. I. Določljivi skeletni ostanki jamskega medveda
Published 1989-10-01“…Since it is impossible to make an entry of each skeletal fragment in the coordinate system for practical reasons, the vertical - representing the dimension of time - may have a tendency to exhibit remarkable divergencies between the curve representing the actual (yet unknown) distribution of all skeletal remains and the curve representing the empirical distribution that had been arrived at in consequence of our adopted manner of sampling by sq. metres and by excavation units. In order to avoid further departure from the actual distribution of remains in the vertical, the analysis of samples was performed in strict adherence to the units, with deliberate omission of combining the units to form sedimentary and cultural units. …”
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Étude de trois grands tonneaux mis au jour à Reims/Durocortorum (Marne) : le savoir-faire des tonneliers antiques
Published 2020-12-01“…Preventive archaeological excavations carried out in Reims have provided the opportunity to uncover and study for the first time the antique deposits on the right bank of the Vesle river along a length of about fifty metres. The results obtained from these investigations made it possible to trace the evolution of this urban sector according to four phases ranging from the beginning of the Current Era to the 5th c. …”
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Vučedolska kultura u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj
Published 1981-11-01“…Markovič made a smal exploratory dig at Hum near Apatovac, and in 1978—79, he excavated the settlement Rudina I near Koprivnička Rijeka (812 sq. metres, 30 objects: one house above the ground, 10 hearths ,17 pits for work and refuse, and 2 dwelling caves). …”
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The Bolivian Source Rocks. Sub Andean Zone. Madre de Dios. Chaco Les roches mères de Bolivie. Subandin. Madre de Dios. Chaco
Published 2006-11-01“…Centre Dans la zone du Boomerang et du Sub Andin central, la base du Dévonien présente un potentiel correct (S2 moyen de l'ordre de 6 mg HC/g sur une centaine de mètres) et l'ensemble des argiles dévoniennes est roche mère avec un potentiel médiocre (fig. 10). …”
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