Silencios y verdad oficial. Operaciones de silenciamiento en el caso de la Comisión Nacional sobre Prisión Política y Tortura de Chile
Published 2023-04-01“…We focus, in particular, on Chile’s National Commission on Political Prisoners and Torture (2003-2005), and its counterpart, the Advisory Commission for the Qualification of Disappeared Detainees, Political Executed, and Victims of Political Prisoners and Torture (2010-2011), whose objective was to qualify and repair the victims of the last Chilean civil military dictatorship (1973 and 1990). We discuss four silencing operations in which we identify the ways in which they relate and act in/with different artifacts and procedures of the Truth Commission (TC) device, after addressing its performative capacity on testimony, residual truth, and official truth. …”
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¡No en mi patio trasero!: el caso de la comunidad ecológica de Peñalolén
Published 2009-05-01“…Collective action of organized groups, created in the last stages of the military dictatorship, decayed gradually, leading to a reduced form of collective action. …”
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conelchilenoresistentearte, Solidaridad: Chile Vive, una Exposición en España contra el Chile Dictatorial withthechileanresistantart, Solidarity: Chile Vive, an Exposition in Spain...
Published 2010-12-01“…On the other hand, the article will develop some thoughts on the artists incorporations, exclusions and projections of Chile Vive, focusing on why the exhibition of Chilean art abroad might be problematic, particularly the ones that belongs to this complex period of time; the military dictatorship.…”
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Villber: a 25 años de un final anunciado. Historia de una empresa en el sudeste santafesino y de sus complejas relaciones obreros-patronales
Published 2012-09-01“…In this respect, the analysis of the continuing conflicts between the employers and the workers gains strength, especially during the Villazo in 1974 and since the end of the military dictatorship in 1983 to the bankruptcy of Villber in 1986. 1974 commercial agreements with Cuba are studied in detail every time they reveal a series of connections of political and economic nature with central government.…”
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Genetics and human rights: Two histories: restoring genetic identity after forced disappearance and identity suppression in Argentina and after compulsory isolation for leprosy in...
Published 2014-01-01“…First, we report the search, localization, DNA testing and genetic identification of 110 individuals who were appropriated as babies by the Argentine military dictatorship of 1976-1983 in the context of savage repression and egregious violations of human rights, including forced disappearance and suppression of identity. …”
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Gestão Democrática da Escola e Participação / <i>School of Management and Democratic Participation</i>
Published 2012-06-01“…From the observation that with the exhaustion of the last period of military dictatorship in Brazil implemented to representative democracy, it is clear that this hegemonic model guides the management of schools, since this institution is not "cool" of society in general. …”
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Published 2022-12-01“…Well-known media stories of DNA-based forensic genetic investigations to identify the victims of state repression during the military dictatorship may have contributed to the high self-assessment of their genetic knowledge expressed by some participants, regardless of educational attainment. …”
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Born in Translation and Iteration: On the Poetics of João Delgado
Published 2023-05-01“…He disappeared in 1976 during the military dictatorship in Argentina (1976–1983). Since 1976, there has been no trace of his fate, although new fragments of his work are constantly being discovered, translated, and published by the Sala-Manca group. …”
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Developments of the Guidelines and Bases for National Education Law - nº 5.692/1971 in nursery teaching at a professional level in Brazil
Published 2014-01-01“…From this LDB no. 5.692/71, the nursing education was fully integrated into the national system of education and its enactment occurred during the military dictatorship and the ideology of the “economic miracle.” …”
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Los Primeros Momentos de la Violencia Estatal durante el Proceso de Reorganización Nacional (1976-1983). Un Estudio de Caso: Concepción del Uruguay
Published 2016-04-01“…Luego, reconstruiremos algunos aspectos de la violencia estatal persecutoria, su implementación a través de la Oficina Técnica de la Policía Federal, ahondando en el estudio de las características de la represión en el Colegio Nacional de Concepción del Uruguay. The military dictatorship of the National Reorganization Process (NRP) has been studied from multiple perspectives, which translates into there being a great deal of research that has contributed to the understanding of this period. …”
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Citando Mario Juruna: imaginário linguístico e a transformação da voz indígena na imprensa brasileira
Published 2011-08-01“…<br>In this article, I reveal the textual mechanisms that influential news editors employed to manipulate popular understandings of Mario Juruna, a Xavante leader who played an important role in advancing democracy during Brazil's military dictatorship and became the first Indian elected to national office. …”
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Coleção entomológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz: resgate de acervo científico-histórico disperso pelo Massacre de Manguinhos The entomology collection at Instituto Oswaldo Cruz: res...
Published 2008-06-01“…This reintroduction represents the first effort to restore this collection both historically and scientifically since Brazil's military dictatorship.…”
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Published 2009-12-01“…ABSTRACT: This article examines the intersemiotic translation of a short story by João Gilberto Noll (“Alguma coisa urgentemente”, 1980) into a film by murilo Salles (Nunca fomos tão felizes, 1984), considering the context of the civil and military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985), when the story was written and the film made. …”
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"Democracia e desenvolvimento" versus "Segurança e desenvolvimento": as eleições de 1974 e a construção de uma ação oposicionista pelo MDB na década de 1970 "Democracy and developm...
Published 2012-12-01“…In order to strengthen the party socially and contest the civil-military dictatorship, the MDB’s leaders and congressmen sought to articulate a political platform based on the defense of the rule of law and critic to the economic development model. …”
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Published 2008-04-01“…A stranger in his city of origin, both in the earlier traumatic dimension of his formative years, and in the later writing in Santiago during the military dictatorship. A stranger in Paris, a city that does not recognize the fervent desire of those raised elsewhere, in the veneration of its culture. …”
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La oposición a la dictadura militar y al Estado Novo (1926- 1974). La larga marcha de las izquierdas portuguesas
Published 2010-02-01“…ABSTRACT: The purpose of the present paper consists on giving a sintetic and global view of the portuguese anti-fascist opositions to the Military Dictatorship (28/5 /1926) and the New State of Salazar (1933-1968) and Caetano (1968-1974). …”
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Las cuecas como representaciones estético-políticas de chilenidad en Santiago entre 1979 y 1989 The Cuecas as Aesthetic and Political Representation of Chilenidad in Santiago Betwe...
Published 2009-01-01“…<br>The following article has the purpose of analysing the various meanings of the cuecas as aesthetic and political representations of chilenidad during the period of the military dictatorship, more specifícally in Santiago between 1979 and 1989. …”
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La creencia en el padre: ¿un impasse freudiano en la dirección de la cura? The belief in the father: a freudian impasse in the direction (address) gives he (she) treats it?
Published 2009-12-01“…<br>Taking the belief in the father as a point of departure, impasse Freudian for the analyst in the direction of the cure, and in continuity with the research that we are realizing about the father in the children's appropriation in the last military dictatorship in the Argentina (1976-1983), Scholarship Mastery UBACyT (2008-2010), we will deploy, in this work, some perspectives to think that belief in these cases. …”
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Representaciones escénicas contra la opresión dictatorial: <i>Teatro Abierto</i>
Published 2017-09-01“…For this purpose, the study will focus on one of the most repressive contexts in the history of Argentina, that of the last military dictatorship, the self-called National Reorganization Process (1976–1983). …”
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