Design and and analysis of platform motorcycle dynamometer
Published 2008“…Lastly, as the results, the design analysis with different materials of structure was done to illustrate the stress von Mises. …”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
Design and analysis of wheelchair according to human factor engineering
Published 2011“…Improvement of critical parts such as seating support and wheel caster design was compared based on material used, analysis on Stress Von Mises. At the end, when all the process mentioned above is done, the result for report writing is gathered. …”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
Design and analysis of polymeric foam spraying machine
Published 2009“…With the used of AISI 1020 steel as the material, the maximum von Mises stress value for the FEA analysis is 3.912 MPa and the maximum displacement occurred at the structure is 0.0074mm. …”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
BER analysis of interference-limited synchronous wireless networks with line-of-sight links
Published 2021“…However, the phase of the Rician-faded channel given the magnitude follows Von Mises distribution. This conditional PDF is exploited to derive an accurate expression for the BER of BPSK-modulated signals with an interference ignorant detector. …”
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Journal Article -
Finite element stress and vibration analysis of ball bearings
Published 2022“…Observations from the von Mises stress analysis shows that the highest stress regions occur at the point contacts between the ball element and raceways as one would expect.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Stress and vibration analysis of curved beams using ANSYS finite element software
Published 2024“…In static analysis, the downward displacement and von Mises stress at the mid-section of the curved beam were computed. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
3D multicellular model of shock wave-cell interaction
Published 2018“…The results indicate that for a single cell embedded in an extracellular environment, the cellular geometry does not influence significantly the membrane strain but does influence the von Mises stress. On the contrary, the presence of neighbouring cells has a strong effect on the cell response, by increasing fourfold both quantities. …”
Journal article -
X-Ray diffraction measurements of plasticity in shock-compressed vanadium in the region of 10-70 GPa
Published 2017“…Anisotropic strain in the compressed material is inferred from the asymmetry of Debye-Scherrer diffraction images, and used to infer residual strain and yield strength (residual von Mises stress) of the vanadium sample material. We find residual anisotropic strain corresponding to yield strength in the range 1.2 GPa – 1.8 GPa for shock pressures below 30 GPa, but significantly less anisotropy of strain in the range of shock pressures above this. …”
Journal article -
Sharp propagation of chaos estimates for Feynman-Kac particle models
Published 2007“…These results provide both sharp estimates of the negligible bias introduced by the interaction mechanisms, and central limit theorems for nondegenerate U-statistics and von Mises statistics associated with genealogical tree models. …”
Journal article -
Design and analysis of ankle foot orthosis for disabled children
Published 2018“…Single point statics analysis including reaction force and moment at selected points were conducted for both designs. Based on the von Mises stress, displacement, safety factor and PAM experiment result, the long size design is selected for this research. …”
Article -
Nonlinear regression approach to estimating Johnson SB parameters for diameter data
Published 1999“…Goodness-of-fit tests based on empirical distribution function (namely the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic, Cramer- von Mises statistic, and the Anderson-Darling statistic) were used in selecting the most superior parameter estimation method. …”
Article -
Fitting the statistical distributions to the daily rainfall amount in Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2007“…The selected model is chosen based on the minimum error produced by seven goodness of-fit (GOF) tests namely the median of absolute difference (MAD) between the empirical and hypothesized distributions, the traditional Emprical Distribution Function (EDF) Statistics which include Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic D, Anderson Darling statistic A2 and Cramer-von-Mises statistic W2 and the new method of EDF Statistics based on likelihood ratio statistics. …”
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Article -
A SAS program to assess the sensitivity of normality tests on non-normal data
Published 2013“…Unfortunately, not all data can be assumed normal in real life.To assess the normality of the data, there are four statistical tests, i.e. the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the Anderson-Darling test, the Cramer-von Mises test, and the Shapiro-Wilk test that are extensively used by practitioners.The general purpose of this article is to provide a demonstration of Base SAS programming codes of DATA STEP, PROC UNIVARIATE, PROC MEANS and SAS functions to evaluate the performance of the above mentioned tests, under various spectrums of non-normal distributions and different sample sizes.Another important goal is to help researchers adapt these codes to perform similar analyses for other non-normal distributions or other normality tests.This is to encourage the researchers to check the sensitivity of the normality tests before they implement any test that requires assumption of normality.…”
Conference or Workshop Item -
Strength and wear of plastic shredder blades based on different orientations and geometries
Published 2023“…The result based on 1000N reaction force showed the maximum von Mises stress between 159.70 MPa to 184.80 MPa, maximum total displacement deformation of 0.03752 mm – 0.04611 mm, maximum shear stress of 50.85 MPa – 71.86 MPa, and safety factor of 1.95 – 2.25 for both double and triple edges shredder blade. …”
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Thesis -
Linear Static Response of Suspension Arm based on Artificial Neural Network Technique
Published 2011“…The neural network model has 3 inputs representing the load, mesh size and material while 4 output representing the maximum displacement, maximum Principal stress, von Mises and Tresca. Finally, regression analysis between finite element results and values predicted by the neural network model was made. …”
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Article -
Design and Simulation of a Cylinder Head Structure for A Compressed Natural Gas Direct Injection Engine
Published 2013“…Based on simulation results, it shows that the optimum design is achieved. The maximum von Mises stress at 5400 rpm is about 39.84 MPa for single load and 56.16 MPa for assembly load. …”
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Article -
Design and analysis of modular wheelchair for usage of handicap people
Published 2012“…Improvement of critical parts such as seating support design was compared based on material used analysis on Stress Von Mises. At the end, when all the process mentioned above is done, the result for report writing is gathered.…”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
Design and Stress Simulation of Crankshaft for Slider Crank-Drive Stirling Engine
Published 2015“…Based on the simulation results, the maximum von Mises stress for crankshaft model varies from 0.82 MPa at 1 bar charge pressure to 1.65 MPa at 20 bar charge pressure. …”
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Article -
Response Surface Method In-Cooperating Embedded System For Bus Route Optimization
Published 2013“…First ever time, Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is adopted in this study to present a new real time intelligent buses notification system using routes' coordinates optimization and wireless mesh network emerged in an embedded design. The von Mises and displacement equation is obtained through RSM and trained to the dedicated controller unit. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Analysis and design of transonic cascades with splitter vanes
Published 2016Get full text
Technical Report