Incorporation and Exploration of Local Imageries and Identities in Malaysia’s Graffiti Art
Published 2015“…The parallels between graffiti art practices and the development of modern art in Malaysia, made the emergence of forms and themes that reflect local identity in graffiti art not a surprise, as these were also the inherent issues explored by local artists in the domain of fine arts. …”
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The planned sub-centres for riyadh city, a shift towards polycentric metropolitan development
Published 2008“…Riyadh city, the capital of Saudi Arabia, will be transformed in the near future to a polycentric model which corresponds to the characteristic of modern cities. The city is now a monocentric, and its urban form was affected by the expansion of low-density residential areas. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Unfair Dismissal For Australian Workers: The Hundred-Year Journey
Published 2015“…Over time, such interpretations of the constitutional powers were challenged by governing parties, resulting in the modern-day, "national" unfair dismissal protections afforded to the majority of workers. …”
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Exploring the semiotics of the Dayak Motifs in Sarawak
Published 2015“…Complexity, inconsistency, and misinterpretation on semiotic of the traditions Dayak motifs were gradually suppressed its communicative significant, which eventually shifted to a mere manifestation of the modern Dayak symbolic identity. This paper aims to discuss the roles of the Dayak motifs in the current society of Dayak people in Sarawak. …”
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Book Section -
Media and Political Discourse: The Nigerian experience
Published 2017“…It is a tool which can be used to re-orientate, influence and guide the masses particularly in this democratic dispensation of Nigeria. Therefore, modern political environment cannot be sustained anywhere in the world without the presence and vibrant role of the media. …”
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Book Section -
The Middle Class In Southeast Asia: Diversities, Identities, Comparisons And The Vietnamese Case
Published 2008“…Much interest has been devoted since the 1980s to the new urban, educated middle class in Southeast Asia which has emerged primarily as a result of stateled modernization and capitalist transformation. These processes have also been occurring recently in the former centralized socialist economies of Southeast Asia mainland. …”
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Malaysian Chinese Stories Of Hard Work: Folklore And Chinese Work Values
Published 2015“…One of the major functions of folklore in non-literate societies is value transmission. In a modern society, folklore can perform the same function, although the transmission may be in the form of a book or a digital animation. …”
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Determination Of Strength And Deformability Of Fractured Rock Mass By Finite Elemental Modelling
Published 2017“…Rock deformation and strength of rock is one of the geotechnical problem that has to be taken into consideration by engineers when dealing with the design of any type of modern structures. In present work, the deformability and strength of fractured rock mass is determined by applying the Finite Elemental Method by using the software RS2. …”
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Monograph -
Evaluation Of Mitragyna Speciosa Korth. (Ketum) Extracts Prepared By Accelerated Solvent Extraction Technique, On Antinociceptive And Cytotoxicity Effects
Published 2021“…At first, ketum was extracted with pure water using conventional extractions, Soxhlet, and maceration, as well as modern extraction techniques, ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), and accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) techniques. …”
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Thesis -
Genome sequence of an uncharted halophilic bacterium Robertkochia marina with deciphering its phosphate solubilizing ability
Published 2020“…The wide use of whole-genome sequencing approach in the modern genomic era has opened a great opportunity to reveal the prospective applications of halophilic bacteria. …”
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Multivariate modelling for prediction of time-series blood glucose level using vector autoregression (VAR)
Published 2024“…Predicting glucose levels remains a significant challenge in diabetes management, with various factors influencing regulation. Modern technologies like AI and ML offer potential solutions by implementing prediction systems. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Hand pedal powered washing machine
Published 2024“…By harnessing human power, it eliminates the need for electricity, making it an ideal solution for areas with limited access to power or those aiming to reduce their carbon footprint. Modern washing machines come in large sizes and draw a lot of electricity. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
First discovery augmented reality for learning solar systems
Published 2018“…Although this shift of pedagogical method may disrupt the traditional curriculum model, it also offers great opportunity to complement and improve the modern age education model. This paper presents an AR-based mobile application for exploring Space and Science for primary school students called the First Discovery (FD). …”
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Cakar ayam shaping machine
Published 2017“…Although it is attacked by the invention of modern cakes that look far more interesting, these cakes will be able to survive a long time until now.…”
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Book Section -
Indoor thermal performance of an office building using Conventional Brick Versus Interlocking Compressed Earth Brick (ICEB) wall
Published 2013“…In recent years, the growing interest in using earth as modern wall material has mushroomed. However, the study on its indoor thermal environmental impact is still lacking Thus, this study was meant to investigate and compare the resulting indoor thermal performance of an office building due to common brick (CB) and interlocking compressed earth brick (ICEB) as wall materials. …”
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Clustering pests of rice using self organizing map
Published 2008“…The United States produced about 1.5% of the world's accounts for about 15% of the annual world exports of rice. However the Modern agriculture is influenced by both the pressure for increased productivity and increased stresses caused by plant pests. …”
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Application Of Lvq Neural Network In Real-Time Adaptive Traffic Signal Control
Published 2005“…Real-Time Road Traffic Data Analysis Is The Cornerstone For The Modern Transport System. The Real-Time Adaptive Traffic Signal Control System Is An Essential Part For The System. …”
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Framework for real time cloud rendering
Published 2004“…This paper presents an intuitive, interactive system to artistically model, animate, and render visually convincing clouds using modern graphics hardware. A high-level interface models clouds through the visual use of cubes. …”
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Book Section -
Ketidakseimbangan agihan industri dan migrasi penduduk di negeri Kedah
Published 1998“…In this transformation process, we will face the problem of industrial distribution inequality between regions. Industries with a modern technology base will be more concentrated in the developed regions while the less developed regions will continue to be left behind. …”
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Review of air fuel ratio prediction and control methods
Published 2014“…Accomplishing this task will result in a decrease in emissions which coupled with the fuel composition can bring about the best performance of the vehicle engine.Controlling the Air-Fuel Ratio (AFR) is necessary, because the AFR has an enormous impact on the effectiveness of the fuel and reduction of emissions.This paper is aimed at reviewing the recent studies on the prediction and control of the AFR, as a bulk of research works with different approaches, was conducted in this area.These approaches include both classical and modern methods, namely Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Fuzzy Logic, and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems are described in this paper.The strength and the weakness of individual approaches will be discussed at length.…”
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