Showing 61 - 80 results of 1,254 for search '"Mojokerto"', query time: 0.13s Refine Results
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    Optimasi Peletakan Base Transceiver Station Di Kabupaten Mojokerto Menggunakan Algoritma Differential Evolution by Ahadi Arif Nugraha, Achmad Mauludiyanto

    Published 2015-03-01
    “…</p> Dalam perancangan menara BTS tahun 2019, Kabupaten Mojokerto membutuhkan 106 menara BTS 2G dan 36 menara BTS 3G. …”
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    Tanggapan Petani Terhadap Pemasangan Gupon Burung Hantu Di Kecamatan Mojoanyar-Kabupaten Mojokerto by Moch. Sodiq, W Wilujeng, S Sutoyo

    Published 2017-03-01
    “…Di kelompok tani Sri Rejeki Desa Ngarjo dan Harapan Jaya Desa Wunut, Kecamatan Mojoanyar Kabupaten Mojokerto, pada bulan Agustus 2016 masing – masing telah dipasang tambahan gupon burung hantu sebanyak 4 buah dan 8 pangkringan. …”
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    IDENTIFIKASI MORFOLOGI Phyllotreta spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) PADA TANAMAN SAYURAN DI TRAWAS, MOJOKERTO by Primastya Dinarwika, Toto Himawan, Hagus Tarno

    Published 2014-04-01
    “…Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis Phyllotreta yang ada pada pertanaman sayuran di Trawas, Mojokerto berdasarkan karakter morfologi. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi morfologi ini diketahui bahwa terdapat 4 spesies jenis Phyllotreta. …”
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    POLA PENGEMBANGAN KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN PESANTREN BERKARAKTER: Studi Pondok Pesantren Nurul Ummah Mojokerto by Muhammad Anas Ma`arif, Muhammad Husnur Rofiq

    Published 2018-09-01
    “…Pola pengembangan kurikulum disetiap pesantren mempunyai ciri khas khusus termasuk Nurul Ummah Mojokerto. Keunikan dalam pengembangan kurikulum tersebut adalah dengan adanya hasil yang didapatkan oleh peserta didik terbukti dengan adanya prestasi yang telah dicapai. …”
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    Keterkaitan Komoditas Unggulan Antar Desa Kota dalam Pengembangan Kawasan Agropolitan Pacet-Mojokerto by Rini Ratna Widya Nirmala, Eko Budi Santoso

    Published 2013-09-01
    “…Disamping itu, keterkaitan komoditas yang terjadi antara desa-desa di Kecamatan Pacet dengan kota-kota di sekitarnya terjalin dengan kota Mojokerto, Sidoarjo, Jombang, Batu dan Surabaya…”
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    Pelatihan Bahan Ajar Tematik Berbasis Multimedia untuk Guru SMPLB-ACD Pertiwi, Mojokerto by Yesy Diah Rosita, Rani Jayanti, Nur Ainiyah

    Published 2021-03-01
    “…SMPLB ACD Pertiwi adalah sebuah sekolah tingkat SMP (Sekolah Menengah Pertama) yang dikhususkan untuk ABK (Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus) yang berlokasi di Kota Mojokerto. Sekolahan ini didominasi oleh siswa dengan kategori Anak Tuna Grahita Ringan (C). …”
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    Transformatif Pembelajaran Berbasis Literasi dan Numerasi Di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 2 Mojokerto by Ninik Evianah

    Published 2023-04-01
    “…This article will review the concept of transformative learning based on literacy and numeracy for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 2 Mojokerto. Transformative learning theory and the concept of numeracy literacy are described as developing learning concepts because transformative learning not only transfers knowledge but also makes changes, especially understanding literacy and numeracy.…”
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    The Public Perceptions and Preferences on Brahu Temple as a Cultural Heritage (Bejijong Village, Trowulan Mojokerto) by Siti NuurlailyRukmana, Sucipto, Aprillia Putri Eliyanto, Anak Agung Sagung Alit Widyastuty

    Published 2023-01-01
    “…The Mojokerto Regency government program is nothing compared to the number of tourists who visit the Brahu temple attraction because there has been a decrease in the number of visitors within the last five years, from 2017-2021. …”
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    The eastern Kendeng Hills (Java, Indonesia) and the hominin-bearing beds of Mojokerto, a re-interpretation by Berghuis, H. W. K., van Kolfschoten, Thijs, Adhityatama, Shinatria, Troelstra, S. R., Noerwidi, Sofwan, Suriyanto, Rusyad Adi, Wibowo, Unggul Prasetyo, Pop, Eduard, Kurniawan, Iwan, Hilgen, Sander L., Veldkamp, A., Joordens, Josephine C. A.

    Published 2022
    “…The fluvial top is rich in vertebrate fossils and yielded the Mojokerto (Perning) hominin skullcap, which is regarded as the earliest evidence of Homo erectus on Java, with age estimates ranging between 1.9 and 1.49 Ma. …”
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    Fenomena Rent Seeking dalam Pengawasan Penambangan Sirtu Oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Mojokerto by , AGUS PRIYANTO, , Prof. Dr. Warsito Utomo

    Published 2011
    “…On the other hand the individual interests of both miners and government elites to seek the maximum wage either in the form of bribes and also can be in the form of extortion, such behavior has become the social structure of the mining district in Mojokerto. Based on the results of field research can be concluded that the failure of the mining supervision because there is contestation elite interests, he emergence of elite competition in the mining, disorientation of the village government in the supervision level 1, contestation of interests can not be separated as individual as the search behavior of rents. …”
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    Management of Christian Character Education Curriculum Based on Dormitory Abdi-Allah Theological College Trawas-Mojokerto by Thinna Naftali Woenardi, Haris Supratno, Mudjito

    Published 2022-04-01
    “…Abdi Theological College Trawas-Mojokerto or abbreviated as STTIAA Trawas, is a higher education institution that is engaged in preparing its graduates to become spiritual leaders in several churches. …”
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    Dampak Layanan Transportasi Online Terhadap Kesejahteraan Perekonomian Masyarakat Kota Mojokerto Melalui Kesempatan Kerja by Khasbulloh Huda, Zenita Afifah Fitriyani, Rachmad Sholeh, Mohammad Johan Effendi

    Published 2021-07-01
    “…Kesempatan kerja memiliki pengaruh terhadap kesejahteraan perekonomian masyarakat kota Mojokerto dengan T stastistik sebesar 11,471 ( P value = 0,000). …”
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  17. 77

    Kesesuaian Kebutuhan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Berdasarkan Proporsi RTH Wilayah Perkotaan Di Kabupaten Mojokerto by Mohtana Kharisma Kadri

    Published 2023-05-01
    “…Untuk mencegah terjadinya perubahan lahan yang tidak terkendali dan kurangnya perhatian terhadap RTH di masa yang akan datang, maka perlu dilakukan analisis kebutuhan lahan pada kawasan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) di wilayah Mojokerto.    …”
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    Published 2017-06-01
    “…This article is related to the IbM program entitled Community Feed of Mina Mahardika Catfish Aquaculture Group in Seduri village, Mojosari district, Mojokerto Regency. Based on the identification of partner problems, the main problem facing by Mina Mahardika Group was the characteristics of fish feed produced by the group. …”
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    Identifikasi Variabel Berpengaruh Pada Peningkatan Keunggulan Kompetitif Industri Alas Kaki di Kabupaten Mojokerto by Andini Okky Nivitasari, Dian Rahmawati

    Published 2013-09-01
    “…Kabupaten Mojokerto merupakan wilayah yang memiliki potensi dalam sektor industry, terutama dalam sektor industri kecil menengah seperti industri alas kaki.  …”
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    Pengaruh Disiplin Belajar Siswa Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kelas VI B MIN 3 Mojokerto by Sulistyo Wati

    Published 2019-09-01
    “…This research was conducted in MIN 3 Mojokerto by getting the following results: 1) Discipline of VIB students in MIN 3 Mojokerto, Mo.Mokokerto District showed a value of 62.8%. …”
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