El cuerpo lesbiano, de Monique Wittig: abyección, cuerpo, escritura
Published 2024-10-01Subjects: “…Monique Wittig…”
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La violence comme praxis de subjectivation. L’opoponax et Les guérillères de Monique Wittig
Published 2023-01-01Subjects: Get full text
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De « On ne naît pas femme » à « On n’est pas femme ». De Simone de Beauvoir à Monique Wittig
Published 2009-07-01“…Revisiting the two famous quotes from Simone de Beauvoir’s “One is not born, but becomes a woman” and Monique Wittig’s “Lesbians are not women”, this article aims to discuss the concept of becoming woman. …”
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Assaut du discours straight et universalisation du point de vue minoritaire dans les essais de Monique Wittig
Published 2013-07-01Subjects: Get full text
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Will it explode at some point? Materialien zum Bedenken von Radikalität in der Frauen*- und Geschlechtergeschichte
Published 2024-05-01Subjects: Get full text
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SUÁREZ BRIONES, Beatriz (ed.): Las lesbianas (no) somos mujeres. En torno a Monique Wittig. Icaria Editorial, Barcelona 2013; IDEM (ed.): Feminismos lesbianos y queer....
Published 2014-07-01“….): Las lesbianas (no) somos mujeres. En torno a Monique Wittig. Icaria Editorial, Barcelona 2013; IDEM (ed.): Feminismos lesbianos y queer. …”
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Des femmes font sécession. Récits de vies et itinéraires amoureux de féministes et lesbiennes des années 1970
Published 2010-05-01“…Also reexamining the theoretical context of their political engagement and their ideological bricolage, Flamant insits on the importance of leading theorists, from Simone de Beauvoir to Monique Wittig, but also Herbert Marcuse who was translated by Wittig herself.…”
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Published 2022-01-01“…, dialogando con Monique Wittig y otras autoras que propusieron una utopía lésbica utilizando el propio texto literario como recurso autorreflexivo. …”
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“Vó, a senhora é lésbica?” Pergunta à queima-roupa e respostas para a constituição de uma utopia
Published 2022-01-01“…, dialoguing with Monique Wittig and other authors who proposed a lesbian utopia, using the literary text itself as a self-reflective resource. …”
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Repenser l’échange amoureux avec Cixous et Wittig : Entre critique et réinventions
Published 2024-12-01“… Starting from the correlation highlighted by feminist theory between love and the heterosexist structure of relationships, this essay looks at the attempts to reinvent love initiated by two French writers of the 1970s, Hélène Cixous and Monique Wittig. To this end, the paper approaches the question of love in the work of Cixous and Wittig in terms of exchange, which it breaks down into three aspects. …”
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Du nulle part au partout : l’utopie de Wittig pour changer le présent et l’avenir
Published 2010-12-01“…Though inspired by the revolutionary currents of the 1970s, writer Monique Wittig travels beyond temporal constraints. Culture is recreated, nourished by real or invented antiquity and prehistory. …”
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Rompre le tabou de l’hétérosexualité, en finir avec la différence des sexes : les apports du lesbianisme comme mouvement social et théorie politique
Published 2009-07-01“…Exploring the analysis put forward by Adrienne Rich and Monique Wittig, among others, will help to move beyond the struggles focusing on bodily alteration and/or the transformation of the individuals’ sexual and social roles. …”
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Le corps comme zone de flottement ontologique, les transformations multiples d’Ana Mendieta
Published 2023-10-01“…For this purpose, the article first enlist a corpus of artwork centered on body-related issues, before examining it throught different analytical approaches, which tried to deconstruct the modern idea of the body : those of Monique Wittig, Donna Haraway, David Le Breton and Philippe Descola. …”
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Floutage des frontières de genre : écrire des corps queers
Published 2024-12-01“…In my analysis, critical attention is given to comparative dialogues between Monique Wittig & Léa Rivière and Virginia Woolf & Paul B. …”
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Preciado e o pensamento da contrassexualidade
Published 2019-07-01“…That is, showingthat Preciado, as inheriting the thoughts of Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault and Judith Butler, but also Donna Haraway, Simone de Beauvoir, Monique Wittig and Teresa de Lauretis, intends to point to a new direction with regard to the thought of sex and gender. …”
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Lutando para Existir: Experiência Vivida e Sofrimento Social de Pessoas Transgêneras
Published 2022-07-01“…A consideração desse material permitiu a proposição interpretativa de dois campos de sentido afetivo-emocional: perverso e degenerado e ser ou não ser verdadeiro. Tomando Monique Wittig e Donald Winnicott como interlocutores privilegiados para refletir sobre esses campos, chegamos a um quadro que indica que a cisheteronormatividade pode ser considerada uma violência radical na medida em que se coloca contra o self, encarando a sexualidade de modo reducionista e atacando o próprio sentir pessoal que é fonte de criatividade e espontaneidade.…”
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