The Elton Archive
Published 2015“…</p> <p>The Elton Archive material is made available by permission of his family and the Department of Zoology (successors to the Bureau of Animal Population) and Oxford Museum of Natural History via the Oxford Research Archive, through the work of Professor Caroline Pond who 'read-in' the entire oeuvre.…”
Dataset -
The Elton Archive
Published 2015“…</p> <p>The Elton Archive material is made available by permission of his family and the Department of Zoology (successors to the Bureau of Animal Population) and Oxford Museum of Natural History via the Oxford Research Archive, through the work of Professor Caroline Pond who 'read-in' the entire oeuvre.…”
Dataset -
(翻譯與帝國官僚:英國漢學教授佐痲須(James Summers; 1828-91)與十九世紀東亞(中日)知識的產生) = Translation and imperial bureaucrat : the British sinologist James Summers and the knowledge production of East Asia...
Published 2014“…The paper will use an extensive original archival material extracted from the archives Foreign Office, British museum, Oxford University, Church Missionary Society to aid the discussion.…”
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Journal Article -
Adapting the OpenRelativity toolkit to multi-perspective dome projection
Published 2016Get full text
Thesis -
Developmental change in predictive motor abilities
Published 2023“…The experiments were conducted in a museum, where over 400 visitors across all ages participated, and in a laboratory with a focused age group. …”
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Article -
21F.030 East Asian Cultures: From Zen to Pop, Fall 2002
Published 2002“…Use made of resources in the Boston area, including the MFA, the Children's Museum, and the Sackler collection at Harvard. Taught in English.…”
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Learning Object -
4.510 Digital Design Fabrication, Fall 2005
Published 2005“…It presents the process of design and construction using CAD files introduced by the office of Gehry Partners during the construction of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain. It is taught in phases starting with rapid prototyping and ending with digital mockups of building components fabricated from CAD files on a one-to-one scale.…”
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Learning Object -
Courting Gentility: Handel at the Bank of England
Published 2010“…Perhaps one of the most surprising events of the 250th anniversary year of Handel’s death, in both its content and method of delivery, occurred on a BBC Radio 3 program devoted to the composer’s investments: John Keyworth, Curator of the Museum of the Bank of England, revealed that Handel had opened his first South Sea Annuities account in 1723, five years earlier than previously known.1 The discovery of this early investment activity offers important new information about Handel’s investment practices and their financial outcomes. …”
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Article -
The Chinese Peranakan identity in Post-colonial Singapore 1950s - 2000s
Published 2021“…While some studies studied the construction of the Peranakan identity in the museum and theatre performances in this period, how the Peranakans negotiated with the discourses on their identity was not explored. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Enabling human consistent motion behaviors on a mobile robot platform
Published 2015“…In this project, MAVEN, Mobile Avatar for Virtual Engagement by NTU, which has the mobility platform and the Robot Operating System[1] installed on Linux Ubuntu, is developed into a museum tour guide robot. It has all the functions of a modern tour guide robot which included mapping, localization, navigation and docking. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Project ARTISAN : exploring the effects of an Intergenerational arts-based intervention on Singaporean youth empowerment and loneliness
Published 2019“…Objectives: This study seeks to explore if a 5-week intergenerational arts-based intervention combining art-making, facilitated story-telling, curated museum visits and reflective writing titled Project ARTISAN can tackle youth loneliness and powerlessness in Singapore by empowering local youths. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Developing the kiosk application system : a model of batik origin spatial knowledge display / Faridah Ahmat
Published 2006“…Hence, the research also provided a knowledge sharing on batik with the museum visitors, prior to the gallery walkthrough. …”
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Thesis -
The dating and provenance of glass fragments from the site of Serabit el-Khâdim, Sinai
Published 2023“…The last offerings were made by Rameses VI (1143–1136 BCE) corresponding with the collapse of the Late Bronze Age before the site was abandoned. 976 glass fragments were given to the Ashmolean Museum by Flinders Petrie following his 1905–6 excavations. 41 fragments from the collection were selected for LA-ICP-MS analysis with the aim of provenancing and dating an unknown collection of glass using composition and available stylistic features to further narrow the date of manufacture and therefore indicate the possible workshop of origin. …”
Journal article -
The global and Western Indian Ocean dispersal of house geckos from Asia using historical and mitochondrial DNA perspectives
Published 2022“…Here, we reviewed the historical literature and combined those reports with an assessment of mitochondrial DNA diversity of a global sampling of H. frenatus samples that included modern and museum specimens. Our results corroborate previous studies and demonstrate the relatively high diversity within this species’ native range in Southeast Asia. …”
Journal article -
The good, the bad, and the misleading. A network of names on (mainly) Athenian vases
Published 2019“…Sir John Boardman donated an Attic late geometric fragment from Al Mina with an incised graffito …]ναβεο[… to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford3. A late geometric Euboean skyphos, found in Pithekoussai4 and usually dated 740/720, preseves the first reference to the works of Homer: “ΝΈΣΤΟΡΟΣ [....] …”
Conference item -
George Colman the Elder and the late eighteenth-century theatre audience
Published 1986“…The economic analysis of Covent Garden's finances is based upon the data available in the <u>Covent Garden Account Books</u> held by the British Museum.</p> <p>The first chapter presents Colman's audience's view of itself and demonstrates that the audience often defined its role in the theatre in economic terms, fully understanding the power that its financial strength gave it over artistic matters. …”
Thesis -
The hieratic ritual books of Pawerem (P. BM EA 10252 and P. BM EA 10081) from the late 4th century BC
Published 2016“…<p>The following thesis submitted for the DPhil in Oriental Studies (Egyptology) is the editio princeps of the ritual texts preserved on two hieratic papyri from the British Museum, P. BM EA 10252 and P. BM EA 10081. In the first part of the thesis, overall questions concerning the textual corpus are answered. …”
Thesis -
Published 2017“…Waquet, Les souscriptions au <em>Museum etruscum</em> et la diffusion de l'etruscologie au dix-huitième siècle <br/> F. …”
Book -
Modeling the planar rocking of a rigid body with irregular geometry
Published 2023“…These objects include museum artifacts and precariously balanced rocks in the natural world. …”
Journal article