Música y Política: Las canciones de campañas electorales 2019 como discursos de circulación social en la Provincia del Chaco, Argentina
Published 2021-09-01“…Asimismo, se tuvieron en cuenta los géneros, estilos y ritmos musicales con los cuales las mismas establecen un diálogo a través de relaciones <em>intertextuales </em>e <em>interdiscursivas</em> (Bajtín, 1979; Angenot, 2010) con otros discursos: temas musicales de gran circulación e impacto en el mercado<em> </em>musical actual<em>.</em></p>…”
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Implicaciones de la música en el curriculum de educación infantil
Published 2000-05-01“…Posteriormente planificamos un cuestionario, que reflejara en la medida de lo posible la realidad educativa musical de los centros de educación infantil de nuestra Comunidad, y poder llevar a cabo un estudio cuantitativo que obligaba a adoptar estrategias concretas.Este estudio, se ha completado con el análisis de los diferentes Planes de estudios y programas de las asignaturas de "Música" que se han llevado a cabo en los diferentes Centros de Formación del Profesorado de las Universidades de Andalucía (especialidad de Preescolar).Es decir hemos llevado a cabo una investigación bifronte, dirigida a conocer la realidad práctica de los currícula de Educación Infantil y el papel que la música desempeña en ella, partiendo de dos fuentes: La Escuela Infantil (¿qué se hace con la música en las diferentes edades?)…”
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Published 2016-12-01“…Comptem també amb una aportació interessant que ens introdueix a una eina per a la construcció patrimonial a través de les tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació, i d’una exploració a través de les <em>autobiografies musicals </em>del rock <em>underground </em>en els anys noranta al Brasil.…”
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Um programa de educação estética e artística no 1.º ciclo do ensino básico
Published 2014-09-01“…A nossa abordagem centra-se no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, onde o Programa de Educação Estética e Artística se concretiza na área disciplinar de Expressões – Expressão Plástica e Educação Visual, Expressão e Educação Musical, Expressão Dramática/Teatro e Dança (Departamento da Educação Básica do Ministério da Educação, 2004). …”
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Une voix, une esthétique créole : ethnographie du parcours de Mily Clément
Published 2023-03-01“…Cette pluridisciplinarité sera prise comme méthode pour aborder le style musical de Mily Clément. Comment comprendre la notion de créolisation de la musique dans le Nord de Madagascar à travers la vie et les œuvres de Mily Clément ? …”
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Mentorship Model "Educator-Student-Pupil" in the System of Continuing Education of Kazan Federal University
Published 2019-11-01“…Primary schoolchildren form competencies according to their creative and acting abilities: the basics of theatrical culture; speech culture; emotional and imaginative development; musical development; basics of graphic design activities; foundations of collective creative activity. …”
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Cypriana Norwida słowo i druk
Published 2021-02-01“…Using multifarious vocal means the reciter shows the musical layer of the masterpiece.Czesław Niemen, a singer, realises in his performance the rhythmic scheme inscribed into the poem by Norwid. …”
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Praktik Bermusik Musisi Muda dalam Skena Metal Ekstrem
Published 2020-12-01“…This article investigates the young extreme metal musicians’ musical practices in Yogyakarta within the context of neoliberal era. …”
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Published 2014-04-01“…The text also deals with the relations between the festive dynamics and those situated in other fields, such as representations and artistic practices, involving the conflict between various musical configurations and aesthetic models in general. …”
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Published 2017-03-01“…Sydir Vorobkevych (May 5, 1836, Chernivtsi – September,1903), is a Ukrainian Bukovynian writer, a composer, a musical and cultural worker, an Orthodox priest, a teacher, an editor of Bukovynian periodicals, a painter. …”
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Kaleidocycles and Rhythmic Canons
Published 2016-07-01“…Starting from the analysis of the features of traditional temperament, the theory of musical kaleidocycles (after some of Maurits Escher’s graphic techniques) points out the fundamental numerical rules governing a chord structure, which may have compositional implications, like when processing kaleidocycles into rhythmic-melodic canons. …”
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Educação artística no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico: do que se determina ao que se faz
Published 2015-10-01“…Para concretizar essa área, foi acolhido pelo Ministério da Educação e Ciência o Programa de Educação Estética e Artística, que evidencia o caráter interpretativo e multissensorial das diversas Expressões Artísticas (Educação e Expressão Plástica, Educação e Expressão Musical, Dança e Movimento e Drama/Teatro). Trata-se de um Programa estruturado em três eixos: fruição-contemplação (observação de obras de arte, desfrutando da diversidade de estímulos que elas lhes transmitem), interpretação-reflexão (diálogo argumentativo orientado acerca das obras em observação, explorando o seu significado e sentido que tem para cada um) e experimentação-criação (exploração de ideias e manipulação de materiais para se produzir algo). …”
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Besedotvorna produktivnost posnemovalnih medmetov za zvoke naprav v slovenščini
Published 2015-05-01“…The most prominent are the interjections typically used for imitating the sound of musical instruments and their parts (brenk), tools (švrk, škrt), weapons (pok, švist) and transportation devices (puh). …”
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Des voix dans la pénombre. Le catholicisme cuzquénien à travers les hymnes religieux en quechua. Musique, religion et société dans les Andes du XXe siècle
Published 2010-05-01“…Ce répertoire est tout particulièrement associé au culte populaire, non seulement du fait des textes en langue quechua mais également par leur contenu musical, notoirement influencé par le yaraví, huayno et qashwa des genres d’origine indigène. …”
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Funeral Hymns of Lithuanians and Vilnius Region Poles’: General Features and Trends of the Repertoire
Published 2020-12-01“…The melodies of hymns also mostly came from Poland; many are of liturgical origin, although over the centuries they grew into the local musical environment and gained a distinctive tone. …”
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Дискографія капели бандуристів імені Тараса Шевченка Північної Америки
Published 2019-12-01Get full text
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Southeast Asian horror and postcolonial cinema: Thailand's legend of Mae Nak
Published 2022“…Over the years, there have been over a hundred variations and retellings of Mae Nak’s legend in the form of films, theatrical productions, musicals, songs, prose fiction, poetry, and even comic books, attesting to its immense cultural resonance. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Mid-air hand interaction with optical tracking for 3D modelling
Published 2019“…Eventually, a new method of gesture-based interaction is proposed to use hands in a way similar to how it is done when playing the Theremin – an electronic musical instrument controlled without physical contact by hands of the performer. …”
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