Using NHS patient data for research without consent
Published 2010“…In section II, we describe the main NHS databases used for medical research purposes in England and the transparency of this use, and the general problem of re-identification. …”
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Article -
Black Workers and BME networks organising against racism in the NHS workplace
Published 2018“…This research, conducted against the backdrop of neoliberal NHS austerity cuts and the Health and Social Care Act 2012 accelerating privatisation and outsourcing of NHS services, investigates the political differences and similarities of two forms of Black and minority ethnic self-organisation challenging racism in the NHS workplace. …”
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Thesis -
Toxic Normal hydrocarbons (NHs) in The Fish Samples from Different Parts of Bangladesh
Published 2008Article -
Cloud Spark Cluster to analyse English prescription big data for NHS intelligence
Published 2024“…A public dash-board for individual BNF code analysis and studies on NHS cost analysis exist, but no analysis of this data range and volume of NHS prescription and especially using new big data processing en-gines such as Spark, was conducted. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Study of EDC/NHS immobilization for plumbous detection using surface plasmon resonance
Published 2016“…The EDC/NHS works as a sensing layer that able to detect Pb2+ down to 15 ppm that matches with the United States Environment Protection Agency.…”
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Article -
Determination of risk identification process employed by NHS for a PFI hospital project in the UK
Published 2009“…Long-term concession contracts associated with Private Finance Initiative (PFI) projects, such as National Health Service (NHS) hospitals, are subject to substantial risks, which may not only emerge from project activities such as design and construction, but also from global issues beyond the control of project parties, such as commercial, legal and political risks. …”
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Article -
A survey examining the relationship between burnout, professional empowerment, and personality traits of midwives of an inner London NHS Trust
Published 2024“…A cross-sectional exploratory study design was used, including an online survey completed by 120 midwives working for an NHS Trust in London. The response rate was 24%. …”
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Article -
Optimal 18F-fluorination conditions for the high radiochemical yield of [18F]AlF-NOTA-NHS complexes
Published 2021“…Therefore, the work described here outlines the optimum 18F-fluorination condition for the formation of [18F]AlF2+ and [18F]AlF-NOTA-NHS complex with the radiochemical yield (RCY) and purity (RCP) of more than 90% as a prerequisite step before proceeding with the radiopharmaceutical preparation using the [18F]AlF-bifunctional chelator technique. …”
Article -
NHS North Central London clinical commissioning group winter resilience communications and engagement campaign 2021/2022. Evaluation report
Published 2022“…This evaluation study was commissioned by the Communications and Engagement team at the NHS North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group to assess the performance of the Winter Resilience Communications and Engagement campaign during the months of December 2021 and March 2022. …”
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Monograph -
No longer fledglings but struggling to fly: peer support workers' experiences of forming an occupational identity within an urban NHS trust: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2021“…Rationale: With increased numbers of PSWs employed within the NHS, it is essential to understand how PSWs develop/construct their occupational identity (OI). …”
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Thesis -
A grounded theory study of time-limited therapy for complex trauma : how NHS psychologists manage the challenge of working with developmentally traumatised clients within a time-limited therapeutic frame
Published 2018“…Over the last decade, the NHS has undergone significant changes in the delivery of psychological therapies. …”
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Thesis -
Unaddressed privacy risks in accredited health and wellness apps: a cross-sectional systematic assessment
Published 2015Subjects: Get full text
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Journal Article -
Towards Coupled Nonhydrostatic-Hydrostatic Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Method
Published 2023“…Such dynamics require multi-resolution non-hydrostatic (NHS) ocean models. It is known that the main computational cost for NHS models arises from solving a globally coupled elliptic PDE for the NHS pressure. …”
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Thesis -
Fabrication and characterization of barium strontium titanate film based biosensor
Published 2009“…In this project, biosensors based on a sol-gel derived Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) composite film are studied. Poly(TMS-r-NHS) [TMS: 3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl methacrylate; NHS: N-hydroxysuccinimide] is used to modify the BST surface for protein immobilization. …”
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Thesis -
Fabrication and characterization of Si nanoholes for solar cell application
Published 2016“…Whereas the other solar SiNHs has a range 8.5 ~ 10 %.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Barriers and leverage points for seeing alcohol differently in integrated care systems in England: a senior stakeholder interview study
Published 2024“…Conclusions: There is much to do to create a joined-up, system-wide approach to alcohol, and thus a strong case for a national NHS alcohol strategy to guide ICS decision-making, addressing links between NHS work and public health.…”
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Article -
The Doctoral Research Abstracts: Resistance status of Aedes albopictus (Skuse)(Culicidae:Diptera) mosquitoes towards organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides in selected dengue...
Published 2018“…HS Ae.albopictus specimens showed enhanced vectorial capacity as compared to NHS specimens. WHO adult bioassays using 4 different types of insecticides against a total of 9,600 individual Aedes albopictus mosquitoes collected in HS and NHS areas indicated that the majority of local vector populations were already resistant to Malathion and Permethrin, yet susceptible to Deltamethrin and Lambdacyaluthrin. …”
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Book Section -
Context‐Dependence of the Reactivity of Cysteine and Lysine Residues
Published 2022“…The S-alkylation of Cys residues with a maleimide and the Nϵ -acylation of Lys residues with an N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) ester are common methods for bioconjugation. …”
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Article -
Sensitive surface plasmon resonance performance of cadmium sulfide quantum dots-amine functionalized graphene oxide based thin film towards dengue virus E-protein
Published 2019“…These results indicated that the Au/CdS-NH2GO/EDC-NHS/IgM film shows high potential sensitive and stronger binding towards DENV E-protein.…”
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Article -
Making masks for maternity staff
Published 2020“…Despite self-isolation, social distancing and NHS work during the COVID-19 pandemic, Sandra Denicke-Polcher and Anna Lawin-O’Brien found a way to make a joyous difference, connecting the community with healthcare providers on the shop floor. …”
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