Formulation of Definitions of Consciousness on the Methodological Basis of Realism
Published 2022-04-01“…The derivation of this position is reached through the investigation of François Laruelle’s non-standard philosophy, Wilfrid Sellars’s critique of the myth of the given and Iain Hamilton Grant’s revisionary study of Schelling’s naturphilosophie. …”
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Introdução ao Projeto de um Sistema da Filosofia da Natureza ou Sobre o Conceito da Física Especulativa e a Organização interna de um Sistema desta Ciência 1799
Published 2011-05-01“…"Einleitung zu dem Entwurf eines Systems der Naturphilosophie oder über den Begriff der speculativen Physik und die innere Organisation eines Systems dieser Wissenschaft". …”
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Kant e la 'scuola di Gottinga'. Alcune note a margine della 'tesi Lenoir'
Published 2016-01-01“…Timothy Lenoir has tried to rehabilitate the framework elaborated at Göttingen by stressing its difference from <em>Naturphilosophie</em>. Focusing on the work of Karl Friedrich Kielmeyer this paper argues that Lenoir’s position is based on a historiographical bias. …”
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Schelling y Schubert y la cara nocturna (y somnolienta) de la conciencia
Published 2018-02-01“…Schubert y su Puntos de vista sobre la cara nocturna de la ciencia de la Naturaleza en las Edades del mundo de Schelling con especial atención a los pasajes consagrados al sueño para mostrar el papel de éste en la conciencia en los tiempos germinales de una filosofía del inconsciente y dar cuenta del nexo existente entre la Naturphilosophie y las fuentes del Romanticismo negro.…”
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La réception des Noces Chymiques d’Andreae chez Novalis
Published 2018-07-01“…This paper will first examine the influence of pietism, Naturphilosophie and of Jakob Böhme before exploring how the echoes of The Chymical Wedding inform the themes of love, the union of opposites and knowledge in the poems, “The Disciples at Saïs” and “Heinrich von Ofterdingen”.…”
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Merleau-Ponty como leitor de Schelling
Published 2020-12-01“…Trata-se aqui de demonstrar – por meio das obras O visível e o invisível e A Natureza: Curso do Collège de France - a leitura merleau-pontiana da Naturphilosophie de Schelling. O fenomenólogo francês vê no idealista alemão um projeto que entra em harmonia com sua ontologia do Être Brut da década de 1950, pois, como o artigo demonstra, ambos defendem uma unicidade do Ser na qual o irrompimento da vida e da consciência são compreendidos como fenômenos que ultrapassam delimitações que separam natureza e cultura, positividade e negatividade, imobilidade e expressividade, etc. …”
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La evolución estética de la naturaleza en la obra poética de José de Siles
Published 2019-12-01“…Así, veremos cómo Siles recurre al locus amoenus para describirnos su aldea, Puente Genil, e idealizar la naturaleza siguiendo el modelo poético renacentista; cómo el paisaje natural refleja estados de la subjetividad del poeta, remitiéndonos a la Naturphilosophie y a la poesía romántica; y, finalmente, cómo abandona toda idealización clásica y evasión romántica de la naturaleza para hablar de su impureza y dejarla al margen, ya que el espacio que interesará a la poesía moderna será el de la ciudad.…”
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Entre filosofia e ciência: o problema do naturalismo na psicologia de Carl Gustav Jung
Published 2019-03-01“…Com efeito, podemos discernir duas noções distintas, mas complementares de naturalismo na obra de Jung: um naturalismo metodológico, que o mantém próximo do pensamento científico de sua época, e um naturalismo ontológico, que o alinha ao pensamento romântico e à Naturphilosophie, implicando considerações teóricas que o distanciavam de seus contemporâneos. …”
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The philosophy of nature as a springboard into social realism: about Ibsen's Emperor and Galilean and a post-secular interpretation of the drama by Hilda Hellwig
Published 2012-01-01“…However, because of Schelling’s Naturphilosophie, which stood out as irreconcilable with the scientific philosophy of the positivists, Schelling came to be more and more neglected after the mid-nineteenth century. …”
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Rudolf von Laban’s Labanotation: the origin of notational analysis methods in sport sciences. [La Labanotación de Rudolf von Laban: el origen de los métodos de análisis notacional...
Published 2015-01-01“…According to Barbacci (2002) Laban had a live marked by idealism and deep disillusions, on the one hand, he lived in the most important cultural cities in Europe (Paris, Vienna, Munich, Berlin, Zurich, and London) where he met and kept contact with intellectuals and artists, this experience allowed him to be influenced by some theories such as “Naturphilosophie”, which developed a biological and romantic vision of movements. …”
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Romantismo e objetividade: notas sobre um panorama do Rio de Janeiro
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The problem of the autocatalytic origin of culture in Juri Lotman’s cultural philosophy
Published 2005-12-01“…This undiscovered connection reminds us of the fact, that a model for autocatalysis (or an autopoiesis) was basic to Naturphilosophie of the 19th century. In the 20th century, this was represented by Vladimir I. …”
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Herder o la cara sombría de la reivindicación de Spinoza
Published 2023-04-01“…En afinidad con Goethe, creadores ambos de la Naturphilosophie, Herder pensó el deus sive natura despojado de materialismo y adaptado a la idea de finalidad, característica del providencialismo. …”
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Romantismo e objetividade: notas sobre um panorama do Rio de Janeiro
Published 1994-01-01“…Busca-se mostrar como os panoramas em sua formalização inicial dialogam com as teses do romantismo e da Naturphilosophie, mobilizan-do heranças da pintura seiscentista. …”
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Zur Geschichte der Geowissenschaften im Museum für Naturkunde zu Berlin. Teil 3: Von A. G. Werner und R. J. Haüy zu C. S. Weiss &ndash; Der Weg von C. S. Weiss zum Direktor des...
Published 2000-01-01“…Im Verlaufe der Mitarbeit an der Übersetzung gelangte Weiss gegenüber den atomistischen Vorstellungen Haüys zu Ansichten über die Gesetzmäßigkeiten des Kristallbaues. die sich auf Kants Naturphilosophie gründeten. Mit Haüy, den er in Paris näher kennen lernte, kam es deshalb zum Bruch. …”
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An Interview with Gernot Böhme
Published 2014-01-01“…His major works in this area are (a) Für eine ökologische Naturästhetik (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1989); (b) Atmosphäre: Essays zur neuen Ästhetik (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1995); (c) Die Natur vor uns. Naturphilosophie in pragmatischer Hinsicht (Kusterdingen: SFG Servicecenter, 2002); (d) Leibsein als Aufgabe. …”
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Zur Geschichte der Geowissenschaften im Museum für Naturkunde zu Berlin. Teil 3: Von A. G. Werner und R. J. Haüy zu C. S. Weiss – Der Weg von C. S. Weiss zum Direktor des Min...
Published 2000-01-01“…Im Verlaufe der Mitarbeit an der Übersetzung gelangte Weiss gegenüber den atomistischen Vorstellungen Haüys zu Ansichten über die Gesetzmäßigkeiten des Kristallbaues. die sich auf Kants Naturphilosophie gründeten. Mit Haüy, den er in Paris näher kennen lernte, kam es deshalb zum Bruch. …”
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Charles Bonnet contre les Lumières
Published 2017“…De l'Aufklärung à la 'Naturphilosophie' <br/> 3. Repères nordiques <br/> 4. Vers la surnature: le messianisme polonais <br/> 5. …”
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Jigsaw Semantics
Published 2010-12-01“…Originally appeared in 1921 as Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung in the Annalen der Naturphilosophie, 14.<br /><br />Wittgenstein, Ludwig. 1953. …”
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Life and works of Franz von Baader
Published 1976“…</p> <p>The Second Part of this dissertation deals particularly with Baader's writings from 1786-1814, here called generally his <em>Naturphilosophie</em>. Our intent is to elicit the prime motive which they share with Baader's mature theosophy, and we state that to be an intuited unity of 'spirit' and 'nature'. …”