Effects of harvesting time on composition of black soldier fly larvae and its optimum inclusion level on growth of spring chickens (tiada security di pdf)
Published 2017“…Therefore, the study is determined to evaluate the appropriate harvesting age in black soldier fly larva for high nutrient composition and its optimum inclusion level for the performance of young commercial broiler chicks. …”
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Thesis -
Effects of foliar application of Moringa leaf extract on deficit irrigation and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) productivity
Published 2018“…The MLE recorded significant capacity in enhancing water stress tolerance compared to BAP, yielding higher values in fruit yield (21.52 %), Fv/Fm (16.44 %), total chlorophyll content (22.79 %), photosynthesis (11.97 %) and nutrient element accumulation. This suggests that MLE could be used as an alternative to BAP in enhancing growth and productivity. …”
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Thesis -
Evaluation of nitrogen and potassium uptake and efficiency of two rice varieties cultivated on an acid soil
Published 2007“…As the results showed inefficient nutrient use, series of trials on Bekenu series on the interaction between inorganic and organic fertilizers (e.g. compost) should be carried out as this is likely to improve the inherent low exchange properties of this soil which partly contributes to poor fertility properties.…”
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Article -
Potential use of functional bacteria from tropical rehabilitated forest as bio-fertilizer
Published 2017“…Incorporating PGPR isolates with compost and chemical fertilizer proved sustainable in integrated nutrient management (INM) system with minimized usage of chemical fertilizers. …”
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Thesis -
Actinomycetes as plant growth promoter of rice plants and biocontrol agent against bacterial leaf streak disease
Published 2019“…Consortium treatment (TKSC3+SS8) exhibited the highest values in plant growth parameters, total chlorophyl, soil and leaf nutrient contents in glasshouse experiment. Consortium treatment (TKSC3+SS8) also demonstrated the highest BLS disease suppression efficiency at 81.02% with the lowest AUDPC value of 95.79. …”
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Thesis -
Impact of Interactive Multimedia-based Nutrition Education Programme (IMNEP) on nutrition KAP and anthropometric parameters among overweight and obese primary school children in Ko...
Published 2018“…In this cohort, the IMNEP was found to be beneficial in effectively increased nutrition knowledge and physical activity outcomes but not in selected food groups and nutrient intakes outcomes. Positive results in anthropometric measurements were also achieved in intervention groups. …”
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Thesis -
Utilization of Oil Palm Frond (OPF) juice for the production of bioethanol
Published 2015“…Best agitation speed will enable uniform suspension of microbial cells in homogenous nutrient medium. Agitation speed of 100 rpm showed highest ethanol yield compared to others. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The cultivation of immobilized chlorella vulgaris in different culture medium for biodiesel production
Published 2021“…In addition, the required nutrient is one of the constrains that need to be overcome to enhance the production of oil. …”
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Thesis -
Transcriptional variation in human malaria parasites and its association with drug resistance
Published 2013“…Yet in field isolates, transcriptional profiles associated with distinct metabolic states are observed, which may reflect diversifications in the physiology of the cell depending on individual host cell conditions such as nutrient availability and host immune responses. Hence, we propose that these metabolic states may be involved in drug resistance phenotype. …”
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Thesis -
Published 2011“…The actual land suitability class for maize was mostly marginally suitable (S3) on the LMU 1, LMU 2, LMU 3, LMU 5 with the major limiting factors were the availability of water, oxygen availability, rooting condition, nutrient retention, toxicity of sulfidic, and flooding hazard., whereas not suitable (N) on LMU 4 with the limiting factor was the thickness of peat (> 200 cm). …”
Thesis -
Normothermic machine perfused organs as models of drug pharmacokinetics and therapeutic delivery
Published 2022“…</p> <p>Normothermic machine perfusion (NMP) is a method of organ preservation whereby oxygenation and nutrient provision to an organ is enabled via circulation of a cellular or acellular perfusate at body temperature. …”
Thesis -
Investigating the content and function of stress-induced extracellular vesicles in colorectal cancer
Published 2021“…The Goberdhan Group has recently shown that glutamine depletion can lead to change in EV biogenesis, including an increase in Rab11a-exosomes formed in Rab11a-positive recycling endosomes through inhibition of the nutrient-sensing kinase complex, mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Complex 1 (mTORC1). …”
Thesis -
Pharmacological and behavioral investigation of putative self-medicative plants in Budongo chimpanzee diets
Published 2024“…In some cases, these nutrient-poor resources are speculated to be medicinal, thought to help individuals combat illness. …”
Journal article -
Keterlibatan aktiviti di kolej kediaman dan perkaitannya terhadap status pemakanan dalam kalangan pelajar Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)Kampus Kuala Lumpur
Published 2013“…Pencapaian ‘Recommended Nutrient Intake’ (RNI) bagi pengambilan tenaga, kalsium, ribofl avin, vitamin C dan vitamin E adalah lebih tinggi bagi subjek yang terlibat dengan aktiviti kolej kurang daripada tiga jam berbanding dengan subjek yang terlibat dengan aktiviti kolej lebih daripada tiga jam. …”
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Article -
Aquaponic application in a marine hatchery system
Published 2010“…Seaweeds of various species have been studied as nutrient biofilter for treating effluents from enclosed mariculture system since mid 1970’s. …”
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Article -
Development of cost-effective feed for juvenile Humpback grouper, Cromileptes altivelis
Published 2009“…Walaubagaimanapun, penurunan penghadaman nutrient dan asid amino penghad mungkin menjadi penghalang kepada penggantian tepung ikan secara keseluruhan. …”
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Research Report -
Processing of coconut sap into syrup and granular sugar using different evaporation techniques for economical production
Published 2021“…Initially, fresh coconut sap, sugar palm sap, and sugarcane juice were analyzed and compared their properties and nutrient values. The concentrations of three sugars (fructose, glucose, and sucrose), six vitamins (vitamin C, B1, B3, B4, B2, and B10), and antioxidant activities were higher in coconut sap compared with the other two (2) sugar sources. …”
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Thesis -
Antioxidant potential and Cancer-specific cytotoxic effect of selected marine microalgal extratcs
Published 2023“…Moreover, microalgae need shorter time, less nutrient and no arable land to grow. These microalgal species were collected and identified based on morphological and molecular characteristics. …”
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