Entrepreneurship and business activity: content of categories
Published 2019-06-01“…The concept of «business activity» should objectivize the category of «entrepreneurship», which ensures its use in applied research and practice. …”
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Information-Theoretic-Entropy Based Weight Aggregation Method in Multiple-Attribute Group Decision-Making
Published 2016-06-01“…This paper is trying to propose a possible approach to objectivize subjective information and to aggregate information from attribute values themselves and decision-makers’ judgment. …”
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Instrument de mesure de la nausée chez l’enfant : traduction française et validité des visages pour les patients canadiens francophones en oncopédiatrie
Published 2021-02-01“…Les vomissements et les haut-le-cœur sont des symptômes qui s’évaluent objectivement, alors que la nausée est subjective et plus difficile à mesurer. …”
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The Use of the K-Sim Polaris Simulator in the Process of Automatic Assessment of Navigator Competence in the Aspect of Anticollision Activities
Published 2023-01-01“…The results analysis concludes that properly programmed scenarios of testing navigator competence led to an objectivized assessment, which is its important element. …”
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L’observation entre pairs comme dispositif de développement professionnel d’enseignantes à l’éducation préscolaire
Published 2023-12-01“…L’observation entre pairs comme dispositif de développement professionnel réunissait la chercheure, l’enseignante observatrice et l’enseignante observée et comportait une observation en classe, suivie d’une objectivation de l’observation et un entretien. L’objectif général était d’identifier les perceptions des enseignantes au regard de l’observation entre pairs comme dispositif de développement professionnel. …”
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L'expression des habitants sur la qualité de l'espace urbain - du quartier a la ville : cas de Sétif en Algérie
Published 2019-12-01“…Cet article propose le contenu de l’expression des habitants sur la qualité de l’espace urbain de Sétif en partant du quartier et de son rapport à la ville ; ce à travers une démarche heuristique et à l’aide d’un entretien quali-quantitatif, établi sur la base d’un processus d’objectivation de définition de la qualité. Ce processus a défini trois dimensions de l’expression sur la qualité, qui sont : l’appréciation (satisfaction), la qualification et l’expression de besoins explicites et implicites. …”
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Représentations de l'enseignant natif chez les apprenants slovènes au niveau secondaire
Published 2019-12-01“…Quant à sa construction et son fonctionnement, Moscovici lui attribue deux processus : l'objectivation et l'ancrage. …”
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The comparative investigation of HIV/AIDS surveillances in the selected countries
Published 2012-08-01“…Objectiv (s): The universal endeavors have been started for the limitation of AIDS epidemic so far. …”
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Identity of psychology, identity and psychology
Published 2003-09-01“…Identity thus becomes a notion that combines individuality and social context, subjectivation and objectivation of the individual, and historical and biographical time.…”
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Contemporary Ukrainian visual art in the categories of the theoretical aesthetics (phenomenological aspect)
Published 2018-12-01“…The phenomenology of the interpreting and uncovering of the deep senses of the ontological foundations of the visual art is applied for the interpretation and determining key points of objectivizing hidden substantial characteristics of art objects and mechanisms of its entrance into the reality. …”
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Metamorphosis of Archivists in The Era of Industry 4.0: Challenges in Facing the Digital Revolution
Published 2019-10-01“…Activities interpret these methodological least cover four categories, namely: objectivation through the structure, distances through writing, distances through the world of the text, and appropriation (or sense of self). …”
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Schopenhauer: estrategias de acreditación del mundo como voluntad
Published 2016-02-01“…Furthermore, the analysis conveys us to a problematic place: the one which occupies the most perfect objectivation of will. The following lines are orientated towards the contact horizon between will, ideas and man’s corporal dimension.…”
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Ethnomatematics three pedagogical proposals for basic education
Published 2017-07-01“…In view of that, I present three researches directed to the teaching of fundamental education under the light of the dambrosian conceptions of Ethnomathematics. The first objectivates mathematical knowledge familiar to potters living in Currais Novos Village, Rio Grande do Norte, to contribute to the elaboration of a pedagogical proposal dialoguing with formal mathematical knowledge taught in schools established there. …”
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Silencing the Other in ‘The Artist’ (2006) by Maggie Gee
Published 2020-12-01“…The first set of means foregrounds monological aspects of Emma’s (a would-be artist) approaching Boris (a migrant worker), which leads to his objectivized image, and its silencing as an equal subject. …”
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Non-Perfect Propagation of Information to a Noisy Environment with Self-Evolution
Published 2022-03-01“…We study the non-perfect propagation of information for evolving a low-dimensional environment that includes self-evolution as well as noisy initial states and analyse the interrelations between the degree of objectivization and environment parameters. In particular, we consider an analytical model of three interacting qubits and derive its objectivity parameters. …”
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Les pratiques de terrain en situation de tensions sociales et de guerre civile au Congo-Brazzaville
Published 2011-10-01“…I was aware of the double epistemological and social constraint in the reflective and critical approach of a socio-anthropologist according to which the field of participative objectivation is also that of social experimentation. …”
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The Risk of Type 2 Diabetic among Coffee Drinker in Palembang Municipality Year of 2006-2007
Published 2010-10-01“…Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetic approximately 4.7%, and expose people age of 40 year above with serious complications. The objectived of the research was to find out the association between cofee consumption dan the risk of type 2 diabetic. …”
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Estimation of the treatment efficacy in the wounded persons with the gun–shot polystructural damages of upper extremities
Published 2018-07-01“…This tactics consisted of integration of several stages of reconstructive-restorational interventions, what was objectivized by determined indices of the extremity function growth. …”
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De-centering culture : designing and arena for debate and transformation
Published 2005Get full text
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Conduite à tenir devant un utérus didelphe associé à un hémivagin borgne
Published 2012-11-01“…Le traitement consiste en une résection large de la cloison vaginale permettant ainsi un drainage continu de l'hémi utérus rétentionnel associé à une c'lioscopie objectivant les répercussions tubaires et pelviennes. …”
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