Urgent call for the social construction of reality: How Twitter conversations about the Ms. Marvel series address issues for an inclusive society
Published 2023-01-01“…However, to promote an inclusive and sustainable society that upholds tolerance, the objectivation and internalization stages depend on the quantity and depth of information acquired in the externalization stage.…”
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Effect of Blood Circulation in the Upper Limb after Flossing Strategy
Published 2021-02-01“…A number of effects have been reported with this approach, but there are so far only a few studies to objectivize the declared effects. The aim of our study was to determine the change in the blood supply to the musculus biceps brachii during and after the flossing method applied to the upper limb in the area of the shoulder joint. …”
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Classical German Philosophy as a theoretical source of modern religious studies
Published 2012-12-01“…Hegel distinguished the stages of direct and mediate sorcery. Objectivation of the universal was the third stage; further development would have made a man an instrument of a higher being. …”
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The Meal Delivery Routing Problem in E-commerce Platforms under the Shared Logistics Mode
Published 2023-10-01Get full text
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Nutritional messages in Iranian newspapers: a content analysis
Published 2003-01-01“…Objectiv(s): To evaluate the nutritional messages in Iranian newspapers. …”
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Paradigma Pendidikan Profetik dalam Konsep Pendidikan Ki Hajar Dewantara dan Aktualisasinya di Era Disrupsi
Published 2021-04-01“…As a result, today's generation of nations has experienced industrial objectivation, dehumanization, moral decadence, and self-alignment from its socio-cultural effects as a result of national education that sided with market interests (capitalist and materialist). …”
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Philippe Forest et la tierce forme, ou bien le roman (auto)critique
Published 2018-11-01“…L’article examine aussi le rôle joué, dans ce processus de réécriture sous forme d’autocritique, par la traduction en italien des ouvrages de Forest, lieu possible d’une objectivation de l’écriture pour un auteur s’exprimant toujours à la première personne mais à partir de la mise en question de cette dernière.…”
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Tubuh Perempuan dan Kekerasan Seksual
Published 2023-06-01“…This research focuses on and aims to recover the view of objectivating the female body, which is reduced to merely satisfying male lust, a source of sin, and other negative attachments. …”
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Les «Amériques Noires» de Roger Bastide: un modèle pour une analyse anthropologique des styles de vie
Published 2010-06-01“…Elle fonctionne ainsi comme un miroir grossissant permettant d'objectiver de façon brutale les mécanismes à l'œuvre dans toute société, y compris celles dans lesquelles l'égalité formelle entre individus porte à croire que les écarts entre groupes sociaux doivent tout au hasard.…”
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Mesurabilité des multiples dimensions de la communication interne
Published 2020-07-01“…Alors que la quantification de la réputation des marques et des entreprises s’est développée depuis les années 1990, la communication interne fut jusqu’il y a peu relativement épargnée par ce mouvement d’évaluation et d’objectivation de son efficacité. Depuis plusieurs années, nous assistons toutefois à un regain d’intérêt pour cette question de la mesure de la communication interne. …”
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«Health - disease» Conceptual Sphere: Cultural Code
Published 2021-10-01“…The description of ambivalent concepts provided in the axiological perspective provides an opportunity to learn more about complicated conceptual spheres and explore linguistic experience objectivation, experienced knowledge quantum as well as social and group specifics in the health - disease conceptual sphere.…”
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Stratification scolaire à l’école primaire au Maroc
Published 2022-12-01“…En effet, les élèves issus des couches sociales modestes ou démunies n’ont pas objectivement les mêmes chances d’accès à des établissements offrant des conditions d’enseignement favorables. …”
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Is a Theological Synthesis Still Possible? The Paradigm of Objective Mariology
Published 2023-06-01“…The call for constructing an “objective Mariology” presumes that the autonomy of theology as an academic discipline will be preserved and that theological reflection on the Virgin Mary will be objectivized in terms of both form and content. To meet these demands, one must strive to respect the supernatural purpose and sources of theology as such, and strengthen and develop biblical Mariology as well as the reflection of the Church Fathers. …”
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Correlations among Fatigue Indicators, Subjective Perception of Fatigue, and Workload Settings in Flight Operations
Published 2023-09-01“…This paper describes objectivation methods for data collecting processes regarding flight crew fatigue, using an electronic system of standardized chronometric cognitive tests and subjective self-assessment surveys on the subjective perception of fatigue. …”
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The concept of “impossible communities“ in the perspective of expenditure and ecstasy / „Neįmanomų bendruomenių“ samprata švaistymo ir ekstazės perspektyvoje
Published 2012-12-01“…It is a question of paradoxical communities, from which the objectivization mechanisms (first of all, language and production) are eliminated. …”
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Shared histological and immunohistological findings in two patients with generalized vitiligo associated with autoimmune atrophic gastritis
Published 2022-09-01“…Adhesivity impairment with down expression of E‐cadherin and Coll IV was objectivated. The protruding MITF+melanocytes and the detached PC were surrounded by an infiltrate including CD8 and CD4. …”
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Constructionism as a media paradigm
Published 2018-01-01“…Thus, mass media appear as an infrastructure for the objectivization of different presentations through the process of creating symbolic construction. …”
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Les méthodes d’appréciation du bien-être des animaux d’élevage
Published 1999-04-01“…Bien que le bien-être renvoie directement à la perception que l’animal a de sa situation, il est possible de le mesurer objectivement. Pour cela, plusieurs approches sont possibles. …”
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Cognitive space dichotomy: on correlation of “Knowledge” and “Information” notions
Published 2018-09-01“…The main ways of information and knowledge cross transformations are the cognitive processes of subjectivation and objectivation.…”
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Modern diagnostic methods for early assessment of the abdominal involvement in Schönlein-Henoch disease
Published 2024-02-01“…Ultrasound diagnosis is effective as a first-line screening method in children with Schönlein-Henoch purpura and abdominal involvement, in order to objectivize changes in the small intestinal wall, such as thickening, disturbance of its stratification, and intramural bleeding. …”
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