Meaning modifications of borrowed names in the Process of Discours Types Changing
Published 2021-03-01“…The critical discourse-analysis and semasiology analysis, which implies revealing nuclear, adjacent and peripheral components in the generalized structure of the meaning, serves to identify the basic vectors of the individual meaning objectivation and desobjectivation. This meanings due to frequent objectified use, join the general scientific turnover of the receiving specialized field of knowledge as far the new discourse, and differ from the initial use of conventional initial discourse of the donor-sphere. …”
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The influence of the discrepancies in the observers' decisions on the process of identification of maceral groups using artificial neural networks
Published 2016-01-01“…The results presented concerning the objectivization of the quantitative analyses of coal indicate that modern methods of image analysis and artificial neural networks can contribute to the improvement of these measurements. …”
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Vulnérabilité, aléa, adaptation, résilience : des concepts utiles pour analyser, comprendre et gérer les crises sanitaires en forêt
Published 2023-06-01“…En s’appuyant sur des concepts mobilisés dans le domaine des risques et de la gestion de crise, l’article décrit une démarche pour objectiver les enjeux, suivre et comprendre les crises sanitaires en forêt, pour identifier les aléas en jeu et les fragilités en cause. …”
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Patients Knowledge And Attitudes Towards Infection Control In The Dental Practice
Published 2011-01-01“…Objectiv: This study aims to investigate patients concern and knowledge regarding the cross-infection risk and the infection control methods in the dental practice. …”
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Published 2022-12-01“…L’analyse du LCS avait permis d’objectiver une lymphocytose, une hyperprotéinorachie et une hypoglycorachie. …”
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Konstruksi Sosial Komunitas Pesantren mengenai Isu Radikalisme (Studi Kasus Pada Pesantren Salaf & Modern di Kota Malang)
Published 2017-07-01“…The Construction process could be explained by the dialectical process from Berger & Luckman’s social construction theory consisting of three simultaneous processes: externalization, objectivation and internalization. In the process, the researcher found three types of komunitas pesantren in perceiving radicalism which is contextual moderate and tolerant (as the majority group); fundamental (idealist) and pragmatic. …”
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The impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on crime dynamics in the Republic of Poland in terms of ukrainian refugeeism
Published 2024-03-01“…Objectives The objectiv of the study was to answer the question: what impact has the wave of refugees from Ukraine caused by the outbreak of war on its territory had on the dynamics of crime in Poland? …”
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Política da subjetividade docenteno currículo da mídia educativa brasileira The teaching body subjectivity policy in the curriculum of the Brazilian educational media
Published 2006-04-01“…The here methodology adopted - allowed by the use of Foucaultian analytical tools, such as discourse, government and subjectivation - consists in describing and discussing how the curriculum of the educative media works, and how it objectivates and subjectivates. This study advocates that the subjectivity demanded from female teachers is not built, molded and regulated through the imposition of practices to be followed, butrather through the activation of motivations, desires, hopes and also personal, professional, individual and collective dreams in this subject.…”
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Elementos históricos e filosóficos para a crítica da epidemiologia Historical and philosophical bases for a criticism of epidemiology
Published 1993-04-01“…This abstract notion of environment has opened up increasing possibilities of knowledge of and practical intervention in sanitary phenomena, but has simultaneously restricted the objectivation of the properly public character of these phenomena.…”
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Published 2022-12-01“…L’analyse du LCS avait permis d’objectiver une lymphocytose, une hyperprotéinorachie et une hypoglycorachie. …”
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Quality of life in patients after cystectomy as the main aim while making a choice for the urine derivation procedure
Published 2019-07-01“…With the aim for objectivization and standardization of the QL estimation procedure after reconstructive operative intervention on the lower urinary ways in 1 and 12 mo a social-clinical method of the investigation, basing on questionnaire «Medical Outcomes Study – Short Form» (SF-36), was applied. …”
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De l’individu au politique. L’angoisse comme régime d’expérience
Published 2020-06-01“…However, analysing the manifestations of anxiety implies first of all questioning the conditions of its objectivation in medical discourse but also by the human and social sciences in all their diversity. …”
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Critique phénoménologique d’une approche neuronale de la conscience
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Keterkaitan Jarak Geografis Terhadap Eksistensi Tradisi Pantauan Bunting (Konstruksi Sosial Suku Besemah, Lahat, Indonesia)
Published 2023-03-01“…Second, the process of objectivation through the implementing regulations for the Pantauan Bunting tradition succeeded in legitimizing the existence of this tradition in society. …”
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Semantic Structure of Concept «Macht» in German Cultural Studies: Psycholinguistic Aspect
Published 2018-10-01“…These phraseological units objectivize all maim concept slots, such as «Action», «Object of Power» and «Subject of Power». …”
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Insertion vélamenteuse du cordon
Published 2014-09-01“…Une échographie obstétricale a été pratiquée objectivant un placenta antérieur loin du col et une image oblongue rappelant le cordon ombilical interposée entre la présentation et l’orifice interne du col (Flèche). …”
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Treatment methods for patients with psychosomatic illnesses
Published 2022-06-01“… Introduction Psychosomatic illnesses correspond to physical symptoms (with or without objectivable organic lesions), that psychological factors such as stress and personality type, would have a potential effect on their appearance, evolution and / or worsening. …”
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Typification of Fixations of Oculomotor Reactions in the Perception of Addictively Significant Stimuli by Patients with Alcohol Dependence
Published 2023-08-01“… <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>The relevance</strong> of the study is due to the need to search for objectivizing methods for identifying signs and manifestations of dependence, both for diagnostic purposes and for the purpose of assessing the effectiveness of the rehabilitation process at its various stages. …”
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Preoperative exercise therapy preventing postoperative complications following complex abdominal wall reconstruction: A feasibility study
Published 2021-01-01“…A randomized controlled trial needs to be conducted to objectivate the effect of PExT to prevent pulmonary complications and to reduce LOHS in this population.…”
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Les anomalies du fond d'éil au cours de la phase chronique de la maladie de Vogt Koyanagi Harada
Published 2014-04-01“…Les lésions cicatricielles du fond d'éil à la phase chronique du VKH sont fréquentes et variables : Dépigmentation diffuse du fond d'éil avec Aspect en coucher de soleil(ou Sunset glow fundus), les cicatrices nummulaires atrophiques, migration et condensation pigmentaire, et fibrose sous rétinienne, Nous rapportons le cas d'un patient âgé de 40 ans suivi pour maladie de VKH avec une mauvaise compliance au traitement, avec un examen du fond d'éil objectivant une dépigmentation diffuse du fond d'éil avec des lésions nummulaires d'atrophie choriorétinienne (figure 1A), des migrations pigmentaires au niveau de la macula responsables d'une baisse de l'acuité visuelle (Figure 1B).Ces différentes lésions cicatricielles pigmentées décrites au cours des phases chroniques du VKH sont d'intérêt capital dans la mesure ou elles pourraient surtout aider au diagnostic rétrospectif de la maladie.…”
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